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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. This might be the first time in years where I’m not horribly nervous about the review embargo dropping for a DC movie.
  2. The problem is that smaller movies usually don’t make as much bigger movies, and Disney almost exclusively releases big movies.
  3. I didn’t care about Fox as a studio, but they were still a major part of the film industry, and with them being absorbed into Disney, Disney has now secured an even bigger stronghold on the market share than they already had before. No matter how you slice it, that isn’t good for competition.
  4. One less studio means that there will be less competition, and Disney will likely own roughly 40% of the market share because of this merger. Plus, nearly all of the movies that Disney releases are tentpole films.
  5. Because in order for any industry to thrive in a capitalist society, there needs to be competition. Disney was already the top studio in Hollywood before all this, and now they’ve completely absorbed two other studios? That could have very negative ramifications for the film industry in the near future, especially if it leads to more studios shutting down. Not only that, but this will inevitably mean that fewer movies will end up getting made, including fewer movies from Fox Searchlight, which is one of the most prestigious small time studios in Hollywood. Plus, since Disney is generally pretty keen on big franchises, this means that there will likely be less variety in the kinds of movies that get made moving forward.
  6. Disney owning Fox should be annoying for pretty much anyone who’s passionate about film.
  7. I can’t speak for Cameron or his fanboys, but if I worked in Hollywood, I’d probably refuse to be involved in any Disney projects on principal. I know that pretty much all studios are sleazy, but Disney in particular really rubs me the wrong way, from their unsubtle attempts at being “woke” (and no, I’m not one of those “Brie Larson and Kathleen Kennedy hate white men” people), their stubborn insistence that they’re this squeaky clean family friendly company, their desire to milk the Star Wars brand for all its worth, to the fact that they might as well own all of Hollywood at this point.
  8. It just nauseates me to think of how much shit Disney owns at this point. The worst part is that I can’t imagine them stopping here.
  9. I have to admit, I’m pleasantly surprised by that casting choice. As much as I like Christopher Nolan, I can’t deny that he’s made some of the whitest movies I’ve seen (before anyone jumps on me, I’m not saying that making white people the stars of a movie is bad, just that all of Nolan’s movies up to this point have revolved around white people, so I was expecting this one to as well).
  10. SDCC? Didn’t he say “Fuck Marvel” at the world premiere for SS? Also, you didn’t address what I mentioned about what RDJ said about DC back in 2008.
  11. Wasn’t he just repeating what a fan said as a joke? Didn’t he also clarify shortly afterwards on Twitter that he respects Marvel? Besides, didn’t RDJ once make similar comments about DC back in 2008, after TDK made more money than Iron Man? How come no one ever brings that up?
  12. I love how people are still taking the “Fuck Marvel” comment by David Ayer out of context. Clickbait garbage.
  13. There’s no way Aquaman received any significant boost from JL. It did as well as it did partly because it was seen as the big event film of the holidays.
  14. It was announced as a prequel originally, but representatives at Hasbro said about a month ago that the movie was going to be the start of a “new storytelling universe”, which gave pretty much everyone the impression that the movie is now a reboot.
  15. Well, I’m confused. Is Bumblebee a reboot or not? At this rate, the Transformers series will be the new X-Men film series in terms of just how confusing and disjointed the continuity is.
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