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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Lot of the previous entry business came from crazy legs. more than 3.1 with that A cinemascore that 524.4 global opening (that was an all time record at time). Even if reviews do not affect the opening maybe it will predict weaker legs and a bad buzz building up before it reach the domestic market. It is more using them has predictor of the word of mouth than thinking that the family audience and fanbase will care about those not so bad reviews that much.
  2. I would imagine David Heyman gained the liberty to pick is director a long time ago at WB (being producer of the Paddington, I suspect it was is pick).
  3. I would imagine they are fully aware, but why say no to their proposition as long as they make money ? I imagine they are not studio pitches, and them wanting to work together.
  4. Do you think he suggested that the review embargo was lifted but that the interest for the movie was so low that no films critics bothered to write a review ?
  5. With Warner Brother it is not an easy call, Game Night I think also released it's embargo only 2 days before release recently, well a long list of well received movie from them got those extreme late embargo. Not a good sign for sure too, just not obligatory a bad one because of the studio.
  6. Could go either way, it could go just below the threshold on being interesting/spectacular enough to go see it in theater for many people or go just above.
  7. I loved that movie quite a lot and for having watched some of those with my academy voters aged parents (and that one), I can see why it would won. Good production, high emotion, ultra crowd pleasing for old audience movie it has good chance to win. The country standing up to Nazi Germany (almost alone at one point) in the background does not hurt either. The best middlebrown candidate like Gittes pointed out has a good chance. But for once they when pretty much with audience favorite movie of that year (A+ cinemascore) incredible legs, 400m box office, etc... The reason audience loved it so much is mostly the same why voters did.
  8. When the dog actor died it made the "news" quite a bit, 2 year's ago maybe ? Probably impossible to not remember the Artist.
  9. I would assume that marketing influence opening weekend much more than the legs. It didn't do particularly well oversea neither, we are talking here one of the biggest franchise of all time, talk at someone that worked in a book store around those year's how crazy it was: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_best-selling_books Above Hunger Games, Life of Pi, Gone Girl, Girl on a Train type of success: Book series Author Original language No. of installments First published Approximate sales Nijntje (Miffy) Dick Bruna Dutch 119 1955–present 85 million[205] Millennium Stieg Larsson, David Lagercrantz Swedish 5 2005–2017 85 million The movie got a nice 100m marketing budget, the swedish small budget version of those movie could do 100m WW, the Fincher great reviews 5 oscars nomination with a near 140m budget (111m net) with movie stars barely beat it oversea. There were even story of Fincher making razor blade thin marketing material to be ship to movie theater that didn;t pass basic security test: A source says Fincher also had the studio create metal, razor-blade-shaped one-sheet materials for the film that cost hundreds of thousands of dollars to produce but were not suitable for display in theaters. It did loss money adapting one of the biggest book franchise of all time, with quite the good movie (as show by the legs you are pointing out), it is normal for the studio to blame the very strange marketing strategy Fincher forced on them (and also some of the strange costly decision he made, like apparently developing a technology for the CGI snow that create all unique flocks). He did loose some of that I decide and have final say for the movie release marketing power after that.
  10. Are you suggesting we doubt real people love cash grab or that commenting on that nature is insinuating it will not do well financially ?, that generally the complete opposite, Emoticon and Angry Bird were giant success.
  11. That and one of the biggest movie franchise + comedy genre + heist genre, there is certainly at least 4 other non Bullock factor helping it performance, not including the giant studio release marketing.and the massive over 4,000 theater count.
  12. Even if say Detroit would have been closer to the manifestation would it have made more.... Like you said if it is too close it could even push people away. I think we would hard pressed to find example of movie social relevance timing having big impact on it's box office.
  13. They all did by now, the auteur concept that predicted that every Micheal Bay movie will make will be better than Casablanca and the long list of non-auteur studio movie product have been proven wrong a long time ago, no one believe that every other auteur movie will be at least more interesting than every non auteur movie, since the auteur movement took place. That is a total strawman. I will guess you will not answer to this message because you either had no idea what auteur mean to start with (the way you call someone like Rian Jonhson an auter as if JJ Abrams or Bay were not much more auteur than him seem to indicate that) or have no actual thought throught point here and just spout stuff that sound brilliant and strawman a position no one actually has.
  14. I think empire is being heavily sarcastic here or maybe not... hard to tell with is terrible general attitude and heavy what seem like Disney bias.
  15. Could be in general (Nolan probably did more for that), but could have been about Spider Man he was particularly uncool and on the nerd side no ? Him trying to be dancing and being ridiculous was even a plot point. But decrypting Futurist is not easy, I think a lot of time he does not know himself and that why he use sarcasm and short one liners without explanation (there is none).
  16. Really ? Solo, Bond, everything Steve McQueen played is thought of cool. High school nerd/superheroes stuff was certainly not cool in general not so long ago, not sure I would say SpiderMan is cool now either, the Raimi version was all the opposite at least and he moved toward being more cool and the culture changed into it also, but not fully imo.
  17. Ah that young well yes, I would have worried a bit also. I would believe you, the % of people present at something like Cannes that are there for being able to tell other people they are there must be huge.
  18. In my experience people that go see that kind of movie (not opening weekend/movies without big marketing or of a popular genre), rerun, etc... are very rarely annoying.
  19. Thought about live action vs animated for a while maybe ? But.... yeah must be traditional in the sense of before PC/console games, that is quite the stretched PR spin a la solo breaking the record for the second most sales in 24h of 2018....
  20. Leaked sony e-mail usually made a clear distinction between cash and media value: For example: Samsung tried to buy Bond24 with $5M placement + $50M marketing fund, so Eon/Barbara requested Sony $5M placement fee to match Samsung offer to Bond24. If you mean that the P&A in the accounting would include the media value gained by product placement, I really doubt so, that would make no sense and the franchise movie numbers would be much bigger than the non franchise movie instead of staying close because of those.
  21. Yeah that was worded strangely, I meant to say the current hourly (was not the total yet, hours haven't completely came in at that point)
  22. Same for Sony product in sony movies, they still have to pay and match the competitor bid, they just always win it if they match it. And 2015 was a special year for Universal for their slate versus their normals year, that would be very misleading in 2012 they only had Battleship no and 2009 only Fast &Furious?
  23. 007 still get around 10% cash (like your 90% figure), I think the rest get usually more around 0%. There is even some car product placement for quite big movie that still charge the studio if they damage them during the shoot.
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