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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Went in theater tired after a long bike ride during the day, had to fight falling asleep, much prefered lost City of Z, but could have been the watching situation. The fight with the monkeys (was that a studio request for action's ?) and all those secondary character handling felt a bit weak, much more loved Interstellar. He is ex-military (and somewhat still in it ?), if it is still like today it can be used to crazy strict shaving regiment, in Irak/Afghan soldier that got in attack surprise and have to stay 3-4 days on the field unexpectedly could get a lot of flack when they came back to the base unchave and got to habit to have a emergency blade at all time on them, the good hair cut was even stranger imo, but who know what future phone will be able to do. The missions was always to reach that destination and for more passenger, why would those be an issue ? From what I understand 3 days or 100 days travel probably change little fuel wise, once you have a certain speed you do not loose it in speed except if you get slowed by strong gravitational field.
  2. Well if you would prefer watching 4:3 on a 4:3 tv and 16:9 on a 16:9 tv it is because black bar are bothering you no ?
  3. Common I am not talking about not being in OAR, I am talking about watching 4:3 content on a 4:3 tv vs a 16:9 tv, do you not prefer 16:9 content on you widescreen than on your previous 4:3 models ?
  4. You see no immersion difference between content matching exactly the screen in a movie theater than with giant black bar ? You would not prefer your tv to be 4:3 when watching a 4:3 movie ? Well there were people that didn't see any flickering with CRT screen below 85 hz when most saw it under 85 and had an hard time below 75... so.
  5. I do not get what you mean ?, a screen cannot be designed to not have black bar (what screen will not have giant black bar showing one day Dolan Mommy or Casablanca and Lawrence of Arabia the next day. You always need an external to the screen masking system like this, and you can always install one to do this, just take a couple of minute for someone to mask it correctly everytime you change the movie projected:
  6. Black bar like on your tv, that a perfect example of a terrible projection and probably only by lazyness of the staff and something that would be really easy for theater chain to get right (could even be electronic mask with the good setting be on the metadata of the digital movie file I would imagine) I often have bad masking, i.e. the movie start part of the imagine is projected on the masking ratio black drape still adjusted of the movie of the week before, have to go tell the staff for them to adjust it.... or very often they are too lazy to even try and just let terrible TV like black bar on the screen. After going to a movie theater that do it right, the immersion is so much better. Be honest watching 4:3 stuff on your widescreen TV bother you 0 ?
  7. You are really lucky (or never had good projection to compare with ?), you never had a movie projection that didn't masked the screen to the movie correct aspect ratio ? Non fluid or dark 3d ? (even not fully 100% brightness level to save money on 2D ?)
  8. That was domestic box office top 20 in even has recently than 2000, not that it was better but it was not just franchise wannabe and a bunch of oscar hopeful: 1 How the Grinch Stole Christmas Uni. $260,044,825 3,256 $55,082,330 3,127 11/17 2 Cast Away Fox $233,632,142 3,061 $28,883,406 2,774 12/22 3 Mission: Impossible II Par. $215,409,889 3,669 $57,845,297 3,653 5/24 4 Gladiator DW $187,705,427 3,188 $34,819,017 2,938 5/5 5 What Women Want Par. $182,811,707 3,092 $33,614,543 3,012 12/15 6 The Perfect Storm WB $182,618,434 3,407 $41,325,042 3,407 6/30 7 Meet the Parents Uni. $166,244,045 2,697 $28,623,300 2,614 10/6 8 X-Men Fox $157,299,717 3,112 $54,471,475 3,025 7/14 9 Scary Movie Mira. $157,019,771 3,301 $42,346,669 2,912 7/7 10 What Lies Beneath DW $155,464,351 2,925 $29,702,959 2,813 7/21 11 Dinosaur BV $137,748,063 3,319 $38,854,851 3,257 5/19 12 Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon SPC $128,078,872 2,027 $663,205 16 12/8 13 Erin Brockovich Uni. $125,595,205 3,070 $28,138,465 2,848 3/17 14 Charlie's Angels Sony $125,305,545 3,037 $40,128,550 3,037 11/3 15 Traffic USA $124,115,725 1,755 $184,725 4 12/27 16 The Nutty Professor II: The Klumps Uni. $123,309,890 3,251 $42,518,830 3,242 7/28 17 Big Momma's House Fox $117,559,438 2,854 $25,661,041 2,802 6/2 18 Remember the Titans BV $115,654,751 2,803 $20,905,831 1,865 9/29 19 The Patriot Sony $113,330,342 3,061 $22,413,710 3,061 6/28 20 Chicken Run DW $106,834,564 2,953 $17,506,162 2,491 6/23 The biggest rumored budget of the giant franchise movie like MI-2 was 125m the big original movie like Perfect Storm, Patriot, Cast Away and Gladiator compete with similar budget. Now the giant movie have 300-400M budget and the Cast Away of today try to compete with 60-80m budget when they are lucky or the 120m if they are able to sell China and some other big market in advance. Erin Brockovich budget was more than 33% of the biggest movie of the year and released in almost has many theater than X-Men. The MPAA studio in 2000 released 184 movies, in 2018 it was 143.
