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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. Well at least there's a clear result for what happened to Solo this weekend. I was fearing that it was gonna land in that murky area where people would have argued back and forth whether the Opening Weekend was good or not for 300 Pages. Feel bad for the production team involved but alot of the mess was self inflicted by Disney and Lucasfilm. EDIT: @Valonqar Tbf it was the Hollywood Reporter and not Lucasfilm that did the report because usually Lucasfilm would try to make the announcements themselves like with Lord and Miller, Rian Johnson new trilogy, Benioff and Weiss and Jon Favreau. This is more in line with the Obi-Wan film reports.
  2. The NY Article includes marketing so they actually think the production budget is lower than what Deadline thinks.
  3. Some of the blame (and people did fear this was going to be the case) with some of the choices Rian Johnson made in TLJ is on how JJ Abrams set some stuff up in TFA. This is explained very poorly in the TFA but technically Luke didn't actually leave a map at all. The map was for finding the first Jedi Temple which is where Luke was rumoured to be searching for according to Han. So actually when the map was put together by R2-D2 Rey would have still not been 100% sure she was going to find Luke once she reached Ahch-To. R2-D2 only has the missing pieces because he was able to call on the Imperial Maps left over in his memory bank when he uh....connected with the Death Star. But then the problem becomes why did Luke go to the first Jedi Temple if all he was doing was to die? EDIT: well @aabattery explained it much better
  4. Of course it's related but it isn't the primary cause. It's a bit like how Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman both had good Opening Weekends despite BvS's WoM because they weren't sequels. It's a bit different with Star Wars because it's harder to differentiate Solo from the main Star Wars films to the casual audience but to be certain of how badly has TLJ affected the Star Wars brand we need to wait until Episode IX's Opening Weekend.
  5. I liked Luke's arc in the film it's just still too hard for me to connect the Luke from the end of ROTJ to where he is at the start of TLJ. But that disconnect and the fact I know this isn't George Lucas' story anymore allowed me to be more open to what Rian Johnson was doing with the character and I do like how Luke ends up embracing the "myth of Luke Skywalker" that is both in the story but also a direct meta reference to how the audience perceives the character from the OT. And man Mark Hamill is the best.
  6. I still wonder how much did Disney/Lucasfilm anticipate the reaction to TLJ. Surely with some of the story decisions regarding Luke especially that they had to have known there was going to be some push back but then again they greenlit a Rian Johnson Star Wars trilogy without him even pitching what the story was gonna be.
  7. I get what Mendelson is saying but that's the price of having a franchise which such a long history and dedicated fans. They'll drive you to get $2 Billion but will also be super critical on everything you do. So that there's not much Disney/Lucasfilm can do about that. But I do think Disney/Lucasfilm should have had by now a Star Wars film released that didn't heavily rely on connections to the Original Trilogy. Solo is proof that a Star Wars film being being so tied to the Original Trilogy can actually be a hindrance especially in certain markets.
  8. Yeah don't be too hard on the British. They only get to see the sun a couple of times a year.
  9. In order for the Star Wars sequel trilogy to have a bigger Worldwide Total than the first three Avengers films Episode IX will need to roughly gross $1.5 Billion. Don't see that happening and that was before Solo came out.
  10. Great for Infinity War as it now needs all the help it can get for $2 Billion. At least for Solo the 4 Day Weekend won't be under $100M right?
  11. I always thought an Ewan McGregor starring Disney film would do better than Solo. Just didn't think that film was Christopher Robin.
  12. The past couple of pages ugh. Anyways this just makes doing a Boba Fett film even more silly. It might do better in the usual Star Wars markets but certainly won't reach Episode or Rogue One levels. Not to mention the other markets will reject it like they did with Solo. And the best thing you can do to help diversity and inclusion is to make good characters and unfortunately characters like Rose, Holdo and Finn (from TLJ) were not very well received. Add to the uselessness of Phasma in TFA and TLJ and IMO it hurts more than does any good. Compare that to Black Panther or Thor: Ragnarok where characters like Valkyrie, Okoye and Shuri are fan favourites because they are well written characters.
  13. Maybe but my memory was that they freed the animals but left the kids in the stable. That part always bothered me the most about Canto Bight.
  14. Eventually the MCU will have a flop. But I doubt they'll have one as bad as Solo (for one they don't spend that much money unless it's a 3rd film)
  15. We won't know what the WoM is until later in the week. I can imagine it might be good. But it won't be enough to save the film
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