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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. The reason he dumped beer on his head was because Clark asked him to leave after he committed sexual assault. I just find it odd how people cite that scene as an example of what a dick Snyder’s Superman supposedly is, as if he’s the bad guy in that situation, and not the guy who committed sexual assault, and was probably too drunk to drive anyway. With that said, it is ridiculous how he was able to skewer that truck without anyone hearing it.
  2. How is him retaliating out of character? Superman punishing bullies is a time honored tradition.
  3. Clark wasn’t even Superman at that point. Besides, is it really any lazier than if he just beat the crap out of the guy like in Superman II?
  4. Maybe it’s just me, but when people talked about how intense the animal cruelty in this movie is, I have to be honest, I was kind of expecting something more graphic. Yeah, there’s definitely animal cruelty here, but people made it made me think we’d be shown more than we were.
  5. Anytime someone complains about how Clark destroyed the truck driver’s livelihood in MoS, I can’t help but feel like that’s a red flag. The man committed sexual assault, and tried to fight Clark when he asked him to leave. You actually can lose your job over that. Why would anyone other than Max Landis feel sorry for that guy? Anyway, that’s a big no on Vin Diesel as Lex Luthor. I think that’d actually be worse than Jesse Eisenberg.
  6. I’d say it is a tougher sell. Dunkirk is a war movie that came out at a point when streaming wasn’t quite as prominent as it is today. Nolan’s name also might not be quite as big a draw six years later.
  7. Sure, they haven’t helped, but they weren’t the root cause of the problem. The whole purpose of MoS was to try and make the character relevant for a modern audience. It just didn’t succeed. Hopefully James Gunn will have better luck.
  8. Did it really though? Superman has commonly been dismissed as “boring” by the general public for nearly 40 years. Despite the divisive at best reception to the Snyder films, I’m not sure how it hurt public perception of the character anymore than it already was. People like Frank Miller played a bigger role in damaging the perception of Superman.
  9. From what I’ve seen, that particular tweet that was shared was in response to the controversy over Superman killing Zod. That person wasn’t arguing that Superman shouldn’t be allowed to saved the day, which is what he does in MoS anyway. Just that there’s nothing wrong with him having to make difficult decisions. Of course, it looks like that account has made some rather pot-stirring comments regarding DC and James Gunn, so they’re not exactly innocent, but that particular tweet seems fairly mild.
  10. You could simply ignore them? I’m not sure what the point is in engaging in so much negativity.
  11. I think James Gunn is a better choice than someone like Matthew Vaughn or especially the Russo Brothers, even if I’m not as crazy about his style as a lot of other people. If he can keep the comedy more subdued than GotG and TSS, then that should be fine for me.
  12. Word of mouth seemed fairly solid for the first one, and this is supposed to be more action packed and epic.
  13. I’m not the one who came up with the theory that he bought WB so he could sell it. It’s just starting to make more and more sense to me.
  14. It’s one thing to try and inspire confidence, but every time Zaslav talks, it comes off like he’s overcompensating. I mean, does anyone actually believe that he cried watching The Flash? It would make sense if his goal is to boost the company’s stocks so he can sell it.
  15. Tenet is a loud sci-fi action movie about trying to prevent the end of the world, while this is a historical drama that will presumably be more quiet and reserved.
  16. In terms of the scope, I do remember saying that Nolan should probably scale things back after Tenet, and it seems that is indeed what he’s doing.
  17. He just seems very desperate to hype up WBD, and I’m not sure if he actually believes he can turn things around like he’s making it sound.
  18. The more over the top statements Zaslav makes, the more I’m becoming convinced that he really is hoping to sell the company.
  19. I wouldn’t exactly consider WW84 to be a good movie, but I wouldn’t put much stock in the IMDb score. WW84 was a movie that pissed a lot of people off for reasons that weren’t entirely related to quality. Anyway, it looks like GotG3 is a crowd pleaser after all.
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