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Joyous Legion

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Everything posted by Joyous Legion

  1. For reference, few quick hits: Days spent as more than 50% of overall BO since opening — NWH TBD (70+ ?) Endgame 37 BP 32 TFA 31 IW 30 TA 29 SC 28 Avatar 7 Titanic 0 Guess the hope here is to double previous length record, lmfao. If people want to add some to the list, be my guest.
  2. Through its first 40 days of play, NWH has been 65% of overall BO gross (so about $1.85 for every $1 made by other movies combined). This is an annoying stat/record/trivia to calculate with the way sites lay out info, but with a little informal poking around of obvious contenders that @charlie Jatinder and I did this should be far and away the all-time record, with AEG and TFA ~1:1 in the same time period. Should also easily take record for longest until that falls to 50%/ 1:1.
  3. 1.7 vs 14 DOM, right? Unless you’re comparing 7th to 7th and expecting it to be flat
  4. Never. Stop. Stopping. With a few more great holds and an extended rerelease, hey you know who knows maaaaaaaaybe 👀
  5. There was some legit flip-floppening in days 5-15 or so, but Avatar has basically been locked for some two weeks now.
  6. Ah, thought it was 24.7 cume last Sun. Anyway, anywhere in 27s is great.
  7. Week of .75 so 3M more takes 20% drops, does seem a bit much. 27.5-28 would be my guess though dunno upcoming holiday schedule or local competition.
  8. That said, here it is with search terms to be more apples to apples: https://trends.google.com/trends/explore?geo=US&q=%2Fg%2F11fmhx17vl,%2Fm%2F0mztk28,%2Fg%2F11f6y3qdxy,%2Fg%2F11hzkpnkvq
  9. This year we have sequel to the new all time high grosser, yet it’s much less hype than sequel to DC2?
  10. Tobey and Hayden are basically on the same timeline, and Hamill’s clock is ticking. I say they make things happen in the 2020s
  11. 500? Seems kind of pathetic for a CNY OD sequel to recent all time grosser. I have been paying very little attention to this market recently though 😆
  12. Don’t really know the right thread for this, but if MoM goes well how long before we get the Hayden Ridley Hamill world between world crossover movie 🤔
  13. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1BMEPoyDk7TN25-3VIR_jGTOPZlYulc6H6VbkXYDXkp0/edit
  14. 95.6 holdovers 😎 Need 640k+ from KD to take the weekend, so not too concerned
  15. As everyone was famously saying before this thing opened, “95£ or flop”
  16. Yep, M4 going for mid 37s probably, WSS I would peg at mid 37, KM has the most variability still. I think it will go past 38 and win.
  17. Haven’t seen an official report yet but should be 87 and change.
  18. Hmm, really not impressive in Taiwan and HK huh. But I feel like 350+ Would happen based on gut.
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