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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. They get paid by company to promote brand on their social account.
  2. That is true, but to be fair critics took care of this in most case and those movies were not push in the mass media for people to know about them. If a movie they like would get a big mediatic and critical push, maybe it would get that downvote phenomenom: But maybe not: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt2179136/ratings?ref_=tt_ov_rt American Sniper got 3.3% 1/10 downvote crowd, 12k of them. Nothing similar to a 26% wrinkle in time or 17% ghostbuster but not too far from 4.8% Blocker / 4.1% Love Simon / 4.4% Black Panther. About the same as Moonlight 3.7% Being a woman aspect seem to be a really important factor to get that Internet voting crowd going.
  3. Lot of the alt right type business model and monetization seem to be the business of reacting to hardcore SJWs, they create content on almost a daily basis without making much work to create it... It is almost a big react youtube channel at this point.
  4. Maybe the later release date inside the summer than many of those picks and bigger competition among target audience ?, if people were not voting for a top 10, counter programming to those superheroes/star wars movies have an advantage.
  5. Really ? For example you are not watching Dwayne Johnson or Clint Eastwood movie's because they are republican ? Movies have hundreds of people involved making them, it is not a bit ridiculous specially when it is not the director to care about the actual people making them too much ? People do not seem to care about the much more important writer of the movie political opinion than any actor in it for example. I think it could be more because of the Internet, celebrities and artist were much more political in the 70s no ? Mohammed Ali and co., music's, etc... the country was more divided during the Vietnam war than now, what is different is volume caused by the Internet (when you judge Internet type of reactions), when a celebrity talk about something people already did hear/fought about it on the Internet that week.
  6. What you mean, an above 20m second weekend sound good no ? 43-44% drop do not sound bad for this imo, despite having absolutely no competition this weekend.
  7. Yes fandango website give you those info for every sale: Show_datetime State of the movie theater the city A bunch of info for every sales, The hard part is to acquire and save all of them on a platform that is always running. Of those 267 sales I was talking about, starting Thursday the 26: 2018-04-26: 76 (28.46%) 2018-04-27: 78 (29.2%) 2018-04-28: 72 (26.97%) 2018-04-29: 22 (8.23%) and 19 in total post opening weekend (I had missed one I guess), I imagine the very first sales were more for the opening night and that they become more spreadout over time and sell outs occurs (and that will maybe re-become true that day)
  8. Yup the Tuesday bump can make it misleading, but still if compare them to their respective sunday/monday to not penalize Rampage wednesday hold for is better bump: AQP: Wednesday: 2.26 Sunday: 8,971,518 Monday: 2,635,801 AQP wednesday was 25.2% of is Sunday and 85.7% of is Monday Rampage: Wednesday: 1.99M Sunday: 10,325,183 monday: 2,514,147 Rampage wednesday was 19.27% of is Sunday and 79% of is Monday But that do sound normal, AQP has freak type legs with a great -35% second weekend drop, while the other's is a disaster/monster type movies, outside Jurassic Park those do not tend to have those type of legs, AQP is probably not a good comparable to use, they are not even in the same week of their respective release either.
  9. To give an idea of the 267 last Avengers sales on fandango, non first weekend sales: 5 that monday 9 that tuesday 2 that wednesday 1 thursday 1 for 2018-05-08 18 totals (maybe some I didn't saw, but probably very little more than that....) 93% of the sales were for the OW.
  10. Not sure I get what you mean, is it the very premise of her humor and the very premise of this movie about the ridiculous notion that she is not attractive ?
  11. Just create Credit Default Swaps and put them into Synthetic collateralized debt obligation's ....
  12. Today sales, if tracking is accurate Super troopers will probably beat some pre-sales / box office record, Rampage has been relatively low in term of pre-sales vs is box office I think, most if not all is days and in pre-sales, Deadpool in the top 7 already: Avengers 9967 Super Tr 2744 A Quiet 2656 I Feel P 1656 Rampage 1484 Ready Pl 1033 Deadpool 867 Blockers 812 Black Pa 691 Blumhous 420 Isle of 394 Bharat A 381 Chappaqu 291 Traffik 269 Tyler Pe 264 I Can On 239 Sherlock 197 The Metr 132 Beirut 123 The Mira 115 A Wrinkl 105 Love, Si 90
  13. Theater/screen count and marketing budget will be 2 major factor (that do not always work see Live By Night that got huge of both) yes, and non studio will have to choose which movie they will try more than studios. But that choice from theater chain/distributor (for that price level) can be determined in part by how the movie test and the movie trailer test, not just 100% arbitrary completely absent of meritocracy.
