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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. Well that's already been happening. This is who Kennedy has hired since Trevorrow has fired JJ Abrams (again) Rian Johnson (again) Benioff and Weiss Jon Faverau (tv show) James Mangold (rumoured) Stephen Daldry (rumoured) Not to mention the directors she brought in back for reshoots were Tony Gilroy and Ron Howard. Don't expect another "Lord and Miller" left field type pick for Star Wars in the near future which is a shame IMO.
  2. Pretty sure Disney Animation has earned the benefit of the doubt for now. The references didn't overshadow the story and heart of the first and until it's been proven otherwise I doubt that'll happen with this one.
  3. DC of course can bounce back as long as the future films audiences don't connect them with how they felt about BvS and to a lesser extent JL. Which is why I think Shazam is actually a smart move by WB/DC as it's a film that doesn't have the baggage of BvS and JL. Also which is why I'm worried about how Aquaman and (to a lesser extent) how a Flash film will do as they will by nature always be connected with JL. Batman will be fine because he's well...Batman but even that film whenever it gets made I don't think it makes $1 Billion.
  4. Most likely MCU characters will appear in Deadpool films but I don't think we're gonna see Deadpool in an Avengers film or even an rebooted X-Men film anytime soon after the deal.
  5. DoFP did that well because they got the Original Cast back. I imagine a true First Class sequel wouldn't have made $200M in North America (could be wrong). Feige did tweet when Marvel got the Opening Weekend Record back
  6. The one two punch of X-Men: The Last Stand and X-Men: Origins set the main X-Men series back that I don't think they've quite been able to recover from (at least in North America). Dark Phoenix luckily got a much better release date.
  7. Solo: A Star Wars Story missed a huge opportunity to be a box office hit
  8. Yeah it's been a while since I've seen the Jurassic Park films but I think I enjoyed 3 more than 2 from memory? Both were bad but not too terrible that they've stuck with me. Probably will rewatch Jurassic World before Fallen Kingdom now that film I definitely haven't seen since I saw it in cinemas.
  9. Has a huge Star Wars fan it is telling that since TFA the franchise has not connected with markets that have no affinity for the Original Trilogy. The first three Avengers films will outgross the Star Wars sequel trilogy unless Episode IX makes $1.5 Billion+ which I don't think will happen. Who would have thought that??
  10. No way Disney thought TLJ would be as divisive as it was. Otherwise they wouldn't have greenlit the Rian Johnson trilogy. They got JJ Abrams for Episode IX because frankly the options for that film after Trevorrow was fired were quite small. Episode IX can still do very well Domestic (more than TLJ is achievable). Overseas ship has sailed though.
  11. Yeah $2 Billion is a done deal. Can the Russo Brothers join James Cameron to direct multiple $2 Billion films next year? JJ Abrams is out of the running most likely with Episode IX.
  12. Hmm yeah same with me. I'm intrigued by what Abrams and co since TLJ pretty much left everything wide open plus with all the extra stuff going on at Lucasfilm but I'm not actively anticipating it. Can't believe I'm saying that as a huge Star Wars fan.
  13. I'm not really excited by the 80s setting (would have preferred doing it in today's time) but I'll trust Jenkins and Johns until they prove me wrong. And it lets them getting away from BvS and JL.
  14. Solo's box office is good as long as you keep your expectations at the theater door
  15. Well partly why Marvel hasn't done a Hulk film since 2008 is with the whole rights issue with Universal.
  16. Yeah Alden surprised me with how much I liked him in the role while Donald Glover was fine enough but he felt more restrained by Billy Dee William's performance funny enough.
  17. The Incredibles 2 will hugely benefit from the lack of family films in the whole year so far.
  18. Well the Memorial Day Weekend failures that Disney has had meant good news for their Pixar releases.
  19. 4 year gap between Thor: The Dark World and Thor: Ragnarok helped massively. Ragnarok wasn't sold as a sequel to Thor: The Dark World.
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