  9. We are almost getting use to theater not even making any effort to mask the screen to the correct aspect ratio anymore (if it is not even already the case ?) that is how low the standards are. I imagine everything is in place, but the teenager staff do not do it.
  10. Independance day ? It was only below Jurassic Park all time, broke opening weekend records, was 65% ahed of the number 2 of it's year and more than doubled the biggest movie of the year of the year before, everybody remember it more than 20 year's later. Aladdin isn't in the top 5 of it's own year (and it is not over with frozen 2, star wars, etc... coming up), it feel like is significantly below Independance day. He is not getting those 9 figures paycheck from when he was the big draw either.
  11. Not sure if serious (you do realize he was involved on this one and he is obviously not saying anything about comic book adaptation at large)
  12. If that article was true then 400M would be bad, breakeven point include revenues estimate for year's after release, 400M is not nearly enough for this to break even from theatrical alone.
  13. It is not like they make any money from views too (and Bright was an best off of super popular high concept mixed together), i.e. not sure Netflix buying price offer would have been that interesting.
  14. That different from what Evans said in the 60s, when television almost destroyed the movie theaters in the 50s, the habbit of going to the movies all the time, every week many time a week, to get news, watch a bunch of movies, etc... went away, to people almost exclusively going to see a movie in particular when they went to theater. Not that a genre/event was necessarily needed.
  15. They rarely do too, no ? They say it is without going in much details and for many that I did hear about it, they obviously didn't saw the movie.
  16. If my theater is any indication (maybe not it is a 3 day Holiday weekend in thanksgiving Canada), seem to be a lot of the theater reputing it this weekend having it play during the daytime only (2 show, latest at 15:00 PM).
  17. The technology for it was so simple (a guy started using only water and a bit of soap to save coast instead of complex chemical), that it could have occurred much faster and you can buy Arab Oil without war (they still ended up buying it no ?). At least for Bush junior, I would like the take of why/what you mean by being thankful ?
  18. I wonder if there is an actual link or just because of the choice made, did documentary filmed in HFR IMAX back in the 90s had that (or 48 fps is not fast enough to change how much camera exposure you need and change the look ) ?
  19. This is such a strange take, American crude Oil production is bigger than it ever was in history: They are back to be the largest producer in the world: https://money.cnn.com/2018/09/12/investing/us-oil-production-russia-saudi-arabia/index.html Arab world Oil import is getting really low, way lower than pre-Bush: What does Bush need to be thank for, why, how ?
  20. Unlike you that wrote only one whining post about a movie and move on. You really ended up buying at ticket for that ? What is wrong with you ?
  21. Webster: Noun 1. news organisation - an agency to collects news reports for newspapers and distributes it electronically Synonyms: news agency, news organization, press agency, press association, wire service Feel outdated, but a entertainment sport network do not feel like one, I feel like many work there without any journalist degree, membership and what come with it. Specially the credible part, isn't it on the obvious soft belly side, that they are in tandem with the professional leagues to maximize both profits type of platform ?
  22. Isn't he one of the most diverse director of all time ? Wolf of Wall street, silence, Raging Bull, GoodFellas, Gang of New York, Mean Street, Kundun, New York/New York, Taxi Driver, Color of Money, Hugo, Last temptation of the Christ are quite different, for the big auteur out there, outside the really smooth editing/craft it is not that obvious you are watching a Scorsese movie. Why would he not be literally the one, one of the very top one in the world talking about being generic/formulaic, has one of the big cinephile and one of the most diverse in output director of the last 40 year's ?
  23. I feel it is quite tracking dependent, if you love your numbers and have a superlate embargo, even if the review were good it was not dumb to not take any chance (like WB did with It, Wonder Woman, etc...), if (and I would imagine being the case) you numbers are really low, rolling the dice with critics on Ang Lee is not a dumb idea.
  24. Did anyone ever called ESPN a news organization ? Let alone reputable ? (what next calling deadline/variety type or video game coverage platform news organization ?)
  25. The fact that there is a foreign category make it true / confirm it, but at the same time they have reached for a lot of intl voters and like to claim they have a giant world audience (even if it is false and that in reality it is only a tv events in the America's timezone), American call their baseball winning team in a local league the World Champion without letting non MLB team compete in it, they are strange like that, playing in that line. Other local awards have it in their rules that the movie must be a local one to compete, not the Oscar, they want the illusion to award the best movie of the year. Like you said until recently filmmaker from around the world could rack nomination working from their country (Fellini got 9 over the year's, Bergman 6, Truffaut 3), a little French movie like Le Balloon Rouge, could win one. They like to claim to be a global event (even if in reality it is only watched in the US-Canada-Mexico and a bit in the south america's where the time zone make it ok to do so) and let them compete in theory has long has they release in theater. I feel like they are not far from a nice balance, it is paid by Hollywood to promote itself and they let some undeniable work get in from time to time, it could be a little bit more specially in the 8-10 BP pick and so many filler anyway, maybe a Memory of a Murder type to get in, but an award ceremony that would really try to cover all the world output with so many category would get overwhelm,
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