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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. One last thing I’ll say is that I’d rather they not go with Clark Kent if they’re doing black Superman. There are other black characters who have taken on the mantle of Superman. Race swapping the version of Superman everyone is familiar with, instead of giving one of the lesser known characters a chance to shine, just seems like a really cynical move where the studio is trying to have their cake and eat it.
  2. There is an official BTS video going around. I’m assuming the pics wouldn’t qualify as a leak because of that, but don’t quote me on that.
  3. Where did they get the idea that a sequel is planned? They already claimed this back in 2019, only to seemingly get debunked by Deadline and Todd Phillips himself.
  4. Did that article seriously just casually claim that Joker is getting a sequel, when nothing about that has been confirmed?
  5. Tom Holland also denied that Garfield and Maguire would be in this, but at this point, I’m going to just assume they’re lying.
  6. I don’t know why anyone would want to host the Oscars at this point. The moment someone is announced to host the Oscars, the Internet will start digging through their past to try and find something problematic.
  7. The low ratings aren’t remotely surprising. Clearly, their little stunt of saving the Best Actor category for last didn’t work out for them in the slightest, which makes the whole thing all the more embarrassing. At the very least, I can only assume that next year will fare better in terms of the ratings.
  8. For what it’s worth, I do agree that it’s pretty sleazy how the Academy decided to save the Best Actor category for last, just so they could make a big deal out of Boseman’s death, only not to give it to him anyway. Boseman not winning is fine, but if that’s the case, they should’ve just ended with the Best Picture win like they usually do.
  9. I’m not sure about that. Ford has made it pretty clear that he really doesn’t care for his franchise roles. He never seemed very passionate about roles like Han Solo and Indiana Jones.
  10. She wasn’t the only person of color to win tonight, but regardless, you’re making it sound like Boseman should’ve won solely because he’s black. I’m sorry, but that’s a very condescending take that does a disservice to Boseman’s skills as an actor. As a person of Middle Eastern descent, I would hate to be awarded something just because a bunch of white people are trying to fulfill some cynical racial or ethnic quota, and not based on my own merits.
  11. Do we have to go there, especially when a woman of color won Best Director and Best Picture?
  12. Wait, so Boseman didn’t win? So what was the point of putting the Best Actor category last? That sounds like something they would’ve done so there could be a big emotional win for Boseman
  13. From what everyone here is saying, it sounds like it’s a good thing for me that I didn’t bother watching this year.
  14. I thought for sure Nomadland would win Best Adapted Screenplay. Maybe this year’s Oscars won’t be as predictable as I thought?
  15. I could see Eternals opening to $100 million after Chloé Zhao inevitably becomes a big name tonight.
  16. I seriously doubt that The Suicide Squad is crossing $100 million on OW.
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