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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. Dolittle feel like you traditional ambitious failing attempt, like the one a year Disney tended to have, Cats is a more special and fun case I would imagine for a media.
  2. Well I imagine he could always have made a : movie instead of this one chasing the billion dollar.
  3. (Will it ?), i would not imagine many think it has a good shoot or even realistic one right now. Seem to be an almost pure 3 way race right now according to betting line: https://www.oddschecker.com/awards/oscars/best-picture https://www.oddsshark.com/entertainment/academy-awards-oscars-betting-odds Odds To Win Academy Award For Best Picture Film Odds Once Upon A Time... In Hollywood +110 1917 +250 Parasite +350 Joker +1200 The Irishman +1600 Marriage Story +2500 Jojo Rabbit +5000 Ford vs Ferrari +6600 Little Women +6600
  4. I doubt she would have said no to a Nolan movie or an icon like Batman by a director of the level of Reeves. Those are purely dealt and easy to play card not played one (like he would have use is money and influence to make project happen)
  5. Isn't a common trope to have a straith competent hero surrounded by pretty flawed/goofy characters, say in a 5th element type, lot of horror movie. That become a think to some only if there is a gender/anything different identity wise between them ?
  6. I feel that going over 30 would feel a great triump to some considering how negative the mood was about this for a while. Just have to remind ourself that Tomorrowland made a 33m 3 days - 42.68 4 days memorial weekend start and was considered quite the disaster.
  7. Critics, yes still a lot of them (would say most), how Once Upon A Time, Uncut Gem, Mariage Story, Knive Out, Irishman end up on the top 10 on metacritic, if it was a political context ? That more something strong outside critics in the pundit world than them I think, think how big the youtuber are in the critical world and how little politic play in their review for many of the most popular of them.
  8. I think you are mixing correlation and a more difficult claim of causality here. There is a giant and obvious correlation between almost all the main category at the academy awards.
  9. I do not WB distribution arm reporting (just Sony a little bit), but if you are talking about that: Always felt it was the sheet use to calculate the bonus going to the actors/producer/etc... has the cost they pay the production company is rising by about 30% of the gross receipt after fee (now about 315m US, the 7.7739 million jump is exactly 30% of the 25.976 after fee) The fact that the DVD lines is still call VHS make it look like that 88 millions is just 20% of what the studio made from them, has it was quite common to do. That distribution fee go to WB for example, I doubt, I extremely doubt they said to one of the most powerful producer in the business with a long relation with the studio like Heyman or to arguably the most powerful author in the world that the 900m box office giant dvd success franchise entry lost money so your bonus on this one will be a small one, do you want to make 4-5 other with US and that they accepted or anything of the sort.
  10. Seriously in the sense of quality credential among people that follow what is going on, not sure if audience take them that seriously or if it is just more 10 of millions watch and seen the many trailers of the winners and if those are interesting they go (versus blindly going to see previous golden globe winners has a stamp of quality), Boyhood not sure it got re-released, Moonlight boost was good by didn't got that wide. For sure the industry and people take winning at them seriously and spend good money on them, because there is a good ROI.
  11. 450K seem to show that people are spending quite more than 15 year's ago https://www.motortrend.com/news/news041220-costs/ "What Your Car Really Costs: How to Keep a Financially Safe Driving Record." The book (140 pp., $6, ppd.) is published by the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) as part of the research institute's economic education series, and calculates that U.S. consumers, on average, will spend between $240,704 (for small sedans) and $349,968 (for large sedans) on automobiles during their expected driving lifetime. That said you really do not need to be spending anything like that, if you car is fancy enough that you pay significant insurance that is quite the luxury option for most people. I paid $4000 canadian cash my old car more than 2 year's ago, I had one major repair, insurance is $200 something a year.
  12. From what I remember that is not WBs that said that, the shady reporting did seem to be from the trade reporting about it.
