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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Something that doesn’t exist doesn’t seem all that interesting, tbh.
  2. At this rate Rian Johnson will be the most fan-liked director working on the SW spinoffs. Silver lining?
  3. On the bright side, watching season 8 implode is a really a much more memorable and epic shared cultural event than if they stuck the landing
  4. Don’t want to do a fan war thing here, just a quick thought since I popped in and saw some discussion related to this. Iron Man was a top 50 WW movie, just missed top 40 iirc (in today’s terms this is like 950M-1B) Detective Pikachu is unlikely to break the top 200. Can a universe be created with this as its start, yes. Is it remotely comparable to IM1’s excellent performance, no. 585M in 2008 is so far removed from 585M now that it’s not even funny.
  5. Well hey, at least they aren’t trying to sell any more episodes in this world after next week
  6. Got a feeling that people who expect ep 6 to somehow salvage this are going to get their expectations subverted
  7. 17 PT 5/12/19 (End of Sun) 1 40.5% Avengers: Endgame 2 24.5% Detective Pikachu 3 9.2% The Hustle 4 4.4% Poms 5 4.1% Long Shot In a shocking twist, movies that you might be more likely to see with a mother seem to have relatively increased today
  8. China massively overdelivered for this movie. 525 would have been a great result, and missing Avatar WW for sure.
  9. No, it was 1667.8 after Thursday. Some of that is also part of the 102.4 weekend, since Thursday is part of the box office weekend in many countries.
  10. I didn’t doubt 2B. And to be clear, beating Avatar is still the most likely outcome. It’s just that you can now find a path under if you squint.
  11. If OS-C only heads to 1.31B or so, then Avatar is no longer certain after the DOM weekend. Next weekend will be critical for gaining back ground since IW had DP2 and AEG has little competition.
  12. Solid season pilot. Much more interested in the Fitz squad than the Earth storylines, but that’s par for the course. Not that the Earth stuff is weak, just... new Simmons 😍
  13. 17 PT 5/11/19 (End of Sat) 1 47.7% Avengers: Endgame 2 27.7% Detective Pikachu 3 5.6% The Hustle 4 3.1% Long Shot 5 3% Poms Poms already fell behind Long Shot. Nothing particularly notable this update.
  14. Boom, nailed the quintessential video game adaptation problem. Many of the games with loved plots are loved because they have a great 20+ hour plot, so a 2 hour adaptation just ends up feeling watered down and inferior.
  15. IW was spectacularly paced with a magnificent ending. An absolutely propulsive smash-and-grab with great humor, character moments, and emotion throughout, that also managed to develop a great antagonist. Endgame has 3 pretty different acts that are each great in their own way, and really takes its time to wallow in some stuff, with great callbacks and a sense of finality. So, it’s pretty hard to compare them. IW is the better movie if you don’t consider the finale factor of Endgame, but I’m not sure that’s a good way to go about it.
  16. It is pretty undeniable that Disney has recently been doing the best job by far of making movies that many people enjoy, thanks largely to their acquisitions of around a decade ago. But I’ll root for the non-Disney films I like, and not for Disney films I dislike.
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