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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. They made less on Skyfall (57m) than on Grown Up (71.4m) or Superbad (88m), Skyfall was not really a Sony movie like those 2. There largest Sony profits in recent history are Spider Man 3: $188m (that $154m in bonus and Marvel share did hurt that bottom line quite a bit of that $340m gross margin) Vinci code: $178m ($130m went away in bonus to the big names of the $310m gross margin) I would imagine Spider 1-2 were above that by a big amount but they were not in the leak. Has for most profitable ever, I imagine it could be in consideration, but the first 2 Spider-Man depending of how much wetn to Marvel obviously, but those merchandise and dvd/vhs sales were nuts: http://www.heraldtribune.com/news/20021105/spider-man-repeats-success-in-video-and-dvd-sales-rentals The release of “Spider-Man” on DVD and VHS eclipsed other movies as the comic book web-slinger snared $190 million in three days of retail sales this weekend. That is one market and the margin to the studio were the best (for dvds), 2004 was arguably the peak to make money in the domestic market, not even adjusted (that was a 28.5b home ent market, around 42% ! bigger than today if we take inflation into account)
  2. Blu ray player interact with TV/Sound system that update/change over time and the content encryption technology / menu player ability available on the disc evolve. Look at HDMI evolutions: http://www.audioholics.com/hdtv-formats/understanding-difference-hdmi-versions Now you can have ethernet on your HDMI cable, they can open/close your tv when you open/close your player's etc... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H.264/MPEG-4_AVC#Versions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/H.262/MPEG-2_Part_2 I would imagine some of your disc used (for the menu or actual audio/video files) more recent codecs/capability than your bluray older version. Has for the license part and update ? Not sure what you mean by that, in Canada we do not have issue like that, 10 year's old PS3 still play blurays just fine.
  3. I had that feeling watching it for the first time last year, what would be the chance for a movie like that to not be a big flop today ? Humor is almost 100% absent, very complicated dialogue heavy plot.
  4. Hum 2 2017 favorites with such nice craft, hard to pick, will need to rewatch It Come at night one day and it could take the lead, but red door stuff/ending felt like a weakness in theater, so picking mother! for now.
  5. As an audience member with theater ticket being all the same cost, give me the bigger budget you can ? We would loose a lot of spectacle, sets, locations and go to very confined story if others franchise starter were able to be so economical, while gaining I imagine a bit of creative freedom into that more limited sandbox for some involved.
  6. Not sure what you mean by that, Hollywood tend to be extremelly pro US military and even more on the troops themselves: https://medium.com/insurge-intelligence/exclusive-documents-expose-direct-us-military-intelligence-influence-on-1-800-movies-and-tv-shows-36433107c307 EXCLUSIVE: Documents expose how Hollywood promotes war on behalf of the Pentagon, CIA and NSA Even when Hollywood think they are manipulating the military for their source (say zero dark thirty) it end up that it was the other way around, the military manipulating filmmakers and doing active propaganda for themselves: These documents for the first time demonstrate that the US government has worked behind the scenes on over 800 major movies and more than 1,000 TV titles. That level of access (to source and props) continue because of how good Hollywood is for them, it is rare you see an studio movie that say that each solider should be ashamed.
  7. Was a bit surprised by how littler counter example I was able to find looking at that list: http://www.imdb.com/search/title?title_type=feature&release_date=2014-01-01,&genres=action&certificates=US%3Apg_13&sort=user_rating,desc&page=1&ref_=adv_prv Almost everything are sequels to start with obviously (Is Mission Impossible already have some nostalgia factor in it ? I think quality is there to say it would easily have got 70% without it too)
  8. He had 41.1m with a really inexpensive cast: https://fastlane.louisianaeconomicdevelopment.com/Film/FilmSearchDetails.aspx?ProjNum=gd8s2vFuLO%40klCT07kc3DQ%3d%3d It was good, but the tricks used because of the limited resource did show in the script quite a bit (a lot of footage was the same setting if I remember correctly)
  9. No a terrible one to use. It will be an exception and not something to compare movies too, it had both a small depressed OW that started on a Wednesday and a Christmas release, chance are that we go an other decade without legs like those for an over 2,500 theater wide release.
