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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. It’s Always Sunny title card: “The Gang make 4B+ DOM and 10B+ WW from movies released in a 27 month window.”
  2. Was very surprised to find More than Blue at 8.6 Maoyan. Can someone with more expertise explain why it’s having a (mini) breakout anyway?
  3. The OS OW was shocking, but 400+ DOM has honestly been expected for like 3 months. The surprising result would be <400
  4. Yeah, can't say I really care about "2nd best in March." I'm interested in how well it's holding and where it will end up, and 67 vs 72 has a pretty fair impact of those. It was obviously going to have the 2nd best 2nd March Weekend once we had the OW number, so that really doesn't provide much useful info as to how well the weekend is going.
  5. When I said I wanted numbers, I didn't mean these numbers Low Saturday bump for MCU, but I guess it's a combination of partial school break and some trailer effect on Friday that's now fully faded. Still on track for a high 60s weekend, quite typical mid 50s drop.
  6. Is it a decent time of day in India? Yes: good numbers based discussion. No: thread descends into madness. So, what kind of multiplier off this weekend are people thinking? For comparison: I think maybe 197+71*3.2=424 or so
  7. 160 would be 1.8x off a holiday opening. Not going to bring expectations back up to there yet, but if it happens I'll be satisfied enough with the legs (PS:OW still pretty low, but perhaps should have been expected given the circumstances).
  8. Optimistic 760 Sun, means +300 last 7 days. 7 after that add maybe 140 for 900, 7 after than maybe 80 for 980... going to take more than 2 weekends from now, not “soon”
  9. Deadline has it at 18.8, no real difference from Charlie’s #s for any other movie. I will use 19.1, Sat roughly 30-32.5, expecting over 70M still.
  10. From a higher authority. Asgard’s number was a few hours earlier though. Should basically think of it as like 18-20 until we get another update.
  11. Deadline seeing a 19.5M Fri (bit stronger than Rth, middle of Charlie’s very early #s) and a 3.6-3.7 IM, which is right in line with BatB but I think Marvel Saturday’s nudge it higher.
  12. Woah, I was expecting Japan to the one OS market that bucked the (relatively) big CM opening trend. Unless reception sucks $20M+ should be quite possible, yeah?
  13. Should be 71+-2.5ish imo, can’t give a particularly narrow range until Saturday is known pretty closely. (~30 hrs)
  14. That only needs to make up 50M against AQM’s 520 OS-C, which is within the realm of plausibility.
  15. For the IM thinking around the 3.65-3.7 of IM3, AoU, IW, CW on the low end and the 3.8-3.95x of BatB, GotG2, and BP on the high end. Even 19x3.75 is a solid 71
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