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Everything posted by Chicago

  1. I'll predict 200OW/600m Dom for this Covid or no covid, seeing all Spidermen will get people to the cinema, it will make it an event. Them drops should be nice during the holidays too
  2. 1m dislikes in a teaser is petty. I just rewatched the teaser and they didn't even show any cast members so yeah I guess in a population of 8billion, we have 1m saddos with tiny pecker syndrome who use their downvote to highlight their sexist views. I didn't realise Captain Marvel had too but she got the last laugh with that gross. The main trailers problem for me was the lack of any sort of nostalgia. It looked like it was a pisstake of the older movies rather than a homage. The CGI was bad and I did think the characters seemed out of place and I'm a big fan of half the cast (mainly Wig and Melissa). The humour was off and we know how funny these people are in other movies so it's not their fault. But yeah it did achieve a surprisingly strong multiplier in the US compared to everywhere else but a Ghostbusters reboot could have opened to double the 2016 version if done right imo. I didn't realise Bumblebee made that much overseas, definitely not a flop. I will say however, had Michael Bay directed a movie worthy of 90% on RT, do you think it would have made more than 500m? Bumblebee had to be a really good movie to make what it did whilst those Bay movies were making so much money despite being shit. I know what you mean, from a viewers point of view, studios should make more female led action movies but from a business point of view it's far riskier. Marvel have nailed it by building a brand so big they have a locked in audience allowing them to do what they want, and they are leading the way in offering more diversity. For studios without that security it's riskier on a high budget. Saying that my Mrs will pick an action movie over a rom-com
  3. Wait who's denying people like the trailer? Stop stawmanning. A little reading comprehension goes a long way. I'm