  10. If you know the trick it will be easy http://www.boxofficemojo.com/alltime/weekends/month/?mo=12&sort=percent&order=DESC&p=.htm Point Break in 2015 I think
  11. Outside the OW that still show extreme high and special enthusiasm, it is true, nothing to celebrate (maybe Brazil and some particular market ?), at least not in general. No way that WW drop (at the BO and merchandise/video games) is not in the lower side of the expectation scenarios on Disney accounting sheet and in the positive side. That said there is such a giant gap between a flop and a below-mediocre performance for the Force Awaken sequels.....
  12. Not that good for the genres to achieve success I think you are right (even if it's critical reception would be more than good enough in many other genre), in the sense a more commercial genre can achieve success with a 7/10 type of reaction and no award attention, a slow burn western has a much narrower landing strip and need to deliver way more to have any chance to do just the opening weekend of a mediocre super heroes movie in is total run worldwide.
  13. The revenant had a Wolf that cut fire running around too that was cut in a weird positive loop, it was a very special exception imo. If we look at recent "western" in the last 10 year's with a performance that would worked or close too Magnificant 7, Revenant, Hateful 8, Millions way to die in the west , Django, Cowboys&Aliens, True Grit, Rango, Lone rangers Except for the Revenant they were all humors heavy (even if it was in the tarantino darker ways for some) Serious Western, 3:10 to Yuma, Assassination of Jesses James (so even great one with Brad Pitt), Appaloosa, etc... are usually not touched by studios for a reason, they are an extremely hard sales, you need to go back with Brokeback Mountain before The Revenant for a successful one at those budget level. A bit like the Spy genre, better have the giant franchise (Skyfall) or humors in it, otherwise it is a really thought sales now a day.
  14. The word is quite used in many strange way all around the web, but using flop for a movie that appear on that list: Rank Title Studio Worldwide Domestic / % Overseas / % Year^ 1 Avatar Fox $2,788.0 $760.5 27.3% $2,027.5 72.7% 2009^ 2 Titanic Par. $2,187.5 $659.4 30.1% $1,528.1 69.9% 1997^ 3 Star Wars: The Force Awakens BV $2,068.2 $936.7 45.3% $1,131.6 54.7% 2015 4 Jurassic World Uni. $1,671.7 $652.3 39.0% $1,019.4 61.0% 2015 5 Marvel's The Avengers BV $1,518.8 $623.4 41.0% $895.5 59.0% 2012 6 Furious 7 Uni. $1,516.0 $353.0 23.3% $1,163.0 76.7% 2015 7 Avengers: Age of Ultron BV $1,405.4 $459.0 32.7% $946.4 67.3% 2015 8 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 WB $1,341.5 $381.0 28.4% $960.5 71.6% 2011 9 Frozen BV $1,276.5 $400.7 31.4% $875.7 68.6% 2013 10 Star Wars: The Last Jedi BV $1,270.6 $595.6 46.9% $675.0 53.1% 2017 And still growing (will probably end up number 9 outside a surprise over 1,341 for number 8) is one of the strangest I have seen. Specially consider how strong domestically and no China BO in that WW numbers : Rank Title(click to view) Studio Lifetime Gross Year^ 1 Star Wars: The Force Awakens BV $936,662,225 2015 2 Avatar Fox $760,507,625 2009^ 3 Titanic Par. $659,363,944 1997^ 4 Jurassic World Uni. $652,270,625 2015 5 Marvel's The Avengers BV $623,357,910 2012 6 Star Wars: The Last Jedi BV $595,556,584 2017 7 The Dark Knight WB $534,858,444 2008^ 8 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story BV $532,177,324 2016 9 Beauty and the Beast (2017) BV $504,014,165 2017 10 Finding Dory BV $486,295,561 2016 All the movie above it domestic are considered for good reason all time great run (even some below it like TDK)
  15. Always a bit dangerous to judge choice in hindsight of result (we are always influenced by them, when we should only use information known at the moment of the choice to use them), but look at is filmography since 2009 (so choice made since 2008) you could be sadly right. Doing a 140m After Earth movie (giving away first dollar gross to make it happen) and not playing the lead in Django do feel like a 2-punch combo that really did hurt is career quite a bit. But he still has a giant world awareness and could still easily turn it over I think, one issue is I think is audience having a bit of an hard time to accept him in anything else than is very charismatic self, even when he play "bad guys" like in suicide squad or Bright, he still (or we project on is character) go back to is funny loving self. Could be the consequence of not having a Training Day type of output early on, when he always wanted to have the biggest movie on earth on every movie he do or just bad luck when he got out of that persona (Ali was quite good, didn't broke out for some reason). Will see if it will happen the same to Dwayne Johnson, him starting is career much older maybe will not have time to wear audience out because he play always the same characters or maybe he will evolve.
