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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Could this be sign of a 2018 +2x% CBO growth against ? Or those are 2 anomalies particularly strong franchise and pre-sales got even bigger than before ?
  2. They make little sense for anyone with an high speed and unlimited data plan to start with (they never occured for PCs for example) the downside to download your game instead of going physical seem hard to grasp while the upside are so obvious (cannot loose them, easy to reinstall all of them on a new machine automatically and so on).
  3. You are right for books, but for movies it is 100% artificial (our physical media when they are not VHS being digital, the file without the physical media could rapidly become exactly the same, the bandwitch and memory being 2 things that got cheaper over time, specially the harddrive size thing), same for extra content being often only on the physical options. Vinyls experience is a different one than the non physical, bluray it is really close. Maybe we will have 100g or even 200gig less compressed bluray than the others options to kept that reality alive for a while, but I doubt they will become popular.
  4. Not sure if it is fair to call resident Evil a domestic US movie (instead of Japan ?) but that one that came close: Total Lifetime Grosses Domestic: $26,830,068 8.6% + Foreign: $285,412,558 91.4% = Worldwide: $312,242,626 China Sony 2/24/17 $94,335,503 59.1% $159,548,686 3/19/17 It did I imagine around 24m-24.5m in the US (dometic is US + canada), that was a 6.6 or so multi.
  5. We will need to wait for Infitiny war 1-2 and Jurassic World 2-3 numbers to see if the nothing except James Cameron can compete domestic with Star wars will not hold (if those 2 franchise sequels never reach 500m, Star Wars will still be seen as having a clear and significant step above eveything else, were the SW sequel are about as big as the other franchise peak even with a mixed word of mouth)
  6. You are probably not alone, there is a cult to them: http://jerrymaguirepyramid.com/
  7. Backlash from the industry started at day one I think.
  8. Wonder if Twitter, Amazon and a list of other co. are not also in that group. Destroying all competition for long enough will almost certainly make them able win and really big at some point I imagine.
  9. It could work, make the theatrical pie bigger so that even with the share going to Moviepass you end up winning (concession sales I imagine being an important part, but someone going to theater many time a month and because it is cheap I will imagine will be the kind to rarely buy any of those cost more than tickets food&beverage). Maybe it can work for both MP and theater (again I imagine they would have preferred their own and exclusive pass at a bit higher price, not having to share anything with MP), The looser here could be all the future windows/netflix of the world and the studios.
  10. To add to this, the current rapid drop of tv ratings in general and even more for awards shows, need to be taken into account for judging the globes... http://variety.com/2018/tv/news/grammy-awards-viewership-ratings-down-bruno-mars-1202680032/#article-comments In addition, the three and a half hour awards show is averaged a 5.9 rating in adults 18-49 and 19.8 million viewers, according to time zone adjusted numbers. Last year’s show drew a 7.8 and 26.1 million, meaning the 2018 Grammys are down approximately 24 percent in both measures. The 2018 Golden globes 13.4% of households: https://www.statista.com/statistics/289834/tv-ratings-golden-globes/ And 19 million viewers more than the 18.7 million of 2016 and just 5% less than the 20m of 2017 look really good in contrast.
  11. Those who can (like Adele, West-JayZ-Beyonce, etc.. Tidal experiment, Swift for a while) still do some sales only windows going on I think and I imagine they fight for exclusive better deal on the platform for themselves. But yeah they have little choice because of the piracy able to reproduce at 100% the experience of buying and listening to mp3 or an album being too strong, they have resigned to loose more than half their revenues. Clearly their plans, trying to squeeze/force industry to give them share of the revenues directly from the theater, without taking any care of the studios business into account.
  12. Sound quite serious: There is no date set for a return to production, and the surgery is said to take five months of recovery time.
  13. Trailer made it look a bit like they could not schedule that cast to really be in the movie together.
  14. I think it is a career type of award, not for the last year.
  15. The big advantage of the Iphones is having non-actor on real locations acting closer to their natural behavior with the absence of a camera/sound recorder/crew (that was a lot of tangerine scene, but I think they used quite big lenses on the phone, making it still a bit unusual to people). Otherwise using an IPhone instead of a better cheap small canon dslr (or the equivalents) feel really like a marketing gimmick.
