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Everything posted by misterpepp

  1. Definitely not much in Fall's favor, but I think there's some mild potential with Beast. Something about Idris Elba vs. a lion seems too irresistible, but maybe that's just my own weird taste talking.
  2. Someone on my Discord server noticed Regal kiosks mentioning Beast going on sale Aug 7. Sunday would be a bit of an odd day for this, but should mean they'll be up that week at least.
  3. I'm assuming nobody's interested in tracking this, but I hear tickets for Fall go on sale this Tuesday.
  4. Looks like Black Phone, based on a few drive-ins I checked. Aw damn Eric, couldn't have let me have this one 😢
  5. Worst part is that Variety was hyping up the potential box office numbers going into the weekend, throwing out that "few would be surprised" if it went over $55m. Kinda funny for them to set up big expectations for Nope, and then criticize those who took their box office expectations to heart. Wacky.
  6. So you're saying the only successful movies she's had are the ones where she's not in front of the camera 😶
  7. Not that I recall, no. Time for a class action lawsuit, I suppose. Was thinking about if Swift having a role in the movie would've upped the box office results, but then I remembered Cats and The Giver. Guess we'll see about Amsterdam...
  8. Sometime in early 2016 I got tremendously bored, but noticed I had already seen everything I wanted to see that was playing at my local theaters. Decided to just "complete" the list and see the only movie I hadn't seen at the time (Think it was The Man Who Knew Infinity, starring Dev Patel. Extra points to anyone else who remembers that one). Then the next weekend more movies came out, and I was like "Aw, now I feel incomplete" so I went and saw all of those. Same thing for the next weekend, and the next weekend, and the next weekend... You get the idea, I've now seen every wide release that's come out over the past six years, including whatever other limited release stuff showed up nearby (Most in theaters, COVID caused some here and there to be delayed to home for me). People do this a lot more now since subscription services started being a thing, but I did it before those became mainstream, so I'm sure that makes me one of the cool ones. 😎 (Or not, based on what I've seen!) It makes for plenty of fun conversation-starters with pals, though.
  9. One of my oddest (worst?) movie theater experiences was going to see that at a discount Tuesday matinee and for some reason it was packed. I guess people really will see anything for the right price. As for why I saw it, there's an entirely separate story about that.
  10. Aw, I was hoping for Paws of Derby... EDIT: I'm glad my suggestion was appreciated : )
  11. Whoops, Vengeance actually went on sale today. Scratch that part, but Bullet Train should still be on the 20th. As mentioned in various articles already, Spidey extended is on sale on 8/9 and Dragon Ball on 7/22. That's at least all I know of for now.
  12. Not sure if this forum knows or not, so maybe this will be redundant, but hearing that Bullet Train goes on sale on Wed, Jul 20. My Discord friend who passes along this info isn't a member on this board, but maybe one day I'll convince him.
  13. Whoever changed the thread title didn't catch the pun 😏
  14. Oh boy, okay. I don't normally chime in on things here or stir up conflicts, mainly because I usually enjoy reading some of the fun stuff people have posted here. That being said... Not gonna throw out any -ism words here, but it's pretty ignorant to be so dismissive of the opinions of others merely based on their age. This is a pretty sweeping assumption. You do not know most of us personally or what we've been through, but you've decided to make the case that people here don't actually work anyway. ... The student loans took care of the rest? The ones that sent people into crushing debt? I'd love to know what else student loans did for my family and friends, other than give them what ended up being pretty worthless degrees. Again, pretty ignorant assumption. This is a point I'm just confused by. Are you arguing that these are working conditions people should be put through? If so, that's a pretty wild assessment. What's wrong with good working conditions with good pay where you're not overworked to complete exhaustion? Suddenly that's asking for too much when not everyone got that "back in your day"? Based on the experiences of people I've known, this is simply not true. Incredible understatement. I'm sure they're quite happy health benefits are included for when they suffer from sleep deprivation and exhaustion from being over-worked from heavily-crunched timetables. Pretty sure I heard this exact same statement from somebody else about a year ago. And again a few months ago. But, I suppose we'll see. I've read quite a bit of what you've posted over the past few months, and in many of your posts you look down upon others with different opinions from yourself and you act as if you're pansophical, although this post you made I believe proves that is very much not the case. Additionally, instead of making these sweeping assumptions about people, maybe wait to get to know them individually first? You don't know what myself or anyone else on this board is going through.
  15. Vudu page confirms this hits PVOD on 7/14, one week from today. $24.99 rental, $29.99 purchase.
  16. Sure, but plenty of other horror titles have had limited runways as theatrical-exclusive titles. The Invitation, for instance, just had a trailer earlier this week, only 60 days prior to its release date. Old, Forever Purge, Escape Room 2, Resident Evil, and Don't Breathe 2 all had their first trailers released less than 55 days from their openings. I don't think what's happening now is too out-of-the-usual, even for WB.
  17. Malignant didn't get a trailer until 52 days prior to release. Conjuring 3 was only 43 days before the release. We're currently 72 days away from Salem's Lot. I think it'll make the date, I'm also expecting the trailer before Nope.
  18. It's the biggest for live-action, I believe? The Secret Life of Pets was original and opened to $104 million.
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