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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Pretty confident Pepsi meant a 21 Mon-Sun instead of Mon-Fri. Seemingly will cap about below 140, but I will dream of some nice drops in next couple weeks.
  2. At first I interpreted this as you giving the likely total, then I noticed that it was giving the likely midpoint — and then I realized that in a numerical quirk today, going to be pretty close to true both ways! edit: Wow, even closer than I thought. 16:30 midpoint would be a 16.33m finish. 16.45 finish would be a 16:34 midpoint.
  3. Does a 6.5-7 finish look about right? Or will it probably drop faster?
  4. Man, almost a full 56%, guess Disney didn’t want to keep buying their own tickets. Wonder if we can hit 290 before next weekend, probably just miss.
  5. Indeed. China is only some 22% of the last 7 days though, vs 34% of the Opening FSS, and will be a much smaller portion of the next 7 days. The silver lining to fast dropping markets is that they quickly become a less influential part of driving the average drop My serious prediction at this point would be about 155 C, 25J, 410 DOM, 540 OS-C-J for ~1130
  6. If I'm remembering Rth's comments last night correctly, more likely that F,Sat go down than up.
  7. Very happy with this prediction from before any numbers came in.
  8. It could also end #18 WW (optimistic) and #18 DOM (very optimistic). Can't simultaneously satisfy all of these finishes though 😛
  9. Just think how cathartic it will be when the ER is finally good again and Brazil is banging out occasional 100+ grosses like UK, SK, and Japan.
  10. Ah, indeed, behind the same 6 of Avengers, BP, IM3, CW. To maintain 7th next weekend would be 33-34.5M, above CW but newly below GotG2. Think it will come in 5th or 6th depending on placement relative to IM3's 35.8M.
  11. Jesus Christ Indonesia, it's only day 12 for you guys! I know you're a growing market, but damn. 494 cume gives 115M FSS, 85 OS-J-C down from 170 iirc.
  12. 18th biggest OW into 18th biggest 2nd wknd is quite a remarkable coincidence. Will be really tickled it CM can carry the streak into the 3rd wknd, but it's a pretty narrow window to hit (37.3-37.9).
  13. I think their perception is that the vast majority fans/GA simply don't care about product placement (and I think that's correct). If they conducted an investigation that concluded it was turning a lot of people off/away I bet there'd suddenly be a lot less of it.
  14. I would say they can overlap a lot, but not quite the same thing. I’ll grant that it’s hard to draw a distinction since increasing size and intensity of fanbase both tend to lead to more money, but I think if Kevin was offered a deal from a genie where each McU film in the next decade made 10% less money than it otherwise would but was seen and liked by 10% more people (non-theatrical viewing, cheaper tickets, whatever) he would take it in a heartbeat.
  15. Do you mean that IROM Man 4 was RDJ’s decision? It doesn’t have to be IM4 specifically, the point is that they could have used that slot to get sequels for more financially successful characters out faster and just let AM hang around with only 1 solo movie Hulk style. Product placement is is a bit of a non-sequitor, doesn’t hurt continuity or fan satisfaction. 8km not trying to say that they don’t value money highly, that would be silly. My point is merely that given a choice between something which they think will make big bucks soon or something less immediately profitable that strengthens the brand in the long run I think they gravitate towards the latter, so $$$ is more of like the 2nd most important thing.
  16. “Paint by numbers collaborative” is not the same thing as “money driven.” MCU employs a lot of tactics that you might casually associate with being purely about $$$, but in their case I think the primary driver is actually to satisfy fans and build up their continuity, with an eye towards continuing to be a culturally cominant product for as long as possible. That aligns pretty well with making money in the long run, sure, but they’re willing to e.g. make an Ant-Man sequel even though it makes way less money than putting an Iron Man 4 in that slot because they’re interested in setting up characters, settings, plot elements, etc for years down the road,
  17. I agree that it’s a business and it’s natural that money is a big driver of what gets made and gets sequels, and etc. and there’s nothing wrong with that. MCU is one of the least money driven big franchises though, at least in the short term, and I think that can lead to better creative quality.
  18. You nailed it. If the video doesn’t match it would only be because they goofed. Can’t wait for the Tesseract’s appearances in Black Widow and The Eternals
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