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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. This was your initial comment that I responded to. You claimed that LaBeouf added “a lot of appeal” to the movies, which came across as a big exaggeration.
  2. What are you talking about? I never said he hurt the movies. I specifically acknowledged that he didn’t, because people went to the movies for the action and the titular Transformers, not the human characters. You’re the one who implied that people had a fondness for Sam Witwicky, and that his absence somehow hurt the later films, when that definitely wasn’t the case. If anything hurt the later Transformers movies, it was general franchise fatigue, as well as the rise of the MCU. Here’s the thing; the Transformers movies were huge back in the day because they had a genuine novelty to them in a pre-Avengers world. That novelty was no longer apparent by the time the Mark Wahlberg movies came out.
  3. The movies didn’t suffer because again, people went to them for the big dumb robot action. The general consensus on LaBeouf ranged from mild indifference to outright irritation. People paid a lot more attention to Megan Fox in those movies, especially horny teenagers. If you’re trying to argue that the movies made money because people were so enamored with Sam Witwicky, then I’m sorry, but that’s a big stretch. That’s like saying that Suicide Squad was successful because people were in love with Jared Leto’s Joker.
  4. I didn’t say he caused people to not go see the movies, but he was absolutely not well liked. People were constantly making fun of his performance and calling him annoying. There’s a reason his character was killed offscreen.
  5. Cue all the idiots who think this is because “GO WOKE GO BROKE!!!”
  6. It’s completely idiotic that Zaslav would think CNN needs to pivot to appealing more to Trump voters. CNN already had a reputation for being more “moderate” compared to MSNBC, but straight up trying to be friendly with Donald Trump is just desperate. They’re not only alienating their existing base, but they’re not going to draw in the people who had been told for years that CNN is fake news propaganda.
  7. Every MonsterVerse film apart from GvK has been released in the same month as a Disney remake. I don’t think it’ll be a big deal.
  8. Are we really going to do revisionist history with Shia LaBeouf in the Transformers movies now? Everyone hated his character. No one went to those movies for him.
  9. How many times do I need to point out that he didn’t have to buy WB to begin with?
  10. If Kong and Godzilla did mate, would that get this banned in China, or would it not count as gay in the eyes of the CCP?
  11. I don’t know if he was joking, but James Gunn clearly loves having cute animals in his movies, so it wouldn’t surprise me if Krypto is in this, especially since there’s also supposed to be a Supergirl movie.
  12. I’m pretty sure the first movie was a big hit on Netflix, so this could easily see a notable increase.
  13. I can’t exactly argue with that. The ending of MoS did seem to hint at a brighter future where Superman would be a symbol of hope for the world, but then BvS doubled down on the darkness, and didn’t even give him very many lines.
  14. The thing is, Zaslav didn’t have to buy WB to begin with. No one was forcing him. The company’s debt was largely exacerbated by the Discovery purchase. Anyway, it is kind of funny to think that all these current problems with WB more or less started because BvS disappointed. That was a real domino effect.
  15. Superman Returns was too focused on being like the Christopher Reeve films. It was almost like a proto-nostalgia sequel, except that they obviously couldn’t bring back Reeve himself. Man of Steel tried to modernize the character and make him relevant again by following the Batman Begins template, but even in that case, it still borrowed a few things from the first two Superman movies. What this movie really needs to do is forge its own identity. Be its own thing, while still feeling like Superman.
  16. Sure, he just comes off as especially blatant about it, hence why I said that he’s the epitome of everything wrong with these people. I didn’t say he was the only bad apple. I have to say, I think it’s pretty weird that people on the Internet are so willing to go to bat for a CEO. Why? I don’t even like Bob Iger either.
  17. All I said earlier was that I’m starting to buy into the theory that he’s hoping to sell WB.
  18. Personally, the reason I’m “harsh on him” is because he comes across as the epitome of everything that’s wrong with all these corporate executives. He makes all kinds of meaningless and hyperbolic statements about how he’s going to lead WBD to greatness, and many of his decisions come off like he’s just chasing trends that aren’t even relevant anymore. How can anyone read that report about how he wants Lord of the Rings to be WB’s answer to Star Wars, and not roll their eyes out of their head? He does not at all come off like someone who gives a damn about the artistic side of Hollywood. He just wants to go for the easiest and most risk-averse ways of making money. That’s why Discovery was pumping out so many crappy reality shows.
  19. So you think I am the one who came up with the theory that Zaslav wants to sell WB? If so, you give me too much credit.
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