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Cooper Legion

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Everything posted by Cooper Legion

  1. Star Wars: 6 movies before Disney acquisition, some beloved and some more mixed. 4 movies after acquisition, fatigue sets in and they realize they should do less than 1 per year. MCU: 5 movies before the Disney acquisition, 1 beloved and some more mixed. 15 movies after acquisition, interest only ramping up after successfully moving to 3 per year.
  2. It’s just a lull period for BO generally, imo. Meg and CRA gave some excitement to August, Venom and A Star is Born maybe will give a bit soon, but then things heat back up for the Holiday period.
  3. Well, it has two title heroes, and the plot is fairly influenced by Civil War.... but yes, it has the fewest appearances by characters from other sub franchises since gotg2 and DS.
  4. Lol, fair enough. I was talking about box office franchises, but could have been more explicit.
  5. This is a fine result, but definitely lower than I’d hoped and expected. There are some specific factors to point to in some markets as an explanation, but overall it just made less money than every phase 2 movie but AM1, and had a small % increase despite AM1 having a lot of room to improve on. It seems pretty clear that audiences are treating this as a second-class MCU sub franchise (with the exception of China, where it’s one of the top solo franchises). Considering that the movies are good and the MCU is bigger than ever, that’s a bit sad.
  6. No one is “falling for” the MCU. It’s the most successful franchise in history because it consistently delivers great quality and characters with a tone that people enjoy, and the movies vary enough to keep things fresh but not so much to feel incompatible with each other. The degree to which people feel the need to pretend the MCU is succeeding for other reasons than being extremely well executed just because it isn’t their personal cup of tea is really sad.
  7. The thread title is telling me, in all caps no less, to see the ban hammer announcement on page 2. There is no ban hammer announcement on page 2 anymore. I feel confused and lied to. I hadn’t heard about the Munn stuff at all until opening this thread 10 minutes ago, bet it had minimal impact on the numbers.
  8. Guessing they meant “MARTHA.” At least, that’s the scene which most often seems to get used to dismiss the whole movie as a joke based on how silly it was.
  9. They missed their window a bit with Birds of Prey being farther along now. Should have wiped everything but WW from the canon about 9 months ago and started fresh from a base of WW and WW84. I liked Cavill in UNCLE and Fallout, looking forward to him as Geralt. Feel like DC suffers a lot more than he does here — the only major recastings in a major universe before this were Terence Howard and Edward Norton, each after one movie and playing less important characters.
  10. 726, with less than 10m left DOM and probably less than 40M China? Don’t know what Gitesh is smoking for 800, it’s not impossible but definitely more “on track” to miss atm.
  11. 2 movies make top 10: 2017, 2016, 2012, 2009 (Avatar and Transformers 2), 2003 (RotK, Nemo), 2002 (Spider-Man, Two Towers), 2001 (Sorcerer’s Stone, Fellowship of the Ring), 1999 (Phantom Menace, Sixth Sense), 1994 (Forest Gump, TLK), 1982 (ET, tootsie) 3 movies make top 10: 2018, 2015, 2004 (Shrek 2, Spider-Man 2, Passion of the Christ), 1990 had 2 movies that each made the top 10, but never simultaneously — Home Alone bumped Ghost down to 11th when it entered. Likewise, 1984 had 3 movies make 10 but never simultaneously, as Beverly Hills Cop bumped Temple of Doom to 11. The closest a year has even been to 4 in the top 10 seems to be 1984, when Gremlins got it to 4 in the top 16.
  12. This jus made me realize that by calendar gross, we had 6 months in a row of the top movie of the month being a Disney SH flick: Feb BP March BP April IW May IW June I2 July AM&TW
  13. Those estimates have CR shockingly close to being back in the top 3 in its 5th weekend. If Fallout wants to beat AM&TW it’ll probably need to beat that 7.7 estimate (their Monday does look a bit small to me).
  14. Looks like the official final figure for IW is $376.3M. Fallout probably between RAMP and RPO, AM&TW coming in after Meg. Any other HW imports this year that might end up over AM&TW?
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