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Everything posted by Barnack

  1. The return of the cast would have been more special with Arnold first Terminator in 15 year's than in 4 year's for sure, more chance to a Halloween to occur (but still would have needed a great trailer)
  2. Not sure that it is that insane,, with how those show financial structure work they cannot get an usual 8 figures + % of the revenues gross (it is around 7.5% I think they usually get), I can imagine it must be pretty much all upfront. 250M in tv, that a season of NCIS before people get their bonus in. A TV show like Lucifer spent 125M in qualified for tax credit expenditure in California alone for it's season 5, there is a lot of money in American TV right now.
  3. Not sure I agree, that type of movie should probably cost more, have stars and special action scenes to have a shot to make a successful trilogy. Kingsman/Ocean 8 type of production.
  4. Well when you compare to a movie that made over 2B outside China. And yes if EndGame would have made a more normal 400M in China, it would have been close to Avatar, in absolute non market Adjusted numbers. Far more impressive is pushing it. the fact you consider SW7 and IW has being close to Avatar but not EndGame without an overperfoming in China make it sound like you have some bias.
  5. Why would they have made a sequel on the first one if it had barely made any money ? And needed to reach what around 1billion or more to be worth making ?
  6. That seem completely in contradiction, if a year with a lot of great films doesn't make much more than a year with a lot of bad tentpoles, that seem to show how important marketing spending is, much more than good film or not.
  7. Yup if you were born in the say mid 80s, in early 2000s you would have probably called movies of the 70s old movies... so people born after 2000 will say that of 90s movies. Make it a bit strange to hear, but quite normal.
  8. Never had the courage to rewatch that movie, but was it commenting about the rather unilateral invasion of Irak type of American's interventionism ?
  9. I would imagine almost 100% of the young people know Charlie Chaplin, with a small proportion having seen a movie, almost everyone with a movie interest will know Burter Keaton without having need to have seen one of is movie, same for Kurosawa. A bit like you do not need to have seen any Hitchcock, Allen, Ford, DeMille to know you they were and some of the movie they done, they transcended the medium in pop culture.
  10. If consider TV has being streaming it would make more senses, I imagine the hit started in the 50s/60s with them surviving barely to close like you said in the 70s/80s. I would also imagine their construction pretty much stopped after the 1929 crash from that ridiculous housing/building bubble, googling them listed in that article that all seem 1928 or before.
  11. Being my point, terrible movie can make $700M really good one under $50M, making a good movies isn't enough for it to find an audience it is only one of the many step that need to go right without any pre-made awareness / part of a popular genre. Wolf had a 100M budget and made nearly $400M, he just made a 170-200M movie on Netflix, is next movie planned is with DiCaprio and should again be with a really nice budget with a real good theatrical release, he is near death/retirement that is not necessarily about him has much as you think, we are talking about someone that spend a lot of is own money on movies (making them, film conservation and restoration) that has a really big passion for the group theatrical experience. Oh my.....
  12. Yeah Martin Scorsese, do try to make some good movies like Suicide Squad so people will go see them, not shit like GoodFellas and Raging Bull. The latter film might be the company’s riskiest bet. “The Irishman,” a historical drama likely to appeal only to adults interested in serious subject matter, costs as much as some all-ages action-adventure movies because of cutting-edge visual effects that allow stars including Robert De Niro, Al Pacino and Joe Pesci to appear at different ages. People close to the picture said Netflix’s total commitment is at least $173 million, while others close to the film offered estimates above $200 million, making “The Irishman” the most expensive adult drama in recent history. I am not sure if you are making a parody of someone that have no clue at all ?
  13. Was not able to see it either, the-numbers still has is: https://www.the-numbers.com/box-office-records/worldwide/all-movies/cumulative/released-in-2019
  14. I think so, there were project like those: https://github.com/skozilla/BoxOfficeMojo I never used it, but I downloaded and used made by people dataset of mojo from memory, bo/main top 6 cast/etc... for every movie (could have been made with a web scrapper thought I guess.
  15. Home Entertainment & TV Revenue Domestic Home Entertainment 75M International Home Entertainment 71M Domestic Free TV 25M Domestic Pay TV 35M International TV 124M Not sure why is TV deal estimate is quite bigger than significantly bigger 2018 movies say the 400m+/ 630M outside China Jurassic World: https://deadline.com/2019/03/jurassic-world-fallen-kingdom-raptorous-revenue-results-2018-most-valuable-blockbuster-tournament-1202583316/ 184M for Joker vs 164M for Jurassic World 2 & Aquaman, 170M for Incredible 2/Black Panther. First year with a reverse in term or going back up in home ent revenues by theatrical dollar could be coming up at deadline.
  16. Really not sure is opinion is that general of all the comic book movies https://www.cbr.com/francis-ford-coppola-spider-man-into-the-spider-verse/ https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/heat-vision/black-panther-early-cut-was-screened-francis-ford-coppola-1108741 Scorsese was involved in the making of the Joker, I imagine it is way more about those that start from a studio command to fit into a already set machine and feel like it.
  17. For franchise, presentation is nice: https://www.the-numbers.com/movies/franchises Could be a good windows for the-numbers to re-add theater count and other stuff like they seem to have had in the past: the-numbers.com/features/TCountAll.html To take the lead.
  18. The good question tend to be, this make the site more monetizable how ? For some feature missing that are not behind IMDBpro could just be temporary. Does anyone had some program using the API, do they still work like before ?
  19. Ah yes, I remember that connection, not sure at all how it is relevant at all in the conversation ? Coppolla would be a cannibal serial murderer himself, why would it matter here ?
  20. I feel that if feature does not get back someone will use the API to make some of them back (studio split, genre, people, etc...)
  21. One obvious advantage that I would imagine: Rarely down/partially inaccessible instead of almost always (request like showing adjusting failed like 50% of the time for me)
  22. That even pushing it, was it not some "demo" made in film school where he did edited different previous movies together to make a full feature ?
  23. Doesn't he have some most Palme d'Or finalist type of records ? I felt RDJ closed that debate in a lovely way, is Howard Stern show not radio ? The question in itself make little sense for the common us that do not have a definition of Cinema that goes beyond a feature length moving image and require the person making the statement to give a more restrictive definition that would exclude Guardian of The Galaxy for having a starting point to grasp with.
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