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Everything posted by Borobudur

  1. If you need a 'blizzard of the century' to suppress A2 gross to RO's level, that is clear sign that movie will hold up better later on.
  2. Is £82-83m possible? That will give A2 another $100m territory.
  3. Unfortunately the way JC depicts father-children relationship is probably closer-to-reality than most of the father-children relationship elsewhere, especially for Asian kids like me.
  4. I would say 21m for each Wed and Thursday to be the bar for shockingly impressive and 28m Friday as mind-blowing.
  5. Actually just how high A2 need to do daily to impress? I saw UK delivered some great Tuesday number but domestic still haven't posted a single impressive number thus far into the run.
  6. So we can expect Avatar 2 continue to have some degree of holiday bump through first week of January.
  7. I saw some people mention the significant part of the school remain out until 09 Jan, is that true?
  8. A2 is certainly a boring run domestically so far since the trailer told us this will be motion picture event of the generation.
  9. Has Universal revised their estimate? I don't think so because unlikely PIB2 to grow this little on CD.
  10. Nope...They don't get replacement here in SK.
  11. I like this 29.5m but this is more like correction to storm effect than a real amazing run. We still need few more days to see how high can A2 soar.
  12. $29.5m after all.....and Disney didn't bother to revise their Monday estimate
  13. Too bad CD and NY falls on Sunday. We miss two public holiday here.
  14. Yes....but at least let's see how walk-ups adjust to the new presale level.
  15. Already near 2x by the of 2nd weekend. Is it too much to ask for 3x leg? Too bad Disney didn't include 3D surcharge here, that is a misinterpretation of India's potential.
  16. But isn't Wed-Thursday were affected by Snowstorm? The number definitely look underperform across the board, even if you compare to last year number. I think 40%-50% is more likely if not there is no reason talking about snowstorm effect in the past 20-30 pages.
  17. As long as the discount encourage more people to see the movie! Especially India moviegoers are quite price sensitive. Hope Avatar 2 can leg out beautifully. Is New year a holiday here too in India?
  18. Next week is the 3 days new year day holiday weekend may boost the total higher. So far the movie is running quite similar like JWD with 1.75x of OW so far. Now I can only hope they extend A2 run into CNY and allow the movie to at least play on regular 3D screen. Mermaid 2 and TWE2 are too big to fight against.
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