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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Little optimistic there, it’s not off the table if it shrugs off V2+NTTD but I think 230s is more likely.
  2. Oh yeah, Sep analysis update: current grosses SC 177, rest 122. Shang last week 32.5, finish month ~ 203 adding 26 (80%). Other movies last week did ~ 32.5 — 25M holdovers and 7.5M openers. Holdovers say add 100% for 25, openers can add maybe 2x for 15M. DEH call it 15M opening week. That gives 203 vs 177, plenty of room for error.
  3. Lot of MCU 4th weekends confounded by some holiday or another. The best 4th Sat drop is Gotg -28%, which is very mildly inflated by returning to school increasing the Sat share of moviegoing. Next are TDW, DS1, and Ragnarok all chilling around -30-31%… on Thanksgiving Sat. So if SC can score a “best in MCU” 4th Sat drop to match its best in MCU 3rd Sat drop, that looks like a hold of 69-72% for ~ 6.75-7.05M and a weekend of ~14.9M-15.5M. This is an optimistic case, but it could target TROS 4th weekend gross of 15.187M
  4. The Sat to Sat drops have been pretty similar to Spider-man (2002), Wonder Woman, and BP so far. 3rd Sat vs 1st Sat: SM1 -54% BP -54.5% WW -56% SC -58%
  5. Cypher was like the only human character in the series with a smart philosophical position on the matrix.
  6. Sure, but I mean, theaters don’t actually need any business on weekdays mornings. Overall ticket and concession sales is the important stat, not when those sales are occurring.
  7. I was a lot more excited by the 90s and 00s movies before I noticed this part 😛
  8. Beverly Hills cop is funny given the current sensibility around Jan releases. You do have to wonder — why not go two weeks earlier? Oh, I misunderstood the post — it dominated Dec, Jan, and Feb
  9. Aha — we were only one day away from getting the sort of answer I was expecting.
  10. Wow, now that’s some golden trivia! Do you have something normal like Endgame/TFA as #2 at least or is it old white Oscar bait for a while?
  11. Unless it really gets smashed by V2+NTTD I don’t see how it misses 230. And they shouldn’t hurt screens much since we have so much other chaff for them to take screens from instead. Mostly the PLFs could hurt a little.
  12. Yep. Suicide Squad was defeated by DB1 in the pre-labor horror spot, gotg lost 2 weekends to the teenage turtles.
  13. Yeah it’s dumb because you have to open on the 1st weekend of a month to qualify. Eric found one more recently than I was expecting. Amusingly TA missed despite pulling 52% of the month because of MIB3 on the final weekend.
  14. OMG, just noticed mojo’s note on that weekend
  15. Noice. Another case where they get dethroned on the 1st of the next month.
  16. Yeah yeah, should have excluded Post March 2020 explicitly.
  17. I’ve somehow become the Nielsen guy, so I’ll note that Invincible charted on its 4th ep and 8th ep. Both 45 minutes which helps.
  18. This would be kind of a dumb trivia, but I wonder what the most recent movie is to be #1 for each weekend in its month of release.
  19. Even if “people who pay for a max account of their own watch it on that instead” isn’t the only causal mechanism, it seems pretty clear between Macho Malignant Reminiscence TSS that Max releases are putting a real drag on movies. Some of that may also be account sharing, direct piracy, movies not “feeling like” events, or WB marketing less because the financial equations around marketing are different.
  20. DEH will probably be close, could even pass 10M. Rest of this shit wasn’t hitting 10M OW in normalcy anyway (malignant or macho might have with an exclusive model).
  21. Okay, but do you wanna provide any kind of, I dunno — quantitative argument or evidence?
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