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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Being not from America I am not sure how that scene show Eastwood character racism here ? The movie feel a bit like it used ctrl-c, ctrl-v on that script by moment and didn't much effort most of the time, but from very experienced hands of someone that know what actually matter for a movie to work and what notes to hit. Despite the overall mediocrity, it kind of work, the legs proving it, really a 5/10 type of affair.
  2. Maybe unofficially but it would probably not hold in court: https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=ebf92549-0785-47d8-829e-495eaa35ecce The contracts purported to limit Trejo in playing vigilante characters in other films or appearing in films “similar” to Vengeance, and imposed a term of “at least” eight years on these (and other) contractual obligations. The contracts also (ambiguously) paved the way for Medina/ITN Flix to recover as commission part of the proceeds of the commercial exploitation of certain rights. First, Section 16600 maintains that “[e]very contract by which anyone is restrained from engaging in a lawful profession, trade, or business of any kind is to that extend void.” Non competitive close are really limited in scope and time and need to be really clear usually and tend to about bringing clients/knowledge acquired from an employer to a direct competitor, would be hard to apply that to an actor.
  3. The best one among them are those who paid for a ticket.
  4. Yeah I doubt the majority of a Dune Villeneuve movie audience know how she is, let alone think she is overexposed. I mean she has been in 2 movie ever and small roles....
  5. In general it could be fair to say that the people that took the decision (very often after many audition and filmed test footage with the makeup/costume) that know way more about the projects and the performer are much better judge than outside observer. Specially when they are not big names casted (usually meaning they saw hundreds and tried 10-20 people for the role), one should consider trusting Villeneuve judgment much more than is own at this point. Same would go for the x time people go one about some Nolan casting, would it be Ledger, McConaughey or the pop star in Dunkirk, at this point just assume he known movies and what is doing more than you when you doubt is decision, enough to wait and see at least.
  6. The chain letter groups also did. Angry pigeons were sent to the Warner Brothers castle and the pony express skipped some of is stop.
  7. Yeah, I imagine the person at varierty let ask 2 person of the industry: Does a giant director got is usual at leat 10% participation on this movie ? - Suppose he did yes, if not 15%+ Calculate only what he will make from the theatrical rental bonus and not for the rest of this movie lifetime and write and article about it
  8. Strange thing to say of the director of Maelstrom, Incendies, Un 32 août sur terre, Polytechnique, Sicario and Arrival. Not sure if even half of is movies had a male lead.
  9. Sentence tend to take chance to redo the crime in the future strongly and character flaw into account, that why premeditated version of the same crime will have harsher sentence for example. If your crime have a motivation that will still exist in the future and not exceptional for the situation, chance you will redo it are stronger, you are a bigger risk for society and get removed from it longer.
  10. Well no, it was much bigger than that, he got Interstellar role because Nolan saw an early screening of Mud made at the start of the McConnaissance (2011). McConnaissance was that almost perfect streak of movies (that was overall raising in scope and quality) 74 Interstellar Nov 5, 2014 Cooper / Cooper 8.5 75 The Wolf of Wall Street Dec 25, 2013 Mark Hanna / Mark Hanna 6.8 84 Dallas Buyers Club Nov 1, 2013 Ron Woodroof / Ron Woodroof 8.2 76 Mud Apr 26, 2013 Mud / Mud 8.1 45 The Paperboy Oct 5, 2012 Ward Jansen 5.7 62 Killer Joe Jul 27, 2012 Killer Joe Cooper 6.6 72 Magic Mike Jun 29, 2012 Dallas / Dallas 6.0 75 Bernie Apr 27, 2012 Danny Buck Davidson / Danny Buck 7.3 63 The Lincoln Lawyer Mar 18, 2011 Mickey Haller 7.4 With True Detective Season in the mix.
