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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. JL was greenlit long before BvS was released, and was already deep in pre-production by that point. That was the problem. It would’ve looked very bad to shareholders if WB had just fired Snyder right before JL was set to start filming, especially while BvS was still in theaters. That’s why they instead put him on a much tighter leash, and did that little stunt where they invited people like Devin Faraci onto the set during filming to try and reassure everyone that it would be different from BvS. Honestly, in hindsight, I have to wonder if things might’ve turned out at least somewhat better if WB hadn’t forced Snyder to cut 30 minutes off of BvS for the theatrical cut. An extra long runtime didn’t really hurt the Batman, and it definitely didn’t hurt Avatar 2. At the very least, would it really have turned out any worse than the version that was released in theaters?
  2. Hearing that a three and a half hour could’ve used an extra hour is not what I was expecting to hear, but I would take that as a good sign.
  3. I think this was a particular problem with Ghostbusters: Afterlife. It’s one thing for TFA to treat the events of the original Star Wars trilogy with so much reverence, but Ghostbusters? The original Ghostbusters film is a silly comedy about some schlubby SNL guys who play ghost exterminators.
  4. Are they waiting for a big Comic Con reveal to announce the cast? This is getting a little ridiculous.
  5. I wish I could say that this movie not doing too hot with critics means we could definitely debunk the notion that test screenings are the end all be all, but if Disney does their screenings in-house, then I guess that doesn’t confirm much.
  6. I don’t know about that. Elemental honestly looks like almost like a parody of a what people think Pixar movies are like. It just looks like the kind of movie that would’ve worked a lot better if it were still 2007.
  7. Stopping by here one more time just to say that after these early reviews for Indy 5, I think they made a mistake moving this up a week. If I were them, I’d be more concerned about Spider-Verse than Indiana Jones at this point, especially since they’re both multiverse movies.
  8. I thought I heard Cooper wasn’t interested? I think I’m actually much more interested in Nicholas Hoult as Lex.
  9. When exactly did Disney stop doing public test screening anyway? Was it around the the time TFA was coming out? I feel like that, along with the backlash against that one trailer for Terminator: Genisys, was the start of the Hollywood obsession with trying to avoid spoilers at all costs.
  10. Be interesting to see if this manages to do reasonably well with the mainstream like Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.
  11. If this movie really plays it safe, then that’s a bit of a surprise coming from James Mangold.
  12. Wikipedia still lists the runtime as 142 minutes. Did they just forget to update it, or was the 154 minute thing a mistake?
  13. I’m well aware it was a joke. You’ve made it very clear that you’re hyped for this. You made that joke, and then another poster accused WB of being desperate, and I chimed in with my two cents. That was it. If that annoyed you, it wasn’t my intention. For what it’s worth, I wouldn’t have said what I said if I know you guys would react this way. I’m sorry.
  14. You posted just yesterday about how Stephen King said he loves this movie, even though he doesn’t usually care for superhero movies, and made a snarky jab towards the people who think WB is paying for this movie’s buzz. That was how this conversation started. Again, I wasn’t even the one who made the initial comment about WB’s desperation. I didn’t even claim that King was paid to praise this. For the record, here is the comment I made on April 25th regarding this movie’s potential word of mouth. Anyway, I think I’m just going to leave this thread. This isn’t worth it.
  15. I’m pretty sure most of my prior comments in this thread are from last year and the year before that, particularly when this whole thread had devolved into a discussion about Ezra Miller’s personal drama. I did make some comments earlier this year where I made it clear that I was fully expecting this movie to be a crowdpleaser. In fact, I believe I even made a comment from either around or right before the Cinemacon reactions started rolling in where I wondered if this could get an A+ on Cinemascore. Seriously, what are you going on about here? I don’t post on this thread daily, and I sure as hell don’t remember claiming it would flop. Why the hell are you getting on my case, just because I’m one of multiple people who pointed out how much WB is hyping up this thing? Are you an employee at WB? I’m pretty sure you’ve made it clear that you do work in the industry to some extent, so do you have a personal stake here?
  16. The scoopers and leakers have repeatedly insisted that this movie not only scored well in test screenings, but that it received standing ovations among test audiences, which supposedly doesn’t happen very often at all. I actually was excited when I initially read that, but they’ve been repeating it so many times since then that it does feel a bit suspect. Again though, that doesn’t mean this movie will be bad or flop. I haven’t seen anyone here suggesting that. Some of us simply find it interesting/amusing how hard they’re pushing it. It’s perfectly fine to be excited for this. Don’t let other people take that away from you.
  17. When have I done any of this? I don’t even post in this thread that often. Hell, I wasn’t even the one who made the initial comment about WB being desperate. I specifically said that I doubt critics will outright pan this, and I never suggested it would flop. I don’t think I’ve even seen anyone here suggesting this will fail. Some of us are merely skeptical that it’s as great as they’re cracking it up to be. That’s it. Why are you so defensive over that? Does your entire identity really hinge on this being the greatest thing in the history of humanity?
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