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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Who is the you in that sentence ? All those franchise does not come from fans, Cleo come Jolie herself having him in her list of director's (with Jean Marc Vallée, yes Québec) and the leaked email saying he was interested, Bond come from Daniel Craig talking about him as a choice and Dune from Villeneuve directly a couple of time ?
  2. Before Jobs all Sorkins movie did 100m WW or more. 6/21 is a bit worst opening but better legs and better total than Jobs, but I think people are downplaying Sorkins appeal a little bit here, we will also see if STX will give it a China release (they bought that market too with the deal)
  3. That is a hard problem, they already indirectly kind of do (bigger movie not being available for movie pass or not right away, bigger movie on the bigger special screen that cost more) and it is always a big risk to cheapen your product. The same goes for shorter movie, there is no theatrical option for a 45minute movie right now, not much double feature, no special rebate either. But they often do it for re-release (that didn't necessitate a new scan), I saw Dark Knight recently and it was much cheaper than a regular new movie, theater chain already tend to give much less to the distributor on small title, so maybe the reduced ticket price for them model has not much margin.
  4. First weekend according to post-track 85% over 25, CBS marketing was mostly toward an older audience live sports heavy marketing, Keaton, genre, CIA, military base, NFL teams, etc... Only 6% were under 18, just 9% were 18-24. While in a year the 18-24 usually buy 16% of the ticket.... 24% for the under 18,
  5. I would imagine also very few if any show with reserve seating for a movie like that, making pre-sales more of an useless concept and probably very low number in general.
  6. From what I understand they made at least one copy of the house, one outside for natural daylight, and other one on a sound stage for every sequence at night time.
  7. 42 million dbo for Battle of the sexes would be great imo (and I think undeniably great), unlike Big Sick it should play a bit more foreign (pure comedy have an harder time), I imagine closer to a 60/40 or even 50/50 than Big Sick 80/20. Do not know the exact budget but they only spent 16.8m in qualified for tax credit below the line in California (the only state they shooted on): http://film.ca.gov/wp-content/uploads/CFC-Approved-Projects-List.pdf With that around 3.5m in tax credit they will get, even if you add 15m in above the line/story right cost, they would stay comfortably below 30m net.
  8. 15m would be good for this, if it get the usual Cruise good legs (excluding Oblivion is movie tend to get good multiplier) and OS/dbo ratio.
  9. In one interview she said that there was only that one scene she did find hard to get back from and that it was a first in her career I think.
  10. Hard to imagine what kind of movie she would ask more for (outside some HG sequel scenario) or how much "revealed" mean here... THR surveys the salaries of the entertainment industry, ? Ok yes it is some form of: Sources say Ridley Scott received $10 million to $12 million up front for Alien Do not take those stuff too seriously, it is probably asking a small group of people with some industry knowledge to estimate what people made. One think that rarely seem to sum up in those type of list is: On cable, the Game of Thrones cast each make about $500,000 an episode, Then when you see the rumored budget by episode of Game of Thrones they seem very low with everyone asking how does movie cost much more than them....
  11. Bit surprised by how well Apes 3 is doing in China, just an other example in a long list of me not being good at all to predict that market.
  12. Kind of @Valonqar camp on District 9 (maybe less extreme), but at the time I remember having wish they would have stick with the mock-documentary genre for all the movie, the transition did seem strange and unjustified, loved the beginning and concept but dragged in execution.
  13. How does the title / conclusion ('Mother!' Director: My Movie Flopped Because Americans Reject Science) match the interview quote even just remotely: It's scary when you talk to the people who are studying this and thinking about this and then you have other people who basically believe in the power of a iPhone that they can communicate to 35 million people in a blink of an eye, yet they don't believe in science in other ways. You know, which is as proven as gravity at this point, really. It has as many people believe in it as believe in gravity. And it scares me and it's time to start screaming. So I wanted to howl. And this was my howl. And some people are not going to want to listen to it. That's cool. What's interesting about that is, like, how if you walk out of this movie are you not going to give it an "F?" It's a punch. It's a total punch. And I realize that we were excited by that. We wanted to make a punk movie and come at you. And the reason I wanted to come is because I was very sad and I had a lot of anguish and I wanted to express it. There is not even a close link between what he said and the movie flopping because Americans reject science in any way..... That movie really created strange click-bait material (and people believing an headline like that, from website like those is almost a form of test of what they want to believe at this point, it is impossible than someone in 2017 is not aware of the concept of made up click bait headline...)
