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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Fallout is saved, but 2018 Marvel movies still get to 6B. The perfect scenario
  2. It’s because the length of the presale window for CM is so long. 13 days after for BP or GotG2 is too close to release for comps to make any sense, but 46 days before BP and GotG2 didn’t even have tickets available. When we get closer the other movies will be reintroduced as N days before comps.
  3. I absolutely agree, but sadly my plans to assume control of BOM are still in their preliminary stages.
  4. So, what’s going on there is that BOM adjusts *to* a year, but *from* each quarter individually. Or at least, that’s what the dailies display, I can’t vouch for whether the dailies adjusted to year N actually add up to the total displayed for year N. 2015 had the following data: Q2 price 8.61 Q3 price 8.25 Q4 price 8.70 yearly price 8.43 For the days in and after October, BOM applies the Q4 price for JW and adjusts it down by a ratio of 8.43:8.70. For the days before October BOM applies the Q3 price for JW and adjusts JW’s gross up by a ratio of 8.43:8.25 — even the portion of the gross in Q2, which is a mistake.
  5. Mojo doesn’t estimate ticket prices at all. They’re provided quarterly by the National Association of Theater Owners, and I assume represent total ticket revenue for the quarter divided by number of tickets sold for the quarter. Annual average ticket price comes straight from NATO as well. It probably seems too low because you live somewhere with a higher than average cost of living index.
  6. MLK 4-day multis tend to be 2.3-3.7ish for December holdovers still making 4M+ or so, which would yield: AQM 320-338 SMSV 172-186 MPR 168-178 BB 123-131 Off these estimated. In theory that means AQM vs BvS, MPR vs TGS, and BB vs The Last Knight are all somewhat open questions still (though very tough for Bee). Spiderverse will take the Sony Pictures animation crown even adjusted.
  7. In actual gross no, been dead for weeks. In terms of Mojo reported total maaaaaaybe, but we’d need a big shock to the ER real soon.
  8. Below 1x multi is quite a feat. Mojo might report something like that for a foreign market if it was very frontloaded and ER changed rapidly.
  9. Fair enough. It's been a long day, and I was unnecessarily snappish. That said, I simply can't agree with this. Do you have any concrete examples? Just mentioning the irrefutable fact that 1B is slightly less special when it's a 40+ member club than when it was single digit sized doesn't count, that's a more general topic of conversation that comes up in plenty of discussions when movies pass 1B.
  10. Dude, come off it. Aquaman is doing gangbusters. Everyone is this thread knows it, and has said as much. Please take your “DC is persecuted” whining somewhere that it actually makes sense, like the Fanboy Wars thread.
  11. In fact, people also pointed out that BP’s 1.34 wasn't as impressive as TDK’s 1.0 in 2008 — and they’re completely correct.
  12. BP didn’t end up low billions, it got to the mid billions and top 10. But I definitely saw some people point out that its 1.34 wasn’t as crazy as HP2’s 1.34, and I completely agree.
  13. Aquaman did INSANE relative both to my expectations (2+x) and its budget (probably 6x+). I do think it’s reasonable to point out that low billions in 2019 is not quite the exclusive club it used to be.
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