  16. Not sure it necessarily need quality (or if it will be down to that, much), it is a genre that can get away and get fantastic result even with one of the worst blockbuster ever made, Suicide Squad: 2.43x - 325m dbo (not that far from Logan multiplier specially considering the much bigger OW) Like you said even Deadpool managed only 2.74 legs, buzz and OW is pretty much what those movie tend to come down too not any quality, Wonder Woman being pretty much the only recent exception and people will blindly fully expect Black Panther to be good regardless of anything because of the MCU brand track record and will play mostly like if it was even if it is not (people seem to massively already buy ticket even if no one even saw the movie to know if it is any good showing that to be the case).
  17. For having search in the past and not finding it, also interested. If anyone has the Ispottv TV spendings by movies would also be interesting (an other data we see some top 5 but not everyweek and hard to search)
  18. It could be a title hard for trackers to predict correctly (versus say a Thor 3), so a surprise (either way) would not be too surprising for that one, the bank of comparable they are working with is probably not exactly similar. The only thing that seem certain is that it will open high domestic, how high and what the legs will be being the only uncertainty.
  19. I kind of doubt that, admissions is always brought up every time for every movie on any serious platform, maybe on some fan message board/ not specialized about the business ones, but all of those will absolutely bring up those. I doubt anyone remotely serious thought that the dark knight was a bigger box office success, phenomenon, any word to describe a movie than Star Wars a New Hope, E.T. or Gone with the Wind just because it made more at the box office in face value dollar (something meaningless, like comparing how much a movie made in Yen versus one in US Dollars) than them.
  20. You are not alone. Solid craft here even if in at least 2 times the edit did seem a bit off (like a characther teleportating itself in the cut), the camera was very dynamic, a large amount of solid long take with an excellent blocking with actor's seeming at ease with them. Loved the way many elements/exposition was made, like the actual Vietnam opening, the extraordinary nature of stopping a newspapers by the whitehouse and so on. Definitely preferred Spotlight to it, too, that was a 9/10 or more one of the most entertaining movie I ever saw in theater, The Post was more 7.5/10, I felt is theme more over the place and the ending (multi ending) not nearly as good.
  21. It could also be, they are cutting budgets and reduced to creating extremely cheap products, buying content from freelancer that have a near 0 budget to do their works, if spending 0 (time/effort or money) on stuff still get you clicks.....
  22. You can say this about most subject now, creating content from twitter reaction even....
  23. It is extremely well made, with a lot of long take (to go with your strong actors point) and a nice budget for the exteriors sequence.
  24. Or please don't..... The shifting to make movies more and more to the lowest common denominator for all the audience in the world, leaving aside stuff that can insult any audience of any world market or hurt their sensitivity for maximizing the maximum a movie can do worldwide is reducing more and more what filmmaker can do. Star Wars is so big domestic that is one of the few entry outside the lower budget affair that does not need to pay attention to anyone and let creator create. Let artist offer a proposition and people will go on with it or not, trying to please everyone will always end up with offering them vanilla ice cream, specially if you take everyone in the world taste into account, and it is not that vanilla is not really good, just that it will always be vanilla.
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