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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Mostly because of the large market growth between/ticket price between the first and the last movie. No Potter movie really made more than the very first one, the last one the only to be about that size but still quite far. And worldwide none came close market share wise. 1 Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone WB $499,302,900 $317,575,550 11/16/01 2 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 WB $428,549,900 $381,011,219 7/15/11 3 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire WB $403,415,200 $290,013,036 11/18/05 4 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets WB $401,098,800 $261,988,482 11/15/02 5 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix WB $379,011,900 $292,004,738 7/11/07 6 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince WB $361,407,100 $301,959,197 7/15/09 7 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban WB $358,840,900 $249,541,069 6/4/04 8 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 WB $330,313,400 $295,983,305 11/19/10 Domestic box office went from $8,412.5 to $10,174.3 between the 2, a 121% increase (the same increase than between the 2 movie, 317*1.21 would be 384m). And Potter did in 2001, $403.49m 2011 dollar. There is a couple of difference with Potter and the Avengers, Potter feel much more like you need to have seen the previous movies or read the book to be able to follow them (I could be wrong), Avengers can sustain by bringing new audience from non sequel direct entry like Guardian of the Galaxy, Thor 3, etc...
  2. Just a writer on last Outlaw I think: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Outlaw_(1936_film)
  3. That Flynn movie had more than one director, I think lot of it was Keighley footage. 3 movie a year seem to have been the norm for heavy workload, 6 in the sound era, did even John Ford ever did that ?
  4. This: (5) Murder on the Orient Express 20th Century Fox $1,188,492 +41% 3,152 $377 $76,396,930 19 - (6) Daddy’s Home 2 Paramount Pictures $884,899 +42% 3,518 $252 $74,146,118 19 - (10) A Bad Moms Christmas STX Entertainment $518,511 +58% 2,306 $225 $60,492,653 28 - (8) Lady Bird A24 $500,357 +47% 791 $633 $11,565,915 26 41% does not seem special this tuesday. It will 41% or more for at least 5 of the top 10 movie.
  5. I think he mean if it's run is pretty much over before Christmas and Holiday season box office it will be bad, if it achieve to stay in screens for it it will be significantly better.
  6. Never seen pre-sales numbers, and maybe not for star wars but I would imagine the 2 days before release and Thursday are probably a big proportions of the total sales.
  7. You could find american people calling Julia Roberts a box office poison on this message board, not so sure it is wise to take the words on people on the Internet over a corporation like Disney that bought serious world marketing expert study, they would have not hired a box office poison, specially if she cannot act, that make little sense. Not to be taken for a personnal offense by the poster or to make it sound like I would know anything about China cinema industry, but just a general rules that box office poison is thrown around the Internet for pretty much everyone that ever acted by a least a couple of people. Disney saw thousands of candidate in a very extensive and very long process, chance that the candidate at the end of those does not work are slim, just look at Tom Holland, Gadot, pretty much all MCU/Star Wars casting, etc...
  8. Well yes, I was obviously talking relatively to is terrible OW and the franchise usual ratio.
  9. It was the moment the first weekend estimate of 100m came out and went it went to 93m estimate imo, talk of not reaching 250m started right away on the message board if I remember correctly. 2.68 is not a specially bad multiplier for a a giant superheroes a bit far in is storyline and with he previous entry multiplier. Release schedule and lack of direct competition for a long while made it really possible to make a bit more than 2.7, but it is far from surprising if it does not happen imo.
  10. Isn't it a big difference outside the summer for family/kid type title week days and weekend/holiday days and expecting larger drop for those. Both drop seem in the average expectation zone, the issue with JL is not this monday drop, it is last wednesday/thursday/friday drop, since then they are normal/good relative drop but they carry that bad stretch and does not recover. MJ2: 2.55m FB monday: 2.16m JL monday: 2.1m Beast did 75.86m after that day, if it keep exactly Beast pace and does 73.75m, it will end up with 247.75m (will not be bad under the circumstance), if it continue to loose ground from time to time Hunger games made 80m if it follow MJ2 trend it would finish around 241.7m
  11. I think I get what you are saying, not saying he didn't gave it all and was not exhausted after long days and was not lazy executing what he was trying to do. But if we define the director roles for a story/script like this: Has find storytelling solution to tell that script in a cinematic ways using the tool (blocking, looks, production design, costumes, tone, sound, rhythm and so on), a lot of the hard choice work has been done for him with the previous entry. I imagine we could sound ridiculous for people that have made movies that know how much there is left to do (a bit like people that do not want to talk about their movies idea fearing to get them stolen, versus people that know year's of work it take between that idea and a movie)
  12. Not even sure you have seen it, I have not either, making that conversation just surrealist really, because that movie does not look or feel anything like Moonlight. People disagree that it is a repetitive formula here. Was there even an age difference element in Moonlight, they went to school together.
