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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Not sure about that (the so bad part), a very small oligopoly that play game perfectly to each other like they are doing can have their benefit as well, I could imagine that the CBM war has a lot of fun, create a lot of the content online for free for them, participate to people fun and keeping the buzz hot. They certainly want a Marvel movies monopoly too and to keep the entry of the genre really high and controlled (If someone would propose to make those property public domain they would fight it, if it would become possibl eto make those movies without a 400M budget + P&A and buying an expensive brand that would be bad, but DC making 2-3 movie a year... could be really good, specially if they are good)
  2. Well I am not disagreeing like this has the message you quoted has me saying: but I am not sure if this make it more impressive by say, has Joker started with much higher expectation, making it harder to crush them. It is not like it destroyed domestic predictions too right, like it did in many countries (and what you are talking about is maybe why) ? Or an OW story (those factor were rapidly 100% an non issue by weekend #2) (With Frozen, Star wars, Jumanji coming there is an outside chance that it end up out of the top 10)
  3. It is hard for you to believe that prison guards during an long overtime shift (one of which was forced to do) would not do a are they doing alright check up on some of the worst criminals, specially pedophile every X minutes like they should and would lie on a log file about doing them ? Really ? Suicide on suicide watch is extremely common in American prison, I would imagine in part because it is extremely common for guards to act like that, think who are their clients ? Who will complaint to who ? Who will care ?
  4. You will have an hard time finding one list of the predictions for 2018 top 10 movies with BR on it, even in the dark horse's at the bottom of the page. While you will find Joker over 500m even over 800m in many place: https://www.imdb.com/list/ls041653115/ https://whatculture.com/film/predicting-20-highest-grossing-movies-of-2019?page=3 Joker broke october record and had an nearly 250M start, from an franchise with a long history of breaking box office record (A bit like Jurassic World surprise), BR did what it did with a 142M start in a genre without much if any recent precedent, that I doubt anyone had making over half of what it did. BR surpassed more people estimation more, imo, but I am not sure if this make it more impressive by say, has Joker started with much higher expectation, making it harder to crush them.
  5. That was all well known that the guard doing overtime (one of them forced to do so) were not looking correctly at the current well being of criminals, that do not sound out of norm too. The fact guards were not doing their 30 minutes watch, make killing yourself easier not less likely no ? (Tell you about how in the know the people that pushed the early narrative that it must have been foul-play because you cannot kill yourself because you are on a constant watch). As for American media quiet: https://www.cnn.com/2019/11/19/us/jeffrey-epstein-guard-charge/index.html https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/epstein-jail-guards-charged-falsifying-records-67134619 https://www.foxnews.com/us/jeffrey-epstein-prison-guards-charged-with-falsifying-records
  6. I imagine it open the door wide open to change the exclusivity windows
  7. I thought that Disney bought Fox a lot for it's world distribution capacity as well, like it's giant TV market in India and so on.
  8. It must have been quite the factor: https://www.the-numbers.com/market/production-method/Hand-Animation Not sure any 2D style reached 300M after the big year of Monster Inc, & Shreck
  9. Well yes, Disney princess is a giant affair, with the biggest entry going over a billion and the more middle of the road still doing 500M plus.
  10. Not sure if it is a running joke I am missing, but is it doing awesome ? http://investor.amctheatres.com/Cache/1001258324.PDF?O=PDF&T=&Y=&D=&FID=1001258324&iid=4171292 They are loosing less money this third quarter than last year third quarter and at least have a positive ebitda, but their 2019 fiscal year is currently running a net loss of 135.6 million, versus minus $60M at the same time last year. 2015: 104m profit 2016: 111m profit 2017: 487m loss 2018: 110m profit The stock is down by 75% since it's 2016 December peak: https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/AMC/
  11. Well I absolutely agree, it is not even true. i was not the one bringing it here (everyone that did, claim that it is worth talking about), I am not sure why you are talking about it. The fakenews itself isn't worth talking about, why it exist, why do people spread it, why do people blindly believe in them is kind of interesting too and translate well to all case of fakenews. I do not remember any "because of men" Booksmart didn't broke out crying from the director or anyone either, it is female that went in drove to see Aladdin that weekend.
