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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. It did become crazy (specially for new blockbuster), if you often go at the same place and not care to see movie weeks after their release you can probably achieve to time yourself, you can time yourself to sit during the last trailer or so.
  2. I imagine by yes lot maybe even over a million person. Those movies were watched by 10 of millions that is a bit trivial, that would be true for pretty much every sequels. But audience score on RT went from 83 to 67, IMDB from 72 to 66, Letterbox 67 to 58, Cinemascore went from A to A- (and for the second one it was a sequel with fan only in the audience). Rejected is ridiculous, all the metric above are above 50, A- cinemascore is not low even for a sequel, 2.67x legs is not low either for that giant opening sequel, but it definitely didn't show sign that it would stop the usual movie sequels decline. Glee phenomenon also went from is peak in 2011, to lowest in 2015 to the show being gone now. That said: Trailer views: 26.66m Twitter positive index through the roof Perfect counter programming rare direct appeal to woman this holiday season No reason for doom and gloom, it should easily decline, but still do a giant 100-135m domestic and close to 100m intl, the metrics seem to indicate that the franchise fans will be there, what is the indication that the hype is gone ?
  3. 185m to 71.5m while opening in Japan (around 3.8m there I guess). That is 185m to 67.7m or a 64+% drop in is opening market, is it possible that in that 185m figure for the first weekend intl there is a lot of wednesday/thursday to sunday type of figure and pure friday to sunday for the second ? Because it sound very step when considering that some market are not frontloaded at all. I imagine that it is maybe simply China being a large part of that 185m opening.
  4. Only one movie ever got over 100k with more than 6 theater (Precious): http://www.boxofficemojo.com/alltime/weekends/theateravg.htm?page=THTRAVG&p=.htm If he goes over 6 theater I really doubt it has a shot.
  5. PG release that should be in theater during this holiday season early jan: The stars Ferdinand The Man Who Invented Christmas Coco The King’s Daughter The Greatest Showman Pg-13: Permanent Star wars Jumanji Pitch Perfect 3 The Post You are right that the competition will not be particularly strong, studio leaved it to Star Wars. If it reach 150m domestic like a central intelligence a bit boosted I can see 425-450m WW possible, even thought Kevin Hart is an american phenomenom, Dwayne compensate for that intl and the first Jimanji played below 40% domestic in the 90s and Star wars is not a giant monster everywhere either.
  6. Could have be being a bit tired, but below passing grade for me and challenging to not feel asleep during. Could also be that I had an hard time accepting someone else and in a different language that I was used too for Poirot. I do not remember if I ever had seen the movie/tv-movie/something about the "twist" but I started to think that the twist could be that there is just one killer, a misdirection, around 65% in the movie because of how big it was played by moment. The kill me moment felt a bit out of character with how much Poirot love himself and a bit over the top cheesy. Other than that, some of the production felt like it was cgi composition ? Otherwise it had some really nice shot and they did try to make the train setting interesting, the long "one take", the from the sky sequence. Overall good production value. Depp was good and a good choice, good use of starpowers that even if the character disappear early stay easily in the viewer memory, Branagh was solid accent wise rest of the cast didn't impress much but some had really hard over the top stuff to sell. Felt mostly mediocre, below the passing grade, D
  7. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Evil_Under_the_Sun_(1982_film) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appointment_with_Death_(film) There was some older film made in the 30s but only one survived. (Lord Edgware Dies, Black Coffee and Alibi are lost)
  8. Maybe because I am not american and comic books were not a thing where a grew up and didn't even knew they were 2 distinct company before the movies universe started, but it is hard to imagine that many people have a pre form bias or care much if at all about Marvel or DC, outside the comicbook reporting world at least. Would it even be 1% of the total population that care even just a little bit by any of this ? Comic book sales are what 200k/300k for an high sellers ? Just look at WonderWoman reception or the Nolan Batman trilogy reception or the DC video games receptions, that does not seem to fit into a narrative of some big pro Marvel world, anti-DC world.
  9. Fair enough, but how is trailers view low for an original, does original get more views than franchise movies I would have thought the other way around.
  10. From this article: https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/02/24/movies/oscars-state-by-state-movie-popularity.html I imagine they often make those now internally I do not know ?, but has far has I am aware it is rare we see those for others movies.
