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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. I think the reason they do this is because that with a large number of platform, many customer would have started to take 1-2 month of a service, than shift to an other, etc... binge watching what interest them, like they did with HBO on tv. you see them starting to push 1 even 2 year's membership instead of simple cancel anytime you want as well probably for that reason.
  2. Considering it include tv product as well that could be a bit misleading, Disney TV revenues are about 24 billion a year right now (17 billion from cable, 7 from broadcasting), how much of those 9-12B would come from an horizontal shift from dimishing regular TV revenues for them ? And that 24B was before Fox TV got in... Disney+ is an intl platform as well, global pay TV is more of an interesting comparable (and that an over 200 billion market)
  3. You need to consider they eliminated Marvel movies coming from Fox in there, 4 isn't specially high for Marvel movies release. They could probably go to between 4 to 6 a year if they ever get spider man back and no Sony SH movies taking space: https://www.the-numbers.com/movies/production-company/Marvel-Studios Theatrical major Marvel movies release in 2016: 4 2017: 4 2018: 5 (6 with Spiderverse) 2019: 4
  4. Jumanji probably made them more money than all their 007 movies they made put together........ 007 was smaller for them then Adam Sandler Grown Up franchise.
  5. The movie started to play Wednesday to regular paying customer... that pretty much hiding it as long as you realistically can.
  6. I doubt much people on earth know more about that than him, why are you saying that he forget any of this ? Scorsese often went in is own pocket to pay for reshoot on is movies (like the Aviator)
  7. Kind of yes put him in the club of big paycheck (I do believe the Netflix rumors), the 20M opening Weekend for a non franchise affair is a good bar, imo.
  8. Those with money do. The cultural non smiling is specially Russian woman no ? https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2016/05/culture-and-smiling/483827/ Smiling is a perceived has a sign of stupidity in some culture (including Russia)
  9. I feel like Hitman Bodyguard opening kind of proved for that to be the case, is metric must have climbed quite high for him to get that Netflix paycheck.
  10. That is true (always has been) , if Gandolfini, Hamm, Cranston didn't make it.... except Clooney & Jennifer Anniston not many stars made it past a big tv series in the last 25 year's,, it is probably for one hard to audience to not see the characters they saw you play so much all the time (i.e. it help if you can play that same characters in movies maybe). I am surprised this didn't do 15-17M and didn't got better surprised, with Paul Feig and all.
  11. Scorsese seem to have stroked a bigger cords by saying they were not cinema than when they were called Right Wing cultural Genocide by Iñárritu.
  12. That exactly what giving a damn about awards look like.
  13. Do you think it will be astonishing how many market that movie will not have ended up #1 (or even top 3) vs the previous WW record maker ? Or that it would have became the new norm ?
  14. From what transpired it seem to be Stranger Things/It the Ghostbuster version, those aesthetic/casting choice would match the budget well.
  15. The negotiation started with a 125M to 150M net budget and with box office bonus benchmark starting at 500m WW, not sure I would buy that it was a 100M movie that derailed narrative.
  16. The reminder list send to the voters (a for your consideration if you will), that can only have 20 names on it by movie (10 actor, 10 actress)
  17. Outside the costly genre of CGI sci-fi action, the franchise needed the OK of a lot of legacy attached people to get made: Produced by Dan Aykroyd ... executive producer Ali Bell ... executive producer Paul Feig ... executive producer Jessie Henderson ... executive producer Michele Imperato ... executive producer (as Michele Imperato Stabile) Joe Medjuck ... executive producer Amy Pascal ... producer James Paul ... associate producer Alex Plapinger ... associate producer Tom Pollock ... executive producer Eric Reich ... associate producer Ivan Reitman ... producer A bit like for Sony Pixel, they did not try to swing for the fence by many of the decision, that made certain that it's minimum bar was rather high but the ceiling WW was not high at all (complete opposite of what they did with say Men In Black International)
  18. It could be Avatar/biggest ever I imagine with that material, forget about what I wrote I misread a Scott mendelson quote on forbes.
  19. Maybe, but Momoa/Clarke have (at least could have if the Feige turn out nice and rom com get some renaissance on streaming) quite the bank raked outside GOT.
  20. Is a -31.5% Sunday and -72.5% Monday any special ? If you are referring to tuesday performance, I feel like they are quite misleading and very strong boost on that day are not in recent time a good sign at all, it show more the movie being considered by audience not worth paying full price more than good legs incoming, specially non family affair.
  21. That should put a nail in the Female driven affair do not have big ticket pre-sale rush narrative.... (if the long list of previous case didn't)
  22. Feel like you are missing a word here, way to communicate what that they are an big event so they inflate the numbers ? That could have been true for some and in a certain era, but usually they love being perceived has winners title (a lot of people avoid anything that start being perceived has a loosing movie and bad or good OW will be the main factor), and thus tend to massage down the movie budget way more than overpresent them, look how much more popular net budget is than gross budget in movie talk, if they wanted to communicate large-spectacle and proud of the larger numbers they would stick to the gross budget. From what transpired from leak, trials, jurisdiction that started to show movie budget they give tax credit too, it is way more frequent for the figure to be 5%-15% lower than reality than the other way around.
  23. Really unsure this will necessarily bomb. I get easily still imagine a $14.5M start, a 2.7x multiplier with a 40%/60% dbo / intl split, 39.15M dbo, 98M WW or even more happening for this.
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