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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. AoU numbers, 77.75. Taking 20M Friday, could get there with +70, -30. All three days would be very impressive there, expectations lower.
  2. What an unexpected set of reactions It’s pretty early of course, I’ll have a wide range for years but particularly want to see where Endgame leaves things. IW bump might be pretty real though, especially OS.
  3. Strong 43.5M first weekdays for CM. Leeds to some pretty crazy weekend figures off of MCU comps, but I think it’s more likely to follow BatB’s x1.68 for 73M, maybe a bit lower.
  4. HTTYD up 5% from last week, about same as yesterday. Last Thursday was slightly depressed fromCM previews though. Related to being a kids movie on a partial break week, I think, still expecting down a decent bit wknd. Friday maybe 18-20ish would be restrained but solid.
  5. ~577 Thurs. Add 65-75 DOM, 20-25 China, ~5 Japan would be roughly 675. 100M OS-C-J is perfectly possible, though could easily fall short as well. Maybe 755-785ish Also, welcome to the forum!
  6. Weekend drop should be >, <, or same as Fri? Guessing larger is most reasonable expectation after great Sat+Sun last time.
  7. The 9.2 high end was edited to a 9.3 high end, so I guess 9.4 confirmed
  8. Wow, that screens per M people chart is really something. I find myself curious in particular about where Japan and Indonesia are on that metric.
  9. Friday is when we witness the true trailer bump power, naturally. Most people who saw it and decided to watch Captain Marvel had to put it off ‘til then
  10. Vs last Friday: presales -67% 13:20 -62.5% 14:20 -61% 15:20 -59.5% 16:20 -58.8% 17:20 -58.9% Last friday added 37.6x the 13:20-14:20 CGV difference to the 14:20 CGV reading to get total daily admits, same here would be 44+37.6*5=232, -44% weekly. Seems too high to me, can make a much better estimate in a few hours. Edit: Same projection as above gives 49+17.2*10=221, for -46.5%. Generally I expect this number to keep falling hourly, while the % behind last Friday to keep getting better. Perhaps 50-55% down, though who mows how night will move. 16:20 — 54+10.44*15=211, -49% both numbers moving in expected direction this hour, maybe more like -54-57% will be my last guess before bed. 17:20 — 58+7.35*19=198, -52.2%. Actual final guess -55-58
  11. Some selected Th:2nd wknd multis, and the corresponding gross off of 8.9. Expect it on the low end with a possibly tad inflated Thurs. Gotg2 9.11-> 81M TWS 9-> 80M CW 8.9->79M BatB 8.3->74M Oz 8.04->71.5M THG 7.16-> 64M (also increased Thurs)
  12. 8.5*1.05=8.925 ☺️ If it follows @a2k‘s Thurs:wknd trajectory 8.75-9 gives roughly 72-75
  13. So, let’s see: 3/6 ~15M, OS-C 15 3/7 ~30M, OS-C 28 3/8 83M, OS-C 51 3/9 ~105M, OS-C 72 3/10 ~76M, OS-C 55 3/11 22.4M, OS-C 16 3/12 19.5M, OS-C 14.5 3/13 17.4M, OS-C 13.2 Cume as of 3/13 362.6, OS-C 258 Let me know if any any of those approximated ones look particularly off. Hopefully a nice OS-C weekend hold, but could be tough with such a big opening. Edit: Same data presented much nicer and more precisely by Charlie a couple posts down.
  14. Hmm, when you consider IWD the % of CW doesn’t look so awful. A $153m finish would be legs in the low x1.7 range, also not as bad as it looked like it might go on Tues. That would help a lot in perhaps approaching IM3/AQM on solo OS chart.
  15. If they don’t want to call their sequel a sequel I guess that’s their prerogative.
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