  11. If it was because of injury and the time to announce the new date was because they were trying to get a great weekend for it (and they achieved to do so), it is really not a sign of anything. Has for the performance WW of 150M to reach, this has a giant advantage to pretty much everything else, from the James Bond people and soft connection going on, in many market that could change awareness and what not by a huge amount.
  12. Genesys was 158.5m gross with a 32m tax credit from Louisiana (and I imagine maybe some other in others jurisdiction). James Cameron or not getting involved could change the budget requirement between movies (and going higher with it), but I would also extremely surprised by those 250+ figure
  13. I would imagine that if Disney and Blunt wanted to do a Poppins number that it would be in there........ One could imagine they asked her, same for a Gosling/Stone duo La la land year.
  14. That because of Scorsese really not wanting to have any studio involved during production sure, but look what Tarantino and Iñárritu got, I would imagine Scorsese would have achieved to get a theater release with a package that work. Anyway like I said, I doubt it is 100% on the same tier yet than in theater movie release. So it never was a choice made to be on it or not relative to is quality/business potential looking at the final result, that was from the start.
  15. If Scorsese had DiCaprio for is movie, he could get the big money, the no studio intervention during is shooting and the theater release like he did with the 100m Wolf Of Wall Street. Wasn't that a Netflix production ?
  16. People with actual skin in the game seem to agree with you on that one: https://www.oddschecker.com/awards/oscars/best-picture https://www.oddschecker.com/awards/oscars/best-supporting-actor Would still be surprsing to hear DiCaprio follow up is on Netflix, it is still second rate and will still be has long has they buy stuff that were not good enough for theater and people have some, not even good enough for Netflix ? reflex come up.
  17. With those one studio do intl one studio do domestic kind of deal, it is usually not a lot of itnernational markets pre-sales type of financing. But cost split, revenue split kind of deal.
  18. 38.32M for Glass FSS is below split 40m start, despite 3.7M preview instead of 2.0M and an Monday holiday to help Sunday holds. Give a preview of how more frontloaded it could end up.
  19. It is absolutely incredible in many ways and worthy of a win, but in some other ways it feel like the actor does not believe he is playing a good person (and outside the very rare exception everyone think of themselves has a virtuous person so did Cheney I would imagine), something you never felt with Ganz Hitler for example.
  20. From what I remember he was a father figure for the main characther, when he was in the first younger version of himself story (the beach character)
  21. I was certain that Wall-E was nominated.......... mixed up with Toy story 3 and Up made it around that time. I think that like for foreign language it is much harder, but they still have a shot, a Roma type of reception could get through, but like foreign language the bar is that much higher.
  22. Not sure what you mean by that, Wall-E is an extremely iconic 95 on Metacritic just out of the 10 most acclaimed movies by critics of this century (and featuring an long homage to silent era cinema): http://www.theyshootpictures.com/21stcentury_allfilms_table.php 1 1 In the Mood for Love Wong Kar-wai 2000 Hong Kong 97 2 2 Mulholland Dr. Lynch, David 2001 France 147 3 3 Yi yi Yang, Edward 2000 Taiwan 173 4 4 There Will Be Blood Anderson, Paul Thomas 2007 USA 158 5 7 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind Gondry, Michel 2004 USA 108 6 5 Caché Haneke, Michael 2005 France 117 7 6 Tree of Life, The Malick, Terrence 2011 USA 139 8 8 Spirited Away Miyazaki, Hayao 2001 Japan 124 9 9 Tropical Malady Weerasethakul, Apichatpong 2004 Thailand 118 10 10 Brokeback Mountain Lee, Ang 2005 USA 134 11 12 WALL-E Stanton, Andrew 2008 USA 98 Not sure what you are implying by that choice made by the Academy.
  23. Different group of voters too, director branch can be a bit of is own animal (i.e. maybe a lot of the people that voted for the movie did put it high and thought of it as great, they are not just voting for best director nominations) Hard to know (arguably quite impossible), not long ago Argo won best picture while the directing branch didn't felt it was in the top 5.
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