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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. I know people on these forums like to think the average moviegoer is a completely clueless idiot that can’t tell a Disney movie apart from an Illumination or Dreamworks, but I’d like to think people aren’t that clueless. Disney is a widely recognizable brand. People know that Elsa, Ariel and Moana are Disney characters, and I’d have to assume they’re well aware that the Minions and Puss in Boots are not, especially since their movies aren’t available on Disney+.
  2. Emma Watson was hired for BatB specifically because she’s a big name. Halle Bailey can actually sing, so the idea that she was hired as part of some political agenda to replace redheads doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.
  3. I’m pretty sure Iron Man isn’t exactly a merchandise juggernaut. In that regard, Spidey is easily at the top.
  4. If this underperforms, I feel like that would be a more compelling argument than anything that they would be better off giving up on trying to chase that MCU money. The decision to adapt Flashpoint was already a conscious attempt to move away from the Snyderverse, while still keeping what worked, and Gunn has made it sound like that’s still the plan, except that he’s apparently going to take it even further. WB has been trying to get a DC cinematic universe off the ground for well over a decade at this point, and they’ve never been able to truly pull it off. I genuinely don’t know if there’s still a demand for this stuff. Sure, GotG 3 has been doing pretty well, but that’s fairly disconnected from the larger narrative of the MCU, and even then, it’s been getting by on good word of mouth, rather than pre-release hype. Of course, if this movie does well, then I suppose that might be a moot point. If it’s a critical and commercial success, then that might be the shot in the arm that DC needs. If so, then I think they wouldn’t have much of an excuse not to keep Sasha Calle. If she’s the breakout star, then they might as well keep her as the DCU’s Supergirl.
  5. The current culture war BS was didn’t really exist back when MiB came out. This crap started to become prominent somewhere around 2014/2015, when certain people were whining about John Boyega in TFA.
  6. It’s a Barbie movie directed by Greta Gerwig, so it was always a safe bet that some feminist themes would be present.
  7. The Dark Knight Rises wasn’t trying to be a gritty crime drama like its predecessor. It was basically a James Bond movie starring Batman. As for the origins of the DCEU, Nolan and Goyer were actually the ones who pitched the initial concept for Man of Steel. it wasn’t something they begged him to put his name on. He was the one who proposed it, and he had a direct hand in hiring Zack Snyder for the project.
  8. Bumblebee is perfectly serviceable and inoffensive, but I can’t say it’s particularly memorable.
  9. Rob Marshall’s just one of many directors for hire that Disney likes to keep around. I can’t imagine very many critics particularly care for him as a director.
  10. I’ve been expecting a $90-100 million OW for The Flash for a while now. In terms of legs, I can’t imagine it would possibly hold as poorly as Ant-Man 3, but I’m also not expecting it to be leggier than the typical CBM released in the Summer. I have to wonder if the movie would fare better if it wasn’t for the incoming reboot.
  11. I think you might’ve hit the nail in the head. TFA was a big deal because it was not only the first real Star Wars film in 10 years, but was the first one to follow the events of the OT, and was the first time that Han, Luke and Leia would return. Indiana Jones already made his long awaited return in 2008, so doing it again likely isn’t as appealing.
  12. I don’t know to be honest. As I recall, there always seemed to be some skepticism towards this movie, even back when Spielberg was still set to direct. A lot of people seemed to think Harrison Ford was simply too old. Hell, people were saying he was too old back in 2008. In general, this project was never something that drove the Internet crazy like TFA.
  13. At least in that case, that movie takes place in 2002, and the main characters are obsessed with boy bands. This just seems uninspired.
  14. Wow. I just saw a YouTube ad that uses Hot n Cold by Katy Perry. A Pixar movie in 2023 is using that song in its advertisement? I mean, ok. It’s their movie.
  15. I’d say this movie has looked fairly unremarkable from the trailers, and going by how muted the Internet buzz seemed to be, much of the Internet agreed. The fact that they decided to premiere this at Cannes did make me think that perhaps it was going to be something special, but the critics so far clearly don’t think so. By the way, the most recent critic review on Rotten Tomatoes seems to confirm that this is in fact 142 minutes long, and not 154 minutes.
  16. I feel like I should be ashamed of myself for rooting for a Disney remake to succeed, but the culture war nonsense has made me feel like I’m obligated to.
  17. Are the majority of Asian countries really racist to black people, or is it mostly the East Asian ones?
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