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Everything posted by WittyUsername

  1. They probably just think that since Ron DeSantis’ idiotic war against Disney began while Chapek was still in charge, that means he must be some antifa socialist who wants to turn everyone in America into a gay minority.
  2. It feels like Disney was deliberately trying to bury this movie, and I’m not convinced it was specifically because of quality concerns…
  3. Ben Affleck recently started his own independent production company with Matt Damon, which he claims he’s going to be making all of his movies from now on, so that might potentially rule out him playing Batman after the Flash movie. I think they’ll probably try to stick with Keaton for the DCU. He’s still in the finished movie. His scene’s near the end when he’s talking to the Riddler.
  4. I wouldn’t be surprised. Spider-Man sells more merch than any other superhero. That just reinforces my point about how Disney doesn’t need the film rights to Spidey. They’re already making a pretty penny off the character as it is.
  5. Disney already owns Spider-Man in everything outside of the films anyway, and they receive a cut of the profits for the MCU Spider-Man movies, so buying out an entire studio certainly wouldn’t be worth the trouble.
  6. It was reported last month that The Batman 2 wouldn’t be ready until 2025 at the earliest.
  7. Unfortunately, if BP2 is unlikely to hit $500 million domestic, I’m not sure if the prospects for this movie are looking great.
  8. Disney needs to be legally barred from ever buying out anything ever again.
  9. You’re missing some important context. Genisys made less than $100 million domestically, and also made over $100 million in China. For clarification, studios receive a greater share of a movie’s domestic gross than they do the international gross, and they receive a smaller share of a movie’s gross in China in particular. This movie has made over $150 million domestically so far, and hasn’t been released in China, so it’s not an apples to apples comparison.
  10. I’ve gotten to the point where I’m sick of even hearing speculation about corporate buyouts/mergers. The idea of Disney buying out Netflix or WBD is especially egregious to me. Are there legitimately people who want that to happen?
  11. I definitely think it’s a mistake to lift the review embargo so late in the game, unless the movie is truly bad.
  12. It’s doing about inline with a typical non-F&F/non-Jumanji film for The Rock. The problem is the high budget and lack of a release in China.
  13. They might as well mean it in this case. Luke, Han and Leia are dead, Carrie Fisher is dead IRL, the surviving cast members from the OT aren’t getting any younger, and even if they managed to get the ST cast to agree to return (which seems like a big if in the case of someone like John Boyega), would people really be chomping at the bits to see that? They’re better off doing other stories in the Star Wars universe, rather than trying to continue the story of the Skywalker family and the Empire. In other news, I just saw a Wrap article that claims Bob Iger may intend to sell Disney to Apple. If something like that were to happen, then antitrust laws really are a joke.
  14. I don’t think very many people are clamoring for something like that. We know they’re going to try and make more Star Wars films, but an Episode X comes across as pointless. The “Skywalker Saga” is over.
  15. The movie’s over three hours long. There’s most likely plenty they’re not showing.
  16. If this doesn’t get released in China, I would imagine that many citizens would be pretty upset. Avatar is like their Star Wars.
  17. I didn’t mean to suggest that it was the sole problem, but as you said yourself, Iger rushed through the entire thing because of his own lack of patience, which ultimately proved detrimental to the brand. That’s a definite blemish on his run that people seem to have conveniently forgotten about.
  18. Hot take: I don’t think Bob Iger is as brilliant as he’s often made out to be. Keep in mind that he’s the one who insisted on putting out a new Star Wars movie every year, which didn’t work out very well in hindsight. He was also the one who insisted on having all these Marvel shows on Disney+, which may or may not be contributing to franchise fatigue for the MCU as a whole. There’s no denying that Disney had an immensely profitable run during the 2010s, but much of the seeds of the problems that Disney has faced under Chapek were planted while Iger was still in charge.
  19. Who would even replace Zaslav in a hypothetical scenario where he gets ousted? Jeff Bewkes?
  20. This movie is not going to open to less than the first one. I’m pretty certain of that.
  21. The Terminator franchise was already a walking corpse when Genisys came out. It’s not particularly surprising that people had no interest in another sequel less than five years later.
  22. You don’t need to trust Wikipedia itself. The question is whether or not their sources are accurate.
  23. We can go back further than that. Disney did it all the way back in 2010 with Tron: Legacy.
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