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Everything posted by MOVIEGUY

  1. Lego Movie getting shut out completely was worse
  2. Still on season 2. These two are the best part of the show easy
  3. Agreed, they should've gone darker with it. Unless the white family getting a happy ending and the black family getting killed was supposed to be some clever satirical angle and not just how the movie played out lol
  4. Damn I'm gonna need to see this it sounds like, hadn't even heard of this until the past couple days
  5. Wasn't it a few weeks ago that people were saying this was supposed to be the MCU's Andor? Lol
  6. Yeah this score is gonna be a classic. Would've been nice to hear some of the dialogue under it lol
  7. Idk if it was a Nolan problem or a theater problem or both, but it was a bummer. The movie throws a ton of information at you and it's even harder to follow along when you're straining your ears to hear what they're saying. I think I liked the movie but now I feel like I have to watch it with subtitles to know for sure Hope so but that music is gonna be fuckin' LOUD in the IMAX lol. I had the same experience with Dunkirk at the IMAX but with that movie it wasn't a problem since there's barely any dialogue. I will say it's paced well and never becomes boring. Didn't feel like 3 hours. There's one sequence towards the end I found really electrifying.
  8. I couldn't hear a LOT of the dialogue. Honestly pretty much any time there was score playing and characters talking at the same time the dialogue was basically inaudible. I watched it in that Dolby Atmos theater at AMC Idk
  9. God these reviews... I wish the IMAX seats in Tempe weren't so uncomfortable, I almost wanted to leave Avatar. It's like you're sitting in an airplane.
  10. Yeah he's got great presence as a shady government agent guy, I always thought the series should've used him more
  11. It's good fun. I kinda feel the same way about all these movies. I don't feel super strongly about them but they're enjoyable to watch. Honestly it seemed like the other movies had more impressive stunts. Not that I want to take for granted how impressive the motorcycle jump is, but at this point I feel like I've seen it 50 times. There weren't any big showstopper setpieces like the Dubai tower or the helicopter sequence. Hayley Atwell is pretty hot though.
  12. I swear everything I hear about PTA makes me like him more. I didn't realize this is already in theaters, I thought it was coming out Friday. I've got the day off tomorrow, will probably check it out.
  13. I finally saw the trailer for this during Asteroid City. I just wanted to mind my own business and not care about this movie but I've gotta admit, trailer was making me laugh.
  14. Looks funny, unsurprisingly. Can't remember the last time a trailer for comedy actually made me laugh.
  15. Parasite (by a pretty big margin) Everything Everywhere The Shape of Water Spotlight 12 Years a Slave Moonlight Birdman I guess I didn't really "get" Moonlight, didn't do much for me. Haven't seen the other winners.
  16. None of the kids these days have Harrison Ford's swagger. We all saw what happened with Solo
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