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Everything posted by lorddemaxus

  1. 1. Birds of Prey 2. I'm Thinking of Ending Things 3. Tenet 4. Da 5 Bloods 5. In the Heights 6. The Invisible Man 7. Mank 8. Last Night in Soho 9. Dune 10. Malignant
  2. I don't think anyone here is arguing that the movie was supposed to be a horror film. People are saying that Derrickson wanted it to be a horror film.
  3. Except for all the stuff Derrickson inserted in Doctor Strange? I really don't care if Strange's magic looked cool (Strange's magic did look cooler in his solo movie than AIW) or whatever but I do care about what the movie was trying to say and I found Derrickson's personal thoughts on death (like the movie even explains this to the audience) and failure to be something that came from him and not Ditko. And you find the very thing that probably limits this film from taking risks the most interesting concept? A fully blown horror spectacle would have been a lot more fun than Wanda and Vision appearing in the movie. Also, two directors isn't numerous and I thought GOTG 2 didn't knock it out of the park according to people on this forum and the rest of the internet (I disagree wutg them) and Gunn clearly had more control over that film than GOTG 1 but Derrickson had to knock it out of the park for him to get more control? I'm pretty sure its because Derrickson probably wanted the movie to be more horror than Marvel.
  4. If you ask me, all the bad parts of the movie seemed to be the stuff that typical Marvel movies suffered from. The reason I liked Doctor Strange was because of the stuff that seemed to have come from Derrickson. I think this would have made a much better film if Marvel let Derrickson do what he wanted to do.
  5. Universal seems to usually spends quite a bit on TV advertising. I remember Mortal Engines topping ad spending and we know what happened.
  6. And now, the only 2021 superhero movie I'm excited for is Suicide Squad 2 (because I love GOTG 2, Slither, and Dawn of the Dead). I actually really liked Doctor Strange and that's mostly because of how Derrickson weaves his personal exploration of death and failure within the heaps of exposition and CGI battles. It gives it some sort of identity and I was hoping Derrickson would have more control over Doctor Strange 2 (like Gunn with GOTG 2) so that he could put more of his identity in DS2 (like actually directing the action sequences this time).
  7. Watched the movie about an hour ago and its just decent. I did end up liking the film but its gimmick was almost certainly a detriment for the most part. It's technically impressive, the night sequence was beautiful to look at, and the main actor was really good but the one-shot gimmick doesn't add much to the movie. In fact, it just messes up the geography of a some of the set pieces and I just found it confusing to watch (espescially in sequences with wide, open spaces). Where it does work very well though is the last 5-10 minutes (and pretty much any scene that involved tight spaces) which was also a lot more emotionally satisifying than I expected. But I have no clue why this movie couldn't just have a lot of long shots instead of doing this gimmick. It would have worked much better than way. Also, I think there was one spot where the editing was really dodgy (read inside the spoiler box) and kind of ruins the gimmick. 6/10
  8. They probably need to employ less data analysis people if they use an automated tool. And its not like the current tools they use worked for them last year. I think the reason it is news is because its a deal between two companies.
  9. Don't know about Bombshell but she certainly deserved a nom for OUATIH. She did so much with such little screen time.
  10. You're all overreacting. It's an incredibly basic automated analytics tool. Studios are just gonna replace this with market research and analytics tools that are becoming more and more outdated (and less efficient) today. It's not gonna make creative decisions for the studio. That's still gonna be done by humans. Nothing's gonna change for consumers here. I love how everyone freaks out when they hear "AI" lol.
  11. I think the first movie was popular because Reagan era patriotism was so popular back then (I wasn't alive when Top Gun released but this is based on what I've heard other say). I don't see a film like that being adored today. This movie just released 20 years too late. Don't see Top Gun 2 doing better than American Sniper numbers (which actually were good for that film) in the UK either, espescially with this terrible release date.
  12. Yeah, I was being hyperbolic. My point is that most people in the UK won't care about the film regardless of politics because it's the sequel to an extremely pro-American film. It's no different to how Dunkirk did nowhere as well in America as it did in the UK.
  13. LMAO, you seriously think I live in India because I'm Indian? I've lived in the UK longer than I'll ever live in India. And I know for a fact that people in your country despise films like Top Gun.
  14. The movie literally has British producers. That's enough for the BAFTAs to consider it a British film. Nolan's name also reached pretty far there. Even if it makes more WW (it won't), Top Gun 2 certainly won't make more than Tenet in the UK. No one there gives a shit about a film about how amazing the American Air Force is.
  15. You really think cinemas in the UK will prioritise an American made pro-American film over a British film made with IMAX cameras from a director who's last film made 70 mil in the UK (I would be surprised if Top Gun 2 whole run even makes Tenet's opening weekend there)? And Top Gun wasn't made with IMAX cameras. IMAX cares more about their relationship with Nolan than some nobody who made Tron Legacy.
  16. Just watched Grease for the first time... What was I even watching? Great songs but everything surrounding the songs is garbage. Every single character is an asshole, I don't belive for a second that the writers of the movie knows anything about high schoolers, there's a random dance competition in the middle of the film, and Sandy's character arc is just disgusting. I should've realised that this movie wasn't going to be good right from the weirdly edited opening sequence.
  17. Lol, if anything Philips getting in here would mean that his chance of getting nominated for Best Director would be zero. On the other hand, this means Joker's Best Picture win chances are dead. Last time a BP winner didn't get a DGA nom was Driving Miss Daisy.
  18. Considering that the DGAs are almost never 5/5, this means that Waititi isn't getting a Best Director nom at the Oscars. Edit: Yep, last three times 5/5 happened was 2009, 2005, 1998.
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