  13. Well no, doing a Link movie adaptation or doing Kubo and the two strings instead, a bioshock movie or Snowpiercer ..... having success with a classic good cop-bad cop movie are not necessarily more "original" than a Zelda movie, a bioshock movie or a sequel of a good cop-bad cop movie. It is not exactly the same ether, not having to fit homage/fan service into the movie is an important aspect to keep alive, but for the watcher, except for the few that have read the book before end, does watching a movie like Knive Out or The Nice Guy different than Martian, Wolf of Wall Street, Mudbound, Forest Gump, Arrival, District 9, No Country for Old Men, Children of Men, The Departed, City of Gods, Call me by your name ? Was the success of the some of that later group that less impressive ? There is an argument that some original script that are quite the proven and used formula (say everything Max Landis ever did) to be less original than many adapted work (like Apocalypse Now)
  14. Never heard anyone half serious claiming the Globes have no box office effects, always did read that they tend to be by far the most important award in that regard (because of their timing, has the Oscar tend to only affect the best picture winner)
  15. This is incredibly hard to tell with all that surround those franchise. But doing 1 billion at the box office during the dvd peak around the 2003-2008 window isn't necessarily the same than say in 2016 in term of revenues. A lot of the Lord of the Rings and Potter success were in markets that studio can moneytise quite well.
  16. A movie like say Tomorrowland had quite more budget, people and was a studio production. Here it was not even a Fox production, they were just a distributor for points ? not exposed to the production cost if I did read correctly, quite easier to bail out of it in that case.
  17. Wasn't Dunkirk significantly more expensive (specially when you consider the Nolan's first dollar gross deal): https://issuu.com/netherlandsfilmfund/docs/film_facts_and_figures_2016_issuu/10 Using a $526M blockbuster result for the bar of a mid budget war movie is pushing the edginess.
  18. For many of those yes, but say Denzel doing Malcom-X ?
  19. No George C Scott Patton, De Niro Raging Bull, Tom Hanks Captain Philipps, Day Lewis My Left Foot, Offman Capote, not even Denzel Malcom-X ? 12 year's a slave, Schindler List, Lawrence of Arabia..... There is a long list of great performance in there.
  20. That sound hyperbolic, from Gotti to hundreds of others in the 2000s have been panned by critics (not including the hundreds of panned that end up has tv movie): https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?title_type=feature&release_date=2000-01-01,2019-12-31&num_votes=1000,&genres=biography&sort=user_rating,asc&ref_=adv_prv Even Denzel Washington with a upcoming director kind of failed at it, same for Mara-Joaquin Phoenix Mary Magdalene, even Streep Iron Lady wasn't particularly well received by the critics. It is a genre that goes down quite quietly usually when it is not acclaimed. I think for one side of it, it can make it much easier to judge the performance in the how similar it is to the real person when that is attempted, specially if a la Capote the acting while in imitation is quite good, the other aspect is the talent that it tend to attract (maybe in a circular way), if you do MLK you can usually get some of the best people behind and in front of the camera.
  21. It does not look impressive, but is it really not caring type of spending ?: https://variety.com/2020/film/news/1917-tops-studios-tv-ad-spending-1203459128/ With a big last week it could match up 1917 on the tv side though.
  22. That hard to say, next time someone ask to do almost everything with the main unit and shoot everything(without being Nolan) maybe it will be easier.
  23. That not what this is about at all or I didn't understand the original post at all, we are talking a report giving to exec evaluating expected product sales before the product is made, in the do we greenlight a movie phase. In the Sony leak circa 2012-2014, what a studio was often doing was asking their local distribution team of each market, what do you think of that project (with the cast, director-writer, movie plot summary) and they were getting cast suggestion back and how much it was expected to make in that market, this to be replaced/helped via some intelligence (that could go as far as pitching the idea online creating social media account and evaluating the reaction, who knows....). What it probably look like: You enter the description of the movie (summary of the plot or if it is less impressive manually give the best comparable, but because there is talk of AI I imagine the program find the best comparable) Cast Crew expected MPAA rating Put the genre in option if the program do not get it from the description (animation or live action) The program give you an expectation of how much it should do by market. Not sure what you mean by tracking when talking a movie to be released in 18 to 36 months. I am fully aware that Toyota can make sales projection in a program by changing the asked price, but that not really what we are talking about here. Here if it get any good we are just a couple step away of the AI coming up with movie concept + cast on their own and proposing them to the studio.
  24. A program that you entered a description (somewhat similar to what goes on describing a movie) of a product idea and gave you sales projection by world market back ? Can you go in more details (it is the out of the box part that I find hard to believe for something like movies).
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