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Everything posted by TheDude391

  1. Temple is the most overtly pulp of the three and I love how different it is to 1 and 3. All 3 Indy films are 10/10 masterpieces for me though.
  2. Spielberg just wasn't interested in making it ultimately. He only did 4 because Lucas and Ford convinced him. Lucas gone for 5 so it was just on Ford and Spielberg dropped out eventually, handing the reigns to someone else.
  3. Screen Slate deleted their tweet reaction but, the first tweet read: "Killers of the Flower Moon has the most vile, rapacious pieces of shit in all of Scorsese's project of exploring systemized American greed and crime. Leans heavily into Anthony Mann's westerns & noirs both. Probably would have benefited from an extra hour but truly nails the end."
  4. It's part 1, then it'll be Furious 11: Fast X: Part 2 - Last Fast
  5. It's still funny to me how Man of Steel was SUCH a divisive movie on release, and so crapped upon online (to the extent that every CBM needs to point out that cities got evacuated before they get blowed up)...but now its been 10 years and they're basing their nostalgia movie off of it to fan adoration. Reminds me of the line in Chinatown: "Of course I'm respectable I'm old! Politicians, ugly buildings, and whores all get respectable if they last long enough."
  6. On par with 1 and F9 (I swear that one had a B CS, not B+).
  7. If we got 3-4 Fast films a year (Vin don't get any ideas) then yeah I'd agree with that comparison when people complain about repetitive formula.
  8. Your pfp pic reminded me about that infamous video lmao. Vin still has it uploaded too! 10/10 rewatch, better than the movie.
  9. This reminded me of F8 of the Furious above everything else. Decent action, lots of individual moments and scenes I liked peppered throughout but loses the tone and focus completely. F9 put things back on track, yes its the Moonraker of the fast franchise but the flashback structure worked well "grounding" it somewhat, this ones just a total mess. Every scene ends with "I know a guy/place" and then they go to that. They've always been somewhat self parody but the craft of Lin just isn't here to keep it on track. Whole thing feels like a lot of deleted scenes in between action beats. I'm so over the sci-fi Agency shit at this point, it's capital B BORING. Brie Larson wasted, should've kept Kurt Russel as him up against a younger rival would be more interesting. I'm glad Charlize finally got a good scene in this series (her against Momoa's goons) and she should've always been an action villain, not a hacker. Ending was fine, nothing special, Devil Inside my ass. Post credits scene got my crowd fired up. One of, if not the weakest Fast films for me, but I think audience WOM will be a big step up from 9. I didn't love Momoa like everyone else but every line and action he had KILLED with my crowd. 5 > 7 > 6 > 3 > Better Luck Tomorrow > 9 > 1 > 2 > 8 > 10 > 4
  10. There's no bad MI film, 3 is my least fav because its the most forgettable but has the best villain. I like the Woo-isms of 2 and the action is incredible, would kill to see the r rated directors cut of that released on day (bc as is, the story is a mess).
  11. Yeah it seems the major negatives are that it's a retread and plays it too safe...which is exactly what audiences want so I don't doubt it'll be a hit. BUT it's not a good sign this early out for people to see that yellow metascore, definitely gonna diminish some hype.
  12. Tbf none of these films (except maybe 1) has really sold itself on story. They're always perfunctory at best, vehicles to get to the next setpiece.
  13. That + accounting for the extenuating circumstances and positive factors (strong WOM, doing well considering its release). Gives the studio a good sign that the next one without those negative circumstances will make more money for them.
  14. I'd argue they're generally well made action films from a technical standpoint and deliver what people want. Not really striving more than popcorn thrills so you're not gonna scrutinize it as much as a blockbuster like The Batman or whatever.
  15. Ive been saying for a while, this things gonna lose money barring a billion dollar overperformance (which isn't happening). BUT if it does around F9 or better AND audience reception is stronger then yeah Fast X2 is in the can 100%. They're not gonna cancel the entire series off this losing money bc of its budget. They can blame the inflated budget on the director switch and production issues. Lower budget on 11 + finale boost = $$$.
  16. Clip looks bad but I'm not raising the alarm bells, it's 1 minute out of context in a 2.5 hour movie. I'm amazed HOW much discourse it caused on social media.
  17. True, I always forget people dislike Temple of Doom (blasphemy if you ask me)
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