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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. Is it weird that I kind of miss the days where there was endless speculation about BvS?
  2. Presumably because he wants people to see what he and Snyder shot. If you want a more cynical answer, then maybe you could argue that he’s doing this for the publicity.
  3. I’m surprised that the audience score on RT hasn’t been nuked by the usual suspects. There are plenty of people on YouTube who are tearing into this movie, so I figured that would’ve been reflected in the audience score like it was with the HBO Watchmen show.
  4. They could just put it on HBO Max, but they probably won’t, at least for another several years.
  5. If it hadn’t been for the existence of Genisys, people might’ve actually been hyped for this movie.
  6. Oh, right. I forgot about that. Wouldn’t it make more sense to release that in the Fall? Is it supposed to be a holiday themed movie?
  7. In other news, the Spider-Verse sequel has finally been announced for an April 2022 release. I don’t see why they couldn’t have released it in December 2021. Yeah, Avatar 2 is supposed to come out that month, but December is an extremely versatile month.
  8. Why would the studio give him money to finish a version of a film that they had no intention of releasing to the public?
  9. Haven’t watched Doom Patrol (I canceled my membership to DC Universe), but what I saw of Titans was better than the Arrowverse. Speaking of the Arrowverse, it’s really weird to me that they’re trying to tackle something as ambitious as Crisis on Infinite Earths. That just seems like way too much for a bunch of shows that air on a bottom of the barrel network like the CW.
  10. The Baneposting craze probably didn’t do its reputation any favors, but I think it’s a pretty satisfying end to the trilogy. I used to think that having Batman survive was a cop out, but after seven years of hindsight, I don’t think it would’ve made sense to kill him off. A major part of his story in the trilogy was that he wanted to eventually settle down and live a normal life. If the movie ended with him dying, it would’ve rendered his arc incomplete.
  11. Maybe I’m wrong, but it seems like the whole “TDKR sucks” sentiment has slowed down as of 2019.
  12. Since this movie is distributed by Fox overseas, I guess Disney will have to add it to the list of bombs that they’ve had since they acquired the company.
  13. WB is clearly past the point of caring about continuity, hence why they’re rebooting Batman, while keeping many of the other actors from the Snyderverse.
  14. I guess the intention (beyond serving as a marketing stunt) is to essentially call out the role that Watchmen supposedly played in superhero stories becoming more dark and depressing. There’s this belief that people like Alan Moore are to blame for this tendency in the past 30 years of making superhero stories these dark and edgy deconstructions that try too hard to shake off their image as goofy stories for kids. As a result, having Dr. Manhattan be the one responsible for the New 52 being such a cynical and depressing nightmare is meant to serve as meta commentary on the state of comics in the aftermath of Watchmen.
  15. It’s been three and a half years since the Watchmen characters were integrated into the DC universe and I still can’t decide if I should be absolutely frustrated by that decision or if I should be impressed that it took DC 30 years to do that.
  16. When it was announced that BvS would deal with the aftermath of MoS, that definitely seemed like a good sign. I remember seeing those set photos in 2014 of people protesting Superman and I was happy that it looked like they would acknowledge the destruction at the end of the previous film. I was also hopeful that Chris Terrio’s involvement would mean that the script for BvS would be more polished than its predecessor. Unfortunately, while BvS didn’t ignore the destruction that occurred in MoS, it didn’t do anything to address the criticisms about how dour the previous film was and, in fact, doubled down on the darkness and the violence, in addition to having a more convoluted plot and an antagonist with confusing motives.
  17. While we’re on the subject of Zack Snyder, I will say that I do have a certain admiration for his work. Yeah, he probably didn’t entirely get the point of the Watchmen comics and he did botch any chance DC had at competing with Marvel on the silver screen, but you can’t deny that he is a man with a vision. I won’t deny that his movies are generally schlock, but they at least aren’t forgettable schlock, unless you count Justice League. I’m not ashamed to admit that I was one of those people who defended Man of Steel back in the day or that I was cautiously optimistic about BvS.
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