  16. Maybe, they use a mix of what they did for Moana and what Terrence Malick Pocahontas movie achieved to deal with the language barrier and the weird for modern day age gap. But I imagine it would be in the bottom of the list of projects.
  17. Split will not appeal to the 60 year's old like Get out has. Split was a bit too much made for teenagers/young adult crowd. Critical acclaim are in 2 different category also. http://www.metacritic.com/feature/best-movies-of-2017 #47 Get Out with an 84 MC score Split is out of the top 100 (and out of the top 15 horror/supernatural thriller list) with a 62 MC score http://www.metacritic.com/feature/film-critics-list-the-top-10-movies-of-2017 Get Out is the movie the most featured in the top of the year list Split has many mention but not enough to make the top 25 (Split is almost no one favorite movie of the year) Outside is lead actor performance nothing felt Oscar worthy, it was probably not even watched by most voters.
  18. For the worldwide gross, I know in my market the people doing the local voice did a promo tour in their Simpsons characther for the movie, the marketing was really good and I know fans of the show that went to see it many time, so I would say outside the giant fanbase/franchise strenght explaining the OW it was well received. The Simpsons having been extremelly popular for so long (at least 14 seasons) they built a large fanbase of a wide range age wise.
  19. Has it the potential to be the first billion dollar movie from China ? Or it will be front loaded and only popular in that market ?
  20. I wonder how one (if you are not a teen girl hanging out with them) would have a good grasp on something like that. I mean in 2015, 3 hunger games movies were in the top sellers: https://www.the-numbers.com/home-market/packaged-media-sales/2015 Google trend, Hunger games vs Hobbit vs James Bond: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?date=2011-12-28 2018-01-28&q=The Hobbit,%2Fm%2F0gkz15s,%2Fm%2F010phk22,James Bond Nothing that special. Surprisingly the song still play on the FM radio from time to time in my market.
  21. It's net budget was a bit lower than 90m I think (not sure what that number going around is, clearly not it's gross budget that was over 105m, and clearly not it's net budget that must be below $82m, maybe the first estimate of what the net would be of a 107m movie that was never corrected). They were working into keeping it between 75 to 80m and to transfest everyone into profit participation instead of first dollar gross, even Denzel, in the leaked emails talk and being a Louisiana production we did got feedback on is gross and tax credits a year after release or so: https://fastlane.louisianaeconomicdevelopment.com/Film/FilmSearchDetails.aspx?ProjNum=1Ki2apGQb7wFKtZifVR43A%3d%3d Estimated Total Budget: $107,632,628 Total Granted Tax Credits: $30,318,293 Worst case scenario (sell the credit back to the state 85 cents to the dollar) it did cost 107.63 - 0.85 * 30.3 = $81.875m Best case scenario it did cost (could use all of them) $77.3m And maybe others jurisdiction did chip in with some incentive also a little bit. It was perceived like a movie with a best case scenario of 225m WW but more likely a 85m dom with a 65m intl, from the leaked e-mails: Could you please provide estimates for MAGNIFICENT 7. DBO $85M IBO $65M With a studio ok with the profits with that scenario, that did a bit over that with worst than expected exchange rate (in part because they overperfomed in South Korea having cast a local star in the movie). Using a 79m net budget that movie not only doubled it at the box office for a genre that do well with home entertainment audience, but was very domestic heavy, a nice small success. The Denzel business is a very safe one (how is movie end up doing vs what studio expect is pretty spot on) but a low margin one (those 2 things tend to go together, safer it is lower the upside people will accept to invest in it)
  22. Movie for the cinephile crowd and not family/date night out like Oscar seasons one would be a good first one to do it, they do not feel like loser for going by yourself movie, but people with casual moviegoing friend going by yourself movie. (and when you will get older you will develop a bit of insurance/less fuck giving)
  23. This if you read Sony leaked email talking about that project, the movie overperformed a little bit according to many exec expectation, many saw 80-85m dbo and the usual Denzel intl ratio.
  24. Deadline was speaking about a planned low $15m back in the days of the acquisitions: http://deadline.com/2017/10/hostiles-christian-bale-byron-allen-entertainment-studios-scott-cooper-rosamund-pike-ken-kao-oscar-season-launch-1202181081/ This deal took time to coalesce — the film reportedly carries a budget in the $50 million range, and word is this deal comes with a P&A commitment in the $15 million range.
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