  13. 5-10% of the population is gay, 0.01% are journalist, calling court room, or journalist a sub-genre and talking about having many of them in the same year if more than 1% of the movies feature them is widely different than for an extremely common sexual orientation, featuring gay character is not really a genre like origin story CBM or noir detective are. Have you at least seen the movies ? And are you at least complaining about Star wars 10 and CBM 25 by the same amount ?
  14. Has for the cash grab thing, because of how much movies in Hollywood have making cash as a goal, it need more than that to distinguish a cash grab than an not cash grab. What percentage of the driving motivator by the main actors involved was simply making moneys, how much everything made was seen under that filter only. Bad Moms 2, San Andreas, if you go read the leaked development world market study that gave us The Angry Bird movies, those are over the gray muddy cash grab line I would think. When the studio was developed by a audience taste expert optimizing what the biggest number of audience ticket buyer want to see. Were the new Apes trilogy movie cash grabs ? Because it fit all those sequels/franchise/money being the main objective, arguably no, someone in the process seem like tried to say something inside that context, enough to not feel purely like a cash grab (even thought the cut of the budget on the last one made it dangerously close imo). Force Awaken was much more than a cash grab, you felt hundreds of people passionate about making lot of money yes, but that would have made much of what they did for free felt almost like, fanboys and fangirls that dreamed to do it. The line is subjective and what matter anyway if does it feel like a cash grab or not, trying to read mind is a dangerous enterprise, so what is a cash grab will change from audience member to audience member.
  15. Recently The Promise: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Promise_(2016_American_film) If you look at that list: http://www.filmsquebec.com/annees/2016/ Many were not made with the primary goal of making money by many of the force involved in the movie getting made.
  16. Not sure the link between that and my message, why are you talking about The Post or CMBYN chance of winning if it is a done deal that 3B has already won ? Or were you not serious when you said that also ?
  17. Aren't they the same age ? From what I heard of CMBYN they sound like completely different movie, a bit like saying 10 movies featuring heterosexual in a row is strange or boring...... Anyway your comment make little sense, it is certain that 3 Billboard will win this year, you said so as recently as last week no ?
  18. Stranger Things 1 was way overlong, but 2 ! Is crazy, both season look like they would have really easily fitted in a 2h movie.
  19. And after a point, it become almost trivial that an old filmmaker making movies for an old audience will appeal to old filmmaker voters, it will be almost out of nature not too.
  20. From the leaked Sony accounting biggest retention rate I remember Sony trying to get was 58%, often not getting it after 2012, getting 53-55% even for their biggest title, Potter according to the leaked WB distribution deal was getting around 56% (but a high 45 to 47% intl if a remember correctly). I can look back in my post, I had James Bond deal by market vs the average annual slate to show a bit the difference between tentpole title and average title. Specialy release like Sony Classic is much lower (can go as low as 35-37%)
  21. Reported is complete run (liked said just above scaling is pretty much of the past): https://www.wsj.com/articles/disney-lays-down-the-law-for-theaters-on-star-wars-the-last-jedi-1509528603 https://celluloidjunkie.com/2017/11/04/disney-can-demand-65-box-office-star-wars-last-jedi/ At least that’s true for “Star Wars: The Last Jedi” according to reporting in the Wall Street Journal which claimed Disney was demanding movie theatres in North America pay 65% of the films box office for every week it plays. Oh… and the movie needs to play for at least four weeks in each cinema’s largest auditorium, otherwise the studio is charging a 5% penalty, bringing their total cut to 70%. Apparently Awaken was 64% so on that aspect not really different it is the others conditions in term in minimum week on the best screens that are more new/extreme.
  22. Depend what you mean, if you mean the subject matter made them feel stuff (thus enjoyed the movie more because of it) it is a certainty, in almost the same way it happen when someone watch a new Star Wars movie. But is the "Why the movie is enjoyed" relevant or possible to isolate for the viewer in both those case (would I have liked that star wars movie without the star wars stuff in it question ?) , you see the same stuff with those DC/Marvel movie every release happen.
  23. Looking at the conversation metric posted the other day, if that comscore metric is somewhat reliable, it look like Fox is spending quite the fortune on the Internet marketing, where that movie audience probably is.
  24. Could be that range yse, Captain Philips made 50m in profit (with 26m to the actor and director in bonus) with a bit smaller oversea performance, for a movie I imagine similar (Captain Philips had a 60m net budget with a 100m world release cost)
  25. It make you wonder if they have more than very little knowledge about anything else they talk about movie wise and it is just less obvious to us that they do not (I would imagine that it is often the case), many of them never made or distributed large scale movies.
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