  14. STX seem to have a really small tv push has of now: http://variety.com/2018/digital/news/rampage-tops-studios-tv-ad-spending-1202754657/ https://www.ispot.tv/ad/wi59/i-feel-pretty-movie-trailer It play on bravo and seem to target it's audience has well has they can dollar wise, with no review in advance and no budget that seem to be selling on Schumer & the comedy genre pretty much alone.
  15. That was my first thought, maybe their recent market study showed people loved more the idea of a new Denzel action movie when unattached to the franchise then when attached to the franchise ? It did feel like an odd decision to hide Equalizer from marketing (because I too imagine it is not that obvious too many people). At least marketing study when the first movie was studied shown small awareness for the franchise: THE EQUALIZER HAS LITTLE BRAND AWARENESS: The Equalizer has the lowest awareness of all 15 brands tested, with Males over 35 the most likely to be aware of the late ‘80s show and Females under 35 the least likely. However, even though very few moviegoers know the brand, they are interested in seeing a film based upon the title, with interest in a film based upon The Equalizer testing in the middle of the competitive set. Scored a 55 awareness score below AirWolf, with a low 24% big fan percentage among aware. Because according to a study Sony did just after the first one opened, interest for a sequel was quite big (and probably a reason why they made one, that and the monster 200m box office of the first): Based on a study we conducted among some franchises and brands at the beginning of October, not long after Equalizer opened, a VERY strong 45% said they would be definitely interested in another installment in the franchise. Equalizer ranked second among all titles, behind only Jump Street. It was ahead of Bridesmaids, The Heat, Mission Impossible, Beverly Hills Cop and Charlie’s Angels. The 45% definite interest was driven by men 25+ at 53%, followed by men under 25 at 43%, women 25+ at 41% and women under 25 at 38%.
  16. I thought they stopped tracking international all together (comscore does not show it anymore), but mojo still is: FOREIGN TOTAL - 3/8/18 $6,153,517 21.1% $29,202,802 4/15/18 A less than 3 million 7 days week with 2 new market openning that weekend (Poland, Czech republic)..... FOREIGN TOTAL - 3/8/18 $6,153,517 23.3% $26,369,911 4/8/18 Look like it could finish under 34m intl (maybe not maybe Sweden or some market yet to open will do better), that is somewhat impressive for a 100m domestic box office performance fantasy (well anything outside comedy) in a way considering Fassbender The Snowman did 36m. Not that surprising because of the domestic book popularity and some of the cast being specially big in the US (an over 50% domestic was always seen has possible), but still impressively low.
  17. Hum Beauty and the beasts, First Potter (that broke the opening weekend record by 25% after all) Rrevenge of the Sith, could get some consideration, BvS being the only other candidate being reasonable at least if we talk having hype built for 6 month or even year's.
  18. Maybe not, trailers for the first one were so well received that people will kept their guard up regardless of SS2 teaser/trailer quality. Some of the points you listed will not loose relevance, is Oscar never had one, I would imagine comics sales is close to none also (in the sense isn't even the best annual sellers below 400,000 copies ?) I think there is still both a lot of goodwill for those characters and the general concept, but like for Justice League people will half assume the worst until people see the movie, a say just half because of the big asterix of having an different director.
  19. Maybe but maybe not, maybe MoviePass will make it hard to have something that make sense like that 28-30$ a month type of deal, because of them, we already had MoviePass before at a price point that work the only thing they did recently was lowering the price.
  20. Last minutes people were busy making their tax returns Tuesday night ? The regular tax return filing deadline is April 15. However, due to April 15 being on a Sunday and the Washington D.C. Emancipation Day holiday being observed on April 16 instead of April 15, 2018, Tax Day is on the following Tuesday.
  21. They can hire those kind of position for the development phase even sometime with just a development deal with people involved knowing they will not be the one making the movie if it ever get made (leading to trade's reporting movie X lost is director when is development deal simply expired). If the studio had no intention of making it this would not be happening that is true.