  11. Do you really find it crazy, you are hard to follow, are you complaining about Villeneuve bringing art movie aesthetic in is big budget movie (or Nolan with Dunkirk, or in the last Apes movie) and complaining about not enough people doing so, with clearcut distinction between them ? I really do not think we are in some ultimate version of it vs say the 1980s, independant movies and studio movie had a much clearer distinction back then, Hollywood vs rest of the world in the 50s/60s, now it is an unclear and muddier affair between those term. How different part of Logan are for example or large portion of Guardian of the Galaxy 2 being a bit plotless than some smaller movies ?, Snowpiercer/The Host can play to an american audience without anything really much different than what they are used too. Comedy/Drama/Action/Romance and so on, most movie are multigenre, almost none are mono-genre. The Revenant/La la land/Gravity all made over 400m, same theme really ? same aesthetic ? knew for all 3 they were Oscar movies 25s into the trailer ?, you make a mono-analysis of a subset of award/adult movies that do not include them, it does not sound serious. You and Johnathan include Social Network, American Hustle, Wolf of Wall Street, Inception, Moneyball, KingSpeech, La la land, Fury, Foxcatcher, Hidden Figures, The Martian, etc... well all of them in the analysis.
  12. Manchester by the sea made 46m at the domestic box office and was popular in rural area, like the Maine, New-Hampshire, Vermont, Nebraska, not really in the megalopoles: Moonlight was popular mostly in the south-east (black population of the US): Black population density: Interesting idea (but that you will just throw and never follow up with an explanation, number, trend, etc... ?) But books never did that, music never did that and they are century old by now. I doubt cinema is close to be niche it is still growing and a 80+b industry a year, go see star wars first weekend this December and look if movies have entered some niche reserved to an highly educated elite population. Cinema will be niche like theater is, when something similar to cinema but easier to consume/more fun will take is place. You would also be surprised how executive level people taste are not necessarily those with the "true art" discourse, those who identify and build value into not sharing the basic vulgar taste than the working man I would imagine do not tend to be elite and rich, those build their value on achievement and would not need that. "Hipstering" is often built on highly educated people, that always perceived themselves has superior without anything to show for it in career, families, etc... and will use subjective sphere like art to go seek that superiority (were they can use their skills) rather than more objective one, not on the successful elite with a long hours, highly paids jobs, those tend to go see only the big blockbuster spectacle affair and watch 2 and a half men on CBS. All the bosses I had in my life didn't had high brown taste, much more the other way around. But who does not, certainly not you writting a long message educating us on what is relevant and art just below, who does not think they know the truth ? Do people that say foreign language movie with subtitle are boring affair that no one really enjoy do not think they are saying the truth ? Are not condescending ? Not intolerant an obtuse ?
  13. They cannot not watch it and gets it (or not get it, they have not watched it). I think that is one element that changed, there is less and less connection between a movie quality and a movie being watched or not (see Suicide Squad vs Whiplash box office) the more the industry become frontloaded and 90% of the box office made in 3 weeks with the first wide weekend making or killing movies we cannot even see an correlation between opening weekend box office and Rotten tomatoes scores, sometime even a small negative one. And if in a year there is 50 movie that are well watched vs 280 that are not well watched eligible for awards and the correlation between people caring about a movies and the movie being good or bad is really low, than mathematics say we will get much more from the group of 280 than from the smaller group of 50 nominated (not only because there is more of them, but it is not a perfectly random sample of the thousand of movie made in a year, they made that small list of movie getting a theatrical release because of their awards prospect quality/festival success and so on). When people watch Manchester they love it (my audience in my theater did), it was a great movie, they just don't watch it. Maybe individual member of the academy are pretentious but has a group it average out to an extremely unpretentious entity (that what happen when you have 7,000 voters of different age and background) any time a non sequel blockbuster is any good, chance are huge they will nominate it and they almost never nominate any foreign or art movies, they are far from pretentious. Cannot name many blockbuster that missed nominations in the last 10 year's and if a Coppola would have made a Godfather movie that ended up being the biggest movie of the year at the box office like it did in the 70s, it would win again in 2018, it is a group that nominated Toy Story 3, actors from Rocky 7, gave an Oscar to Suicide Squad, nominated Blind Side, Hidden Figure, King Speech, Imitation Game, etc....
  14. Why so much more than Atomic Blonde, the humors ( guess that make it possible, but the John Wick's had it, great reviews, very commercial high concept with a comic book universe type background and giant release, even Imax release for the first one without reaching 100m, not reaching 50m on the first one either) ? List of Screen Gems biggest box office ever: The Vow: 125m Think like a man: 91.5m Don't breathe: 89m Dear John: 80m On around 74 screen gems release, only 1 achieved to reach 100m, SGems release often get 25m or even less domestic release marketing budget (never reached 40m) and not the full big studio affair. According to this: http://www.boxofficereport.com/trailerviews/trailerviews.html Proud Mary has not many version of trailers out there you are right, and not a lot of views. Box office pro prediction (pretty much atomic blonde with 10% lower OW but better legs), seem spot on: 1/12/2018 Proud Mary $17,000,000 NEW $55,000,000 NEW Sony / Screen Gems The director London Has Fallen franchise entry did 21.6m / 61m, is first movie went direct on video and has yet to have directed a fresh movie on Rotten Tomatoes and that movie would need to be special to have a shot to 100m.
