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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. This is pretty much exactly what I’m thinking as a middle path for the next 5 days: -40 -7 +116 +63 -27 Better chance to go above by 3+ than below by 3+, I think, but just have to wait and see.
  2. Summer? Spring? Basically the same vis a vis weekday:weekend multis, amirite?
  3. Some pretty serious weekday drops, hopefully it plays strong on Sat and Sun again.
  4. Rather small Friday bump, isn’t it? Winter Solider +160, Ragnarok +160, Gotg2 +130, IM3 +160, CW +140, THG +130, BatB +116. Better holds until Thursday make it harder to do a huge bump, but 8.25 after a 153 weekend is not too far out there.
  5. Same Maoyan as AM&TW. Makes AM&TW’s OW in first 2 days. Finishing <10% above. At least this will all be washed away in like 6 weeks when Endgame PS begin
  6. I was just looking at some possible 2nd wknd rankings and discovered some pretty weird trivia. There are 7 2nd weekend between 61M-66M, 9 between 71M-76M, and 0 between 66-71M. As long as the Wednesday is not super steep I think CM can add to that 71-76 bucket. As as long as it’s 65.3+ it won’t lose position relative to the OW rankings.
  7. Well, yeah, Rth has been projecting DOM daily figures for over a dozen years iirc, and I think Charlie was focused more on India and China until fairly recently. If I got a number with the same amount of digits at the same time I’d certainly weight heavily toward the OG. But @KJsooner said he and that’s just obviously wrong.
  8. Seems like a pretty clear sign you don’t pay attention to how well his late-in-day estimates correspond to actuals.
  9. I hereby swear to only complain about Wednesday if it’s <8.5
  10. First Tuesday bumps for every movie to open over 100M: Now, there are several things going on here. Discount Tuesdays have increased as a factor recently, as you can clearly see from the release years. Really gargantuan openings lead to spillover Mondays. Some of those openings had holiday or partial holiday Mondays. But still, +36.5% on first Tuesday for an OW of this size would definitely not be normal. Edit: 14.5 is only a 32% increase, that would be on the good end of normal.
  11. If big Tuesday is followed by normal sized Wednesday (big % drop) then it’s worth very little in the long run. If it’s followed with a normal % drop for a big Wednesday, then we’re cooking.
  12. The mere act of buying a ticket is enough to grant you real-life superpowers. Predominantly invisibility.
  13. Following daily multipliers of: BatB — 429M GotG2 — 454M Ragnarok — 419M DS — 441M Kong — 403M Don’t expect to do more random multiplication until we get actuals.
  14. Jesus, it’s not even 4:30 yet on the West Coast, this hint is early as hype. The most obvious interpretation does seem to be 15 based off the “15¢,” that would be a dope number.
  15. Ah, looks like it isn’t even new news, but from a several days old Depp filing. Given the lack of traction since then I’m going to file it away as unlikely to be credible.
  16. 22-35, maybe 30 if I needed to pick a single number since Charlie seemed optimistic. I know that’s a big range, but it’s not like we have a lot to go on 😛
  17. Lemme see here, we add 250 DOM, 250 OS-C-J, 15 Japan, -7M in China... and bam, 998M. Easy peezy.
  18. This is quite a different scenario. Brie Larson had a “controversy” — today’s claims about Heard are serious, though as far as I can tell there isn’t much in the way of concrete evidence (and men have been getting away with worse for decades). Edit: I want to stress that I have really no idea of whether the allegations are plausible or not — Depp certainly has a motive to exagggerate or lie. If they were true it would be serious, but I’d rather let other people try to work all that out while I think about other things.
  19. It had 2.9, not particularly crazy (though certainly strong for a big opener)
  20. 13.99 would be a good jump, lol. 14.99 would be mad impressive, and 15.99 is impossible.
  21. Oh boy, can’t wait for the reactions to 13.99 tomorrow 😛
  22. Updated for actuals. Tomorrow I plan to drop the Nov MCUs for Alice in Wonderland and Oz the Great and Powerful.
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