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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. Yeah, this is probably going to be Chris Hemsworth’s Logan. There’s not a whole lot you can really do with Thor’s character at this point, so if you’re going to make another movie, replacing him makes the most sense. So, just to recap: Iron Man passed the baton to Spider-Man, Captain America passed the baton to Falcon (it’s okay to say that without a spoiler tag at this point, right?), and Thor will most likely be passing the baton off to Jane.
  2. The fact that so much of Thor’s supporting cast is dead is another reason I’d prefer for Thor to be a supporting character moving forward. Still, I guess they could bring back Hela, and maybe bring in the Enchantress (don’t know if they’ll call her that, though).
  3. I think I would’ve preferred to just have Thor as a supporting character moving forward, since I feel like he’s kind of completed his character arc, but this is fine too.
  4. I take it this is the anime and manga thread now? How did that happen? I mean, it does seem a lot more civil now, but that’s still a strange development.
  5. Why would the public not be aware that Spider-Man fought with the Avengers? They knew that Iron Man saved the universe, so what reason would anyone have for not telling them that Spider-Man was there?
  6. It still baffles me how they made such a blatant mistake like that. The best guess I can come up with is that they looked at Vision’s “eight years ago” line in CW (which itself is technically a continuity error, given that the first IM film couldn’t have taken place in 2008), and assumed he was somehow referring to the events of The Avengers.
  7. That is a good point. People have railed against TDK for the surveillance plot point in the third act, but at least that film acknowledged how questionable the ethics of such a thing are.
  8. One more thing I’ll say; can we please stop with the whole “bad guy has a vendetta against Tony Stark” thing? I get that he’s the flagship hero of the MCU, but all three Iron Man films and both Spider-Man films have had these kinds of villains. It’s especially annoying in the case of Spider-Man, because it makes him feel like an Iron Man supporting character, rather than his own hero. I get that part of the point of FFH is Peter learning to stop living in Tony’s shadow, but for the next one, can we maybe have a villain who has nothing to do with Iron Man?
  9. It was...kind of unfortunate that Nick Fury decided to take a vacation while having Talos take his place. After all, if the Fury we saw in this movie had been the real one, chances are that Beck never would’ve been able to fool him, given that all Fury would’ve needed to do was run a background check that would’ve instantly proven him to be a liar. The entire movie literally would not have happened if Fury hadn’t decided to take a vacation when he did. On that note, was Hill also on vacation? Anyway, the movie was about what I expected. It was a solid and reasonably enjoyable little romp, but I can’t say it’s my favorite Spider-Man film.
  10. I don’t see what the problem is. If people already know about what happens in the movie, why shouldn’t we be allowed to discuss those things in a thread specifically dedicated to talking about spoilers?
  11. I guess that does make him seem a bit less like a prick. In that case, I’m guessing the next movie will have some big moment when Spider-Man saves his life, and we’ll see some hint of a nicer side to Jameson.
  12. From what I could tell by the clip, it seemed like he edited the footage to make it look like Peter flat out murdered an innocent man. I of course haven’t seen the rest of the movie yet, so I guess I could easily be wrong, but based on that clip, Jameson really comes off looking like a complete asshole.
  13. Well, I accidentally saw the spoiler that J.K. Simmons was playing Jameson in this movie, so at that point, I went “ah what the hell” and decided to read up on the end credit scene for him, and I even saw a leaked clip of it. So, uh, is anyone else not a fan of the direction they seem to be taking with Jameson in this universe? I know that people are ecstatic about seeing J.K. Simmons back in his most iconic role, but from his one scene in the movie, he comes across as being just too much of a jerk. Sure, Jameson has always been portrayed as a jerk, including in the Raimi trilogy, but framing a minor for murder and exposing his identity to the world is downright scummy. I could never imagine the Jameson of the Rami trilogy doing something like this. At the very least, if they wanted to portray Jameson as an absolute scumbag, I kind of think I would’ve preferred if they got someone else to play him. As a side note, I kind of wish the MCU didn’t have such a casual disregard for the secret identity trope. Yeah, the trope is unrealistic, but so is the very concept of a superhero.
  14. I’m not particularly excited for this movie, but I’d imagine that the excitement for this movie would ultimately come down to the fact that this movie is supposed to serve as the long awaited GB3, as opposed to being a reboot like the 2016 version.
  15. It worked pretty well for JW, TFA and the live-action Disney remakes.
  16. Has anyone else noticed that there's now a Washington Post article for the #SnyderCut movement? https://www.washingtonpost.com/arts-entertainment/2019/06/26/more-than-year-later-justice-league-fans-are-ramping-up-demands-releasethesnydercut/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.0896ad779e10 Does that officially make the movement mainstream?
  17. I would say that Titanic had the most impressive run of any movie at least in the past 30 years. It was number one at the box office for 15 weeks, made $600 million domestically in a time when ticket prices were much lower, and movies didn’t benefit from 3D or IMAX ticket sales, and made $1.2 billion overseas in a time when China was nowhere near the powerhouse market for movies that it is today.
  18. I think it might be about time to retire the term “DCEU”. It was never an official term to begin with, and considering that they’re severely de-emphasizing, if not outright contradicting the canon that Zack Snyder established, I see little reason for the term to continue to exist.
  19. I believe so. Still, if you go by BOM’s numbers, the original run for the movie would be $2.754 billion.
  20. GotG had a talking tree and raccoon, as well as big space battles and alien environments. It didn’t require nearly two years of VFX work...
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