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Darth Lehnsherr

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Everything posted by Darth Lehnsherr

  1. Tier 1: Winter Soldier, The Avengers, Black Panther, GOTG Tier 2: Civil War, Homecoming, Iron Man 3, Thor: Ragnarok, Iron Man Tier 3: GOTG Vol 2, The First Avenger, Ant-Man Tier 4: Age of Ultron, Thor, Doctor Strange Tier 5: The Incredible Hulk, Iron Man 2 and Thor: The Dark World As for the "Bucky killed Iron Man's parents" reveal it was implied in Winter Soldier anyways so it wasn't that big of a shock to me. The crux of that reveal was that Cap was selfish enough to not tell Tony in order to protect Bucky.
  2. Ludwig Goransson was the composer and he's scored all of Ryan Coogler's films so far. Fun Fact: Goransson was also the main composer for Community where the Russo Brothers got Feige's attention from.
  3. Well true Thor: Ragnarok was basically a soft reboot for the character while still acknowledging the other two films
  4. And to think before GOTG people weren't sure if the MCU could thrive outside the core trio of Iron Man, Captain America and Thor. While other franchises are scrambling to either get up and running or escape a natural decline of interest the MCU is already well prepared whenever they have to retire Iron Man, Thor and Cap.
  5. I hope Marvel (and I have huge faith they won't) rush out a sequel straight away to Black Panther. I say that with huge confidence that they won't purely because they will have so many up and running sub franchises on the go. I can see a Black Panther sequel being released in May 2021 the earliest. 3 years is plenty of time for appetite for another Black Panther film to hit fever pitch again while during that time Marvel does the Spidey, GOTG and Doctor Strange sequels. Also time for Ryan Coogler to take a well deserved break.
  6. Ah yes the guy who made Shane Black change the villain from Rebecca Hall to Guy Pierce in Iron Man 3 because of toy sales.
  7. I'm not gonna make excuses because by now Marvel Studios should have really made a female led film already but it hasn't helped that many of the best female Marvel characters have been stuck at FOX sitting idly.
  8. At 31 years old Ryan Coogler may already have already directed a $1 Billion grossing film. I wonder if he would be the youngest director to do so.
  9. Do you think Disney would do a full reboot after Indy 5 or would they try to pass on the baton in the same film?
  10. I think there's gonna be much more crossover appeal with Black Panther and Infinity War than there was with Wonder Woman and Justice League. Plus it helps when Infinity War isn't a sequel to a film with one of the worst box office legs for a blockbuster.
  11. Not sure Black Panther's Opening Weekend estimates have really sunk in yet for me. It's insane to know that this film is gonna probably be the 3rd (maybe even 2nd) highest comic book Opening Weekend of all time and with decent legs become the 3rd highest grossing comic book film in North America. I just go back to this video from October 2014 which was after the Black Panther film was finally announced and it was when Chadwick Boseman was announced as playing said character for Captain America: Civil War. On that stage we didn't know it yet but we saw the two current leads of the MCU and the one that will be the future lead post-Avengers 4. Funny you can hear Kristian Harloff say "great casting!" once Boseman's name was announced
  12. This for me pretty much locks $850M which means that come Infinity War the 5 past MCU films would have grossed $300M+ Domestic and $850M+ Worldwide. Almost every other franchise other than Harry Potter and Star Wars would be happy with that but what's even more remarkable is those 5 films would all be released within a 12 month span.
  13. Jeez how high can this film go? A $200M Opening Weekend is easily within reach and $500M+ should be attainable. Overseas should make up the difference for $1 Billion as long as it isn't as frontloaded as the recent Avengers/Iron Man starring films (Iron Man 3, AoU, Civil War).
  14. I'm just glad I started Community last week so now I get all the Ben Chang references
  15. Wouldn't surprise me if Chris Mckenna and Erik Sommers become Sony's go to guys for scripts after writing both Spider-Man: Homecoming (they were the final writers I believe on that film) and Jumanji. They're already back for the next Spidey film. Also writers on Ant-Man and the Wasp too.
  16. So happy but still shocked that Jumanji has a chance of $900M Worldwide. Who would have thought that there would only be around a $400M difference in box office totals between The Last Jedi and Jumanji!
  17. Finally got a chance to watch this film today. Can understand why it's been doing so well now. Definitely one of the most entertaining films I've seen in the past 12 months (can't really use "this year" seeing as it's only 9 days). Forget RDJ as Iron Man or Hugh Jackman as Wolverine the perfect casting is Jack Black as a teenage girl.
  18. Justice League may have better legs than BvS but a 2.4x multiplier for a $90M+ Opening Weekend isn't that good.
  19. Really happy with the surprising success of Jumanji. I feel Sony gets way too much hate by some people so it's nice to see them have a good year. As for TLJ I can only give my anecdotal thoughts but my 9 Year Old Sister describes the film as "awesome" and "epic". And she is one person who never was that interested in Star Wars before TFA so Disney must be doing something right with this franchise.
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