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Everything posted by Chicago

  1. If anything the long hair is more suited to Neo given the Jesus like undertones
  2. This looks more like a light hearted spin off than a big event Matrix sequel. Kudos for doing something different but I don't see a big gross here
  3. There's actually a pretty good movie called 'Brick' starring Joseph Gordon Levitt in his older years lol
  4. Inception was advertised as "The director of The Dark Knight" whilst starring the biggest box office draw on the planet. You cannot compare Inception to Dune. Nolan is one of the few directors who's name sells the movie alone. If his name was on Dune it would add to it's box office.
  5. The Martian was an amazing book though. I agree this should be hitting 50m in normal circumstances
  6. I just remember how much of a pain in the ass it was trying to talk about it with mates. "Shall we watch IT?" "Watch what? "IT" "Be more specific" Rinse and repeat
  7. Stranger things certainly helped but I think the gimmick of killer clowns was a bigger draw than people realise. You didn't have to read IT or watch the old adaptations to know what it was. I remember there was even people dressed as clowns causing a bit of mayhem before IT opened, awareness was sky high because it's a fear many people can relate too. Dune on the other hand is a harder sell. There wasn't much in the books or previous adaptations that has made it iconic to general movie goers so it has an uphill battle and the tone they seem to have taken seem more inline with my taste than 'high grossing blockbuster' taste but I would love to be proven wrong
  8. My dad took me to see reloaded when I was 13. I remember disliking it and loving the 3rd. I've not seen the Matrix Revolutions since, I guess my taste would be far different now.
  9. Why do people find offence in the most pathetic things. What's wrong with talking in a black accent? I bet if she copied an Australian accent, no-one would care
  10. It was always more popular and well known. Dune has never really been a big name, I'd class it as well known and popular as the original Blade Runner, which doesn't bode well Meanwhile everyone is scared of fucking clowns. Ive heard many people through my years wonder why there was no recent adaptation of IT, noone talks of Dune though because most people don't even know what it is
  11. Let's just say my sex life peaked 12 years ago when I was 18, working in a large building society. When you put young, sexually active people in the same environment for 40 hours a week, the office parties get a little crazy Now I'm tied down
  12. I don't know much about YouTube haters, it's not really my area of expertise. I just remember a couple of years ago Brie Larson said some things I disagreed. I don't think it's right for people to abuse her online but judging by CM's box office gross, it's safe to say she had the last laugh anyways
  13. Then die on it, meanwhile let people make their own decisions. There's been loads of reports of celebrities dating their security guards. If everyone shared your opinion, The Bodyguard would have been a massive flop back in the day, thankfully it's a classic
  14. Wow If you could never flirt at work, I wouldn't be alive today. I met my fiance whilst working and in 8 weeks we will be welcoming our first child. I will never regret asking my fiance to a date whilst being at work, it's made my life Thoughts like yours are honestly scary, I'm glad you're the minority
  15. I didn't realise BW didn't get released in China, I guess that does make a big difference. I did read that BW made about 490m WW including PA
  16. Oh yeah she didn't like white people reviewing movies with black people in them, I remember now. 50% of people meet their partners through work. Nothing wrong with asking someone out whilst working, it's just being spontaneous and most of us are fine with it. If you're not fine with it then a simple rejection would suffice, she didn't have to rant online about it. We don't want to live in a world where building up the courage to ask someone out is frowned upon. Security guard dodged a speeding bullet there
  17. Actually Brie was disliked because she comes across as very unlikeable. I remember when she tried getting a security guard in trouble for asking her out
  18. It's hard to take you seriously when overseas, F9 will end up grossing more than both MCU movies this year combined. It trippled BW and you're trying to tell me MCU averagely is a bigger draw overseas? Sorry but no, this year is your proof. Even with the added premier Access gross, BW's worldwide take is coming in below F9's overseas gross. You are also forgetting the 3D subcharge for all these marvel movies too which give its gross an added 10% at the very least. Over the past 10 years the average Fast movie has grossed 768m overseas (would be closer to 850m with 3D) compared to MCU's 725 (with 3D). The odds of the next fast movies grossing more overseas than the next MCU movie is high. A betting agency would have an average Fast movie as an overseas favourite to an average MCU movie. Even your examples, CM, FFH and IM 3 all sold less tickets overseas than the average fast movie this last 10 years. So I have to disagree, the performances don't really support your claim
  19. Goldeneye was always my favourite until CR. Just let Martin Campbell direct all the reboots
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