  14. Yes second biggest TV spending last week: http://variety.com/2017/digital/news/the-lego-ninjago-movie-tops-studios-tv-ad-spending-1202569978/ And the trailers is having really great metric: Just behind “The LEGO Ninjago Movie” in second place: Universal Pictures’ “American Made,” which saw 883 national ad airings across 41 networks, with an estimated media value of $4.31 million. Notably, this ad has the best iSpot Attention Index (113) in the ranking, getting 13% fewer interruptions than the average movie ad (interruptions include changing the channel, pulling up the guide, fast-forwarding or turning off the TV). Already above 15m a week before it's release, nothing giant but in line with that type of movie (maybe a bit above, because the trailer is playing really well, must be tempting to increase is presence).
  15. I think prints is a distributor expense and just loan to the theater usually, that why studio had a P&A (print and advertising) expense for their movie distribution. I would imagine that the studio get most of them back and send them around to other theaters over time.
  16. Could have easily been digital. A print + is shipping can come up at around 2,000$ by screen. Spider Man 3 for example domestic prints budget was 27.1m, openned in 4,324 theater, say 3 screen by theater average (with replacement, etc...) and it was $2,089 by screen.
  17. Set with kids are under heavy control, always an assigned guardian (if the parent themselve is not on set), the amount of hours by day you can work with them, etc... Even Cameron will not work with kids like he do with adult on a MPAA studio set, it is just impossible.
  18. I think we underrate what he did in this, he is working perfectly under is limitation but he also transform quite well (at least physically) between is video game avatar / weak human self, lot of good work went into this.
  19. The audited Louisiana state has a gross budget of 66.57m, matching that 54m net nicely: https://fastlane.louisianaeconomicdevelopment.com/Film/FilmSearchDetails.aspx?ProjNum=%2f%40eBPloxaWa5psJmkB6BdQ%3d%3d Mojo is really a last recourse source for budget (wikipedia tend to be much better), it is just a guy simply writing anything they hear I think and usually not correcting the number when better information become available.
  20. He still is in many market imo, look just how much more American Made (already over 60m) will do versus American Assassin/War Dogs (43m) for example. He is obviously not prime Tom Cruise level of draw (no one is right now), nor does movie like those could do box office like they did anymore. Even with DiCaprio those movie have no shot at number one (even top 5) movie domestic of the year like they did back then. Domestic it is more iffy, outside comedy drawing power on the domestic market is less and less obvious and Cruise declined quite a bit and he is middle of the pack at best now in drawing power, but he is still a draw imo, Jonah Hill is clearly one and he did 14m with War Dogs.
  21. My guess was not bad: Look like it was at least planned has a 66m gross budget, net could be a bit under 56/57m
  22. Yes they probably would (see Kubo, voice acting/motion capture can still be criticized), but that is not something specific to avatar (if they are motion capture actor), but something more generalized. Suicide Squad very diverse cast is probably a better example of what you mean (we will need Avatar 2 release to judge is coverage)
  23. Isn't that really giant (if we are talking about a preview OD), like over 3.5m in preview in SK ?
  24. Diversity in motion capture part is rarely celebrated, no ? For any movie.
  25. Do you think they are making all those sequels to non profitable movies ? The Jason Statham movie business is more of a home video one (they are somewhat close to direct to video movie in some ways): https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/movies/2016/08/23/why-is-there-a-mechanic-sequel-jason-statham/89110234/
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