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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. First weekdays OS-C-J was 57M, x1.53 gave 87 FSS. This time weekdays are ~36, but taking out Bank holiday in Mexico more like 34, so same multiplier would be about 52M. Would not be at all surprised to see the overall FSS go above 60 a bit. (Since J should be 2-.2.5ish and C 5-7.5ish) 1.1-AQM looks increasingly like the likely range. Will cross my fingers for an Endgame boost but will be late enough in run to not be huge magnitude even if it materializes.
  2. Wow, look at that, half an hour ago presales were broken and now they're valid again
  3. It’s almost impossible to really know, 2 decades ago fandom was so different in terms of internet and social media enabled communication.
  4. Huh, indicating a roughly .5M difference between cumes through Wed? That’s pretty big, wonder what’s causing it.
  5. The Halloween numbers in that comp include all the fandango sales for the weekend, including sales made Fri, Sat, Sun Or at least, I’m pretty sure that’s what they are.
  6. Seems to be heading for a full 50% bump today on Fandango for 40k. Unfortunately a lot of big openers from last year don't have Thurs data, and I'm pretty uncertain about what good comps will be anyway. On the one hand you could call it a non-franchise movie, but it seems like a lot of awareness and buzz is being driven by the association with Get Out, so it's not hard to imagine actually being fairly presale heavy.
  7. Us should have decently big previews, so I’m expecting -8%-15% or so.
  8. TFA was an overperformance, anyone expecting it much past 2B was just getting carried away. Beat the biggest non-Cameron movie by about 25%.
  9. Actual (1) Captain Marvel Walt Disney $4,567,773 -40% 4,310 $1,060 $282,251,537 13
  10. @DeeCee, feel free to perform your task and claim your rest now . Whoops, timezone fail. Don’t mind me. 4.5 is pretty much as expected, hoped for a couple hundred k higher but whatever.
  11. Ah. Ok. I see. So Us just went crazy on Fandango today. Well, I have no idea how presale heavy it will be, so I’m not even going to project anything numberswise, but I think we have a fun weekend thread ahead of us.
  12. Wait, did the tracker not shift an hour for DST as well? I’d expect it to still be the same time relative to you, since it seems to run on US Central time.
  13. If you mean off of the BoxofficeReport forecast above, more like 320
  14. Only Charlie provides the very early presales extrapolation, and it’s not happening this week. But honesty we’re at the point in the run where we already know it’s going to be like 4.3-4.8, and I doubt the whatever he got from presales+ first hour eastern showings would narrow it down much more. If Rth drops by, which, frankly I might not bother today if I were in their shoes, it would probably be in about 4-7 hours, as outside of big weekends they like to only provide one number, which means waiting until late enough that the final can be estimated pretty reliably.
  15. And now my ignore list is multiple pages long
  16. IW OS-C is only low 990s, BOM is off by about 20M on the China figure still with their retroactive ER nonsense.
  17. 7.8 now confirmed (as the estimate) via react. Very nice jump, more than I was expecting.
  18. The last early March Brie Larson+SLJ action flick had an absolutely massive +66.5% on the corresponding day, no clue why. It was working with much smaller absolute numbers though. I think Wednesday could be pretty close to 5.
  19. It’s hard to make out, but it’s actually a 78 rather than a 76 https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Captain_Marvel_Adventures_Vol_1_78
  20. Yeah, this is issue 78. Don’t see another plausible interpretation beside 7.8M, which would be a nice 50% bump.
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