  15. The movie immediately felt less good than it sounded like from day 1 I think, even thought it is really watchable, but Tom Cruise in this aged extremely well imo.
  16. This and more specially for movie that do not target audience that would talk about it online on film site or very much in general. Low buzz/conversation for a Young adult franchise or a hard Sci-fi release is maybe telling, but for a family movie it is not, so much that some tracker do not even use the unaided awareness in the formula predicting OW, it is movies that people go see without having any clue what it is about, what was the exact release date 2 weeks ago or what is the title.
  17. Someone that wrote a book about trying to predict what could be watch in say 2250, said that Shyamalan The Happening could be a good guess.
  18. If that hold up to be true: 3/5 days recent equivalent weekend: 2012: Twilight: -69.1%, 44m / 64m 2013: Cat fire: -53.1%, 74m /110m 2014: MJay p1 : -53.3%, 57m / 83m 2015: Mjay p2 : -49.3%, 52m / 76m 2016: Fan Bs : -39.4%, 45m / 65m 2017: Just Lea: -55.0%, 42m / 61m Ranked: 2013: Cat fire: -53.1%, 74m /110m 2014: MJay p1 : -53.3%, 57m / 83m 2015: Mjay p2 : -49.3%, 52m / 76m 2016: Fan Bs : -39.4%, 45m / 65m 2012: Twilight: -69.1%, 44m / 64m 2017: Just Lea: -55.0%, 42m / 61m That would be smaller leg than even the extreme frontloaded Twilight that had legs of around 150m...., would it make it hard to reach 255m for Justice League ?
  19. Not so long ago: Did not even needed to wait February ? Tell you the same thing I said to you then, you know there is many way this thing does not win and that why you didn't place a large bet on it.
  20. There some movie with A+ cinemascore on that list (American Sniper, Blind Side 2 of the most loved movie of the 2000's, definitely highly loved outside the Academy) considering how few live action movie achieved that mark over the year's. Some of those got in for the same reason they were so beloved by older audience, it was favorite academy member movies also, taste between older audience and academy member is not that different usually.
  21. At least it is very common to have 2 or more entry nominated in Best Animated Movie that were unseen by the group of voters when they voted to nominate best pictures, so they would not really contradict themselves if one of those win.
  22. Versus many modern blockbuster, you are kind of right: That shot has more epicness and more cinematic value than the final fight scene of SpiderMan or WonderWoman.
  23. Pretty sure you could do it in either direction, every reviewer has a bit of a different rotten bar, some people rate average movie 5/10, some other 6/10 and so on. There is also 2.5/4 reviews rotten for Thor 3 and positive 2.5/4 for Justice league: Top Critic James Berardinelli ReelViews November 1, 2017 Superhero fans deserve better than this. Battles should have heart, danger, and consequences. The conflicts in Thor: Ragnarok are lacking in all three. Full Review | Original Score: 2.5/4 Positive 2.5/4 for JL: Tony Norman Pittsburgh Post-Gazette November 17, 2017 It's not a bad movie, but it is far from super. Full Review | Original Score: 2.5/4 Mathew DeKinder Suburban Journals of St. Louis 2 positive 2.5/4 for 1 negative 2.5/4 on that page: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/justice_league_2017/reviews/?page=13&sort= Would need to be from the same reviewers to be strange, otherwise that is very normal.
  24. That seem like an large exaggeration, release date certainly matter, there is a good reason WB took that juicy pre thanksgiving weekend for JL and Deadpool is not necessarily a good example of no impact of a release date on a movie performance. Deadpool released on a Valentine day weekend and the marketing played with that opportunity a lot.
  25. FB had a close to 40% increase also, not that different If we compare it to sunday and monday, to remove the nice Tuesday that is downgrading relative legs for JL:. MJ2: Sunday: 23,245,556 Monday: 8,540,357 Wednesday: 13,663,451, that 58.7% of Sunday, 160% of Monday, 42% of both FB: Sunday: 18,493,911 Monday: 6,758,059 Wednesday: 10,931,033, that 59.1% of Sunday, 161.7% of Monday, 43.2% of both JL: Sunday: 22,690,920 Monday: 7,508,311 Wednesday: 10,450,000, that 46% of Sunday, 139.2% of Monday, about 34.6% of both That about 20% worst, now does that make it bad, neutral or good, I do not know but it is significantly lower that the 2 last similar wednesday. Those 2 movie legs would have been really good if they were SH movie sequels in 2017 Mj2: 2.747 FB: 3.144 So maybe it is not particularly bad, but JL do not show yet that he would have similar long pre-Thanksgiving leg than those 2 had.
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