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Everything posted by Borobudur

  1. The mid-week number has been meh but I will wait for Friday number to see if it is really a doomsdays.
  2. I am hoping a better number in actual, if not we can't close the week-to-week drop leading up to weekend.
  3. Jumanji jumped 186% on Friday during MLK weekend and another 96% jump on Saturday.
  4. Avatar 2 lost another $1.4m lead over TGM. The running total is $45m more than TGM.
  5. No, Monday was $2m, so it is 35% jump.
  6. They should go promote harder than this is last week you can see Avatar 2 on PLF.
  7. Then what is wrong with these two? Movie Title Distributor Gross %YD %LW Theaters Per Theater Total Gross Days In Release - (4) A Man Called Otto Sony Pictures $705,000 +93% +10,294% 637 $1,107 $5,357,602 12 - (6) Whitney Houston I Wanna D… Sony Pictures $400,000 +96% -44% 3,184 $126 $20,318,355 19
  8. Japan is in public holiday and Philippines back full online.
  9. Passing TGM was never a lock but more like 50:50 chance. As long as Avatar 2 managed to maintain the lead over TGM over the weekend and offset the lost during mid-week, the chance is there.
  10. Avatar 2 lost $3.8m lead over TGM in just single day although TGM day 25 was a semi-public holiday. Avatar 2 need some serious weekend jump to recover the lost over mid-week.
  11. Most movies including M3GAN drop >40% on Sunday from Saturday except A2 and PIB2. Probably they are paying for Monday drop now while rest dropp lesser.
  12. Not even sharing? They should just share the between both movies and make it JC week.
  13. You said the extension will never happen but now it is happening. Still, an extension is better than nothing and lay ground for theater to increase showtime if there are still gas left in the movie.
  14. Plus, I just get to know WE2 doesn't have 3D and is almost equally long as Avatar 2, that could give A2 some competitive advantage in term of taste and showtime arrangement, i.e. more money from single show. Also, there hasn't been any big HLY blockbusters shown during Lunar festival period. All i want to say is hoping for a re-release is unrealistic and we better grab whatever we have on the plate right now especially when Avatar 2's buzz is still running hot in people's memory.
  15. If the occupancy rate is high enough, that will "motivate" theater to increase showtime afterwards, And we never know the quality of new release. Some of them probably suck and that allow other better performing movie to take over.
  16. It is definitely worth more than a re-release that may never come. Plus, the movie may hit $2bn and have multiple Oscar nomination during spring festival period. It is gonna be a waste if this extra buzz cannot capitalized in China at all.
  17. China extension is exciting but do remember the number of showtimes will be very few so don't expect big swing in numbers.
  18. I also believe the later winter break is part of the equation. It seem like schools across significant part of the country wasn't really out until Dec 22 or Dec 23 and that is why they end latter this year. That boosted the mid-week number quite substantially last week.
  19. If you know Avatar 2 has this clear runway into Feb, why were still you firmly believe your club was happening until very recent?
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