  12. And for that you need to believe some random twitter account with a very strange claim, that a movie clearly targetting women audience hard and didn't count on men to work that fail could have been because of men, very suspiciously without a link to the source, from a filmmaker that had giant success without men's with Pitch Perfect (72% female audience OW). It is extraordinary enough, from a suspicious enough source to take 10 second look at the interview's (see that they are behind paywall, and why the troll are using them)
  13. Maybe.... hard to tell, if you go to the next football game, ask 100 people in the parking lot to explain to you the Joker movie backlash, not sure we would get that many that know what you are going about. But maybe, Americans have a special relationship it is their home industry after all. But Joker big story is international and there I imagine it was not something at all.
  14. Yes it is extremely hard to believe has the interview were made and released before the movie was even in theater, one really need to wrap is brain to achieve to believe that she blamed the movie 8 million opening (that didn't happenned at the time) on anything. It require a brain that will easily fall for fakenews.
  15. Backlash that didn't reach regular people I would imagine, would not be surprised if not similar for the Joker.
  16. Are people serious with this ? Do people believe she ever said that ? When she would have done said interviews ?
  17. When this happen: 962.2 million USD The studio will greenlight and shoot every remake that was on the block, from MIB to Bad Boys. It is not like very old and we would have sayed stale if the execution failed didn't work big time recently, It, Halloween, Jurassic Park, Joker, etc... the execution is a lot to blame here.
  18. Any Brian Singer movie released that year would have had part of the media against it. https://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2018/10/bryan-singer-bohemian-rhapsody-behavior-report https://time.com/5495937/bohemian-rhapsody-bryan-singer-controversy/ https://www.vox.com/2018/11/16/18071460/bohemian-rhapsody-queerphobia-celluloid-closet-aids https://www.indiewire.com/2018/11/bohemian-rhapsody-freddie-mercury-sexuality-confused-lgbt-gay-bi-erasure-straightwashing-1202017372/ https://www.irishtimes.com/culture/music/freddie-mercury-bohemian-rhapsody-is-no-tribute-it-s-full-of-unconscious-homophobia-1.3706792 https://www.thedailybeast.com/bohemian-rhapsody-is-an-insult-to-freddie-mercury
  19. Very similar to what he said 5 year's ago: https://www.theguardian.com/books/2014/jan/21/superheroes-cultural-catastrophe-alan-moore-comics-watchmen
  20. Isn't it just in some minority of locations ? In my multiplex I go it is still a not even correctly masked, low light intensity, terrible projection, teenager type of staff that do not care.
  21. But physic law's do not care about deflection and people's, it stay the same a 100km rules do sound like a bad choice and almost impossible to apply, how one track the iron, the oil, etc... used in a product to know if they were made in a 100km radius, it would be using way less energy efficient product most of the time just to save long distance maritime transport, something that is a really small part of world emissions (lower than Internet by now)
  22. Really unsure that a good strategy, modern long distance maritime transport is so efficient that usually shipping is an extremely small proportion of an good climate impact, for a famous example global warming wise someone living in England is better off eating New Zealand lamb than UK lamb. Now it would be better for global warming to not eat lamb at all, but if you are to consume something you are often better to buy one that was made where it was the most efficient (climate, how electricity is made there, etc...) than locally, that will tend to be the cheaper, that is what people already tend to do. Doing local coffee in a heated greenhouse to buy local instead of importing it would be a terrible affair.
  23. Apparently on a deadline article this was heavily co-financed by at least 2 other major partners and they slashed down the planned 100M P&A
  24. I doubt they are specially a Disney that can put billion's dollars movies in theater (endGame box office rental is how many users month of Disney+, that around 200 millions account month taken exclusively/mostly to watch it to make up....) ? Has of now streaming - youtube - loosing time on Internet other ways, really did hurt regular live TV way more than theater, last year 41.1 billion was the biggest year ever and streaming was extremely popular in 2018.
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