  22. 3 little points, with how well it is doing in China is it imposible for it to get really close to a 300m type of number on foreign market ? Has for not breaking even, I really doubt it is possible for a movie like that opening significantly higher than is budget. If Johnson and co. are getting participation bonus and not first dollar gross and if that 120m figure is close to the truth, it is a really good price. It will comfortably double it's budget and much more. Look at this example: http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=elysium.htm Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $93,050,117 32.5% + Foreign: $193,090,583 67.5% = Worldwide: $286,140,700 Real budget was 126m and got a 100m world release and we know that Sony made 20m in profit from this. That genre is a bit different too, even with cast of total unknown and mediocre reviews they can open around that figure, it is not surprising for something that goes less 4 quadrants to open smaller: http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=dayaftertomorrow.htm http://www.boxofficemojo.com/movies/?id=2012.htm Kevin Hart in a comedy is really a giant domestic draw, is Ride Along opened higher than Central intelligence by a good amount and Get Hard made about the same with 33m, not sure among the 2 who was the biggest draw for that comedy domestic. Central Intelligence audience was really diverse. Has for marketing Warner brother around that time could spend a lot on movies like those Look how much they spent on Entourage: http://variety.com/2015/film/news/entourage-three-peats-as-top-ad-spender-while-max-and-insidious-debut-1201515621/ Or Get Hard/Focus: http://variety.com/2015/film/news/mid-year-movie-report-warner-bros-dominates-top-tv-ad-budgets-1201539126/ 1. Get Hard (Warner Bros.): $44.5 million 2. Focus (Warner Bros.): $43.3 million 3. Mad Max: Fury Road (Warner Bros.): $41.8 million 4. Jupiter Ascending (Warner Bros.): $41 million 5. Entourage (Warner Bros.): $40.6 million 6. Run All Night (Warner Bros.): $39.3 million 7. Jurassic World (Universal): $32.4 million 8. Hot Pursuit (Warner Bros.)? $31.8 million 9. Furious 7 (Universal): $31.7 million Would not be out of question if in the US, Central Intelligence was about the same has Rampage in term of marketing, if not higher.
  23. Was it not friday date night heavy that one ? Is first monday was only -55% ? Acrimonie 2018/03/30 2 $7,271,363 2,006 $3,625 $7,271,363 1 2018/03/31 2 $6,140,605 -16% 2,006 $3,061 $13,411,968 2 2018/04/01 2 $3,758,739 -39% 2,006 $1,874 $17,170,707 3 2018/04/02 2 $1,703,903 -55% 2,006 $849 $18,874,610 4 Rampage: 2018/04/13 1 $11,543,321 4,101 $2,815 $11,543,321 1 2018/04/14 1 $13,884,589 +20% 4,101 $3,386 $25,427,910 2 2018/04/15 1 $10,325,183 -26% 4,101 $2,518 $35,753,093 3 2018/04/16 2 $2,514,147 -76% 4,101 $613 $38,267,240 4
  24. New-York comedy club have nothing to do with Hollywood (CK has little to do with Hollywood in general, he is a very New-York guy I think), and that what made Louis CK comeback certain to happen, he does not require Hollywood or anyone with sponsors, he sell ticket directly to is fans from is website and pay to rent the room he book himself.
  25. That true for sharknado maybe it got only critics open to the experience to see it in the first place. But I just checked 10 or so of them for JW on the first page and found 5. I pretty sure I could find easily 50: Mindless fun on top of mindless fun, a one-note work with nothing a all to say, content to hit the same note for 90 minutes straight. This is an achievement on an action level that might not break new ground, but it's an extremely focused and competent crowd-pleaser. [A] blisteringly fun action romp. If you can put up with the constant gunfire and the aggressive score, John Wick offers ridiculous but satisfying action. Overall, Wick is a whimsical, but satisfying shoot-'em-up. Not all of the bullets hit the mark, but that's not really the point. Perhaps all action movies should be directed by stuntmen Exists more or less entirely as a highlight reel of great action choreography. A compact, punchy film without an ounce of flab on it ... It's just a short, sharp, bullet-driven bulldozer of a movie that snaps necks and blows out brains. And I didn't go through the second page of the positive reviews... and not encountered some comments about being deep or the movie being about anything than an excuse for a cheesy fun world in the background and fight choreography (if that is not just dump fun, it become at one point a self-realizing prophecy that being liked by critics make it not dumb-fun, critics loved the 21/22 jump street and Hangover) And I never encountered anyone talking about that movie in any way except being dumb fun.
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