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Menor the Destroyer

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Everything posted by Menor the Destroyer

  1. NWH is critic-proof, considering what's in the movie, it's almost impossible for it to get bad WOM. Will almost certainly be better received than Eternals, unless Eternals really surprises with WOM somehow. Shang-Chi is a taller target though, at least in the West, but I expect NWH to have the best WW reception considering it will probably be better received in Asia.
  2. Will probably take a break on discussing this one outside of BO-related contexts until the release. Reviews definitely below what I expected, which is disappointing. Still, there's enough positive elements mentioned that I'm still hopeful I will enjoy it a lot more than the critics, like I did movies such as The Phantom Menace/Attack of the Clones which received a lot of similar complaints.
  3. In a lot of schools, lol. Though the letter grading system that most people use for movies seems almost completely divorced from its origin in school grades.
  4. Eh, I don't buy the "it's so unique" excuse on bad reviews. That said, my take from this reviews is that I will probably enjoy the movie. I almost always find that exposition complaints are exaggerated by critics. As far as where it lands overall, seems like it will be one of the weaker MCU entries in reviews, but going rotten seems doubtful.
  5. Seems to be a lot of disagreement on whether the characters were well-developed. Some of them praise them as the best part of the movie while others say they are the weak point.
  6. Dune in my last run was at 133758/565547, $1556261, based on yesterday should finish at 1.7ish million. Yesterday final was 1.5 million. With the MTC2 ratio increasing on Sat, thinking 10% bump.
  7. Nah, even if you squint I don't see anything in AoU's third act that can be characterized as a "skybeam"
  8. I also think around Dune RT score from my reactions gut, just a tad worried from a few things I've seen. I think I tend to be more fearful when it's a movie I've been really excited for.
  9. Actually this is the most uncertain I've been about reviews for an MCU movie in a while. Could see it being a tad polarizing though still should be good.
  10. Manipulative is such a strong word lol. It's just marketing like any other movie, sometimes it's misleading. Also what's this fan war thing about Dune being anti superhero? That was never part of the marketing. Villeneuve gave a (imo dumb) take on the MCU in an interview but the marketing never was about that.
  11. I thought there was plenty of personality. I don't think characters need to be demonstrative to be different from each other. In fact I thought Jessica was too emotive. I do think that Gurney, who is supposed to add a lighter touch, was played far too seriously by Josh Brolin. His quotations felt more ponderous than witty.
  12. The more I think about the ending, it works pretty well for me. It was the right place to cut it off. Paul's transformation is evident.
  13. But there was a weird pre reaction bump iirc, which looked like a fluke but has sustained since then.
  14. I feel like it should be 12.5 million at the very very least even if MTC1 does bad today but Charlie's method is usually sound so trying to figure out where the discrepancy is.
  15. Dune in my last run was 115016/533833, $1367526. Should go for 130k+ unless late night walkups are bad. I think 13m is the floor and 13.5-14 is possible. Though @charlie Jatinder seems to think lower from the same MTC2 number so not sure.
  16. Oh boy. I could see that but would not be a fan. Ahsoka even being involved with the galactic civil war just opens up a huge can of worms. Would prefer if she was doing some mystic Force stuff.
  17. Flashbacks to the Twilight of the Apprentice duel as exposition for fans not familiar with the animated series?
  18. 92% verified audience score, Cinemascore will be A or A-, I don't see any evidence of bad WOM. Sure, it may be frontloaded, but that will be more due to fan heaviness and streaming release than any bad reaction to the film.
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