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Everything posted by TerwillikerInst

  1. If those numbers are accurate, and that's a big if since pretty much all numbers for film/tv are fudged to some degree, that still doesn't mean that every episode cost that amount. Because the total budget is amortized over the course of the whole season, the reported numbers per episode are an average based on the total cost for the season. So an episode with big battle scenes might cost $30-40 million, while the ones that are mostly dialogue can cost as little as $5-10 million.
  2. Quite Possibly. I was just commenting more on the absurdity of the chair scandal. There were quite a few non-white soldiers under British command at that point as many of Britain's colonies in Asia, the Middle East, Africa... "volunteered" members of their own armies to fight. Not to mention the non-white UK citizens who were part of the British army as well. There were definitely non-white troops at Dunkirk and they were, by all accounts, often the first left to die or be sent on dangerous missions and I think that's where a lot of the controversy lay.
  3. It's so weird to me that this is the thing that's getting everyone pissed at Nolan during this release cycle. At least with Dunkirk he used unpaid prison labour and erased the existence of the non-white soldiers from the film. I understood why people were mad about that. tbh-The only crewmembers on a Nolan flick who seem to have a truly thankless job are the CGI artists.
  4. I see Larrain is using Lee Daniels' The Butler rules of biopic miscasting, lol.
  5. I mean, the last movie introduced human cloning, why not at this point? Hell, bring back Genarro, Muldoon, and Arnold too while they're at it. It's not like audiences actually care about any of the human characters in this franchise who didn't appear in the first Jurassic Park.
  6. Rumor has it, those reshoots were done primarily to beef up the roles of the supporting characters as they all tested much better than he did.
  7. Looks like they did mange to get those reshoots done after all. Must've improved the film if they're so gung-ho about releasing it now.
  8. I don't see why; Orient Express did phenomenal numbers despite being sandwiched between Thor: Ragnarok and Justice League.
  9. Given how well it worked for this first one, I think this one should move to time when it would work as counter programming for a massive blockbuster.
  10. <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Kenneth Branagh has just said during <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/ColliderConnected?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#ColliderConnected</a> that a trailer for Death on the Nile is ready, and there’s discussions this week about when to release it.... <a href="https://t.co/uvfupONIZq">pic.twitter.com/uvfupONIZq</a></p>&mdash; Adam Khan (@Adam_Khan100) <a href="https://twitter.com/Adam_Khan100/status/1270756104834879493?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 10, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Kenneth Branagh and I also talk about why he continues to shoot on film and how he used Christopher Nolan&#39;s 65mm Tenet cameras for Death On The Nile. <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/tenet?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#tenet</a> <a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/deathonthenile?src=hash&amp;ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#deathonthenile</a> <a href="https://t.co/gZ9VKUe8Em">pic.twitter.com/gZ9VKUe8Em</a></p>&mdash; Kevin McCarthy (@KevinMcCarthyTV) <a href="https://twitter.com/KevinMcCarthyTV/status/1270760753566486528?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 10, 2020</a></blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  11. From the new issue of Total Film: Q: “Have you been able to continue post-production work on Death on the Nile?” BRANAGH: “We are. We managed to [complete filming] in December. And so by the time lockdown occurred, we had the cut we presented to the studio, ad we had a very successful screening for them. And since we’ve been in lockdown, we’ve been doing further work on it. So far, our work has been… although, affected by the remote nature of things, it’s carried on. So for what it’s worth in these unprecedented times, at least in our tiny little corner of the film world, we’re carrying on. And I’m excited about how it’s going, and we'll be on schedule. And if the world has returned to some form of normal, I would hope people can see it as planned in cinemas on 9 October.”
  12. You're in luck, because there's a fairly good chance it'll get pushed back. A July re-opening for Tenet is far too optimistic at this stage, so if/when that moves, expect to see everything on the calendar get bumped back.
  13. Exactly. With lockdowns already being eased far too early in the US and mass protests in the streets all over the nation, the second wave will hit sooner rather than later.
  14. Yup. Releasing a blockbuster, any blockbuster, between Black Widow (first new MCU movie in over a year) and No Time to Die (first new Bond film in 5 years) is basically just the equivalent of dumping it into a hospice.
  15. Given that the first one made $352 million on a $55 million budget, it would certainly shock me. Of course, that doesn't mean they won't do it. lol.
  16. Because of the currently shifting release schedule and the potential problem of a lowered box office, it's likely Marvel are going to focus most of their marketing attention on Black Widow until things are more certain.
  17. Unless Dune has some next-level marketing it's not even a competition. Dune is high concept sci-fi film with very little action and a blockbuster budget based on a book whose last film adaptation bombed, directed by a man whose last film (a high concept sci-fi movie with very little action and a blockbuster budget) bombed. Meanwhile Top Gun 2 is, well... a sequel to Top Gun.
  18. If that's true then this movie had a weirdly long shoot given that it began filming in July. Space Jam: A New Leagcy started filming just one month before and it wrapped up back in September.
  19. gotta respect ol' Jimbo's commitment to making actors do miserable and uncomfortable underwater scenes
  20. I'm sure he still is, but I don't think that's entirely why he doesn't want to see a new adaptation. Lynch has never seemed like a guy who's that into traditional space-fantasy. Even if he'd never made Dune, I still don't think he'd be interested.
  21. I don't think Lynch is being bitter here. At least not about this new adaptation. He's just not that interested in Dune as a story. I think he certainly liked a lot of ideas and characters from the books, but he likely wanted to make a more loose adaptation than what he ended up with.
  22. It's incredible just how much money WB lost by trying to make their biggest franchises into cinematic universes. Back in 2014 it looked like Fantastic Beasts, the MonsterVerse, and the DCEU were going to be ruling the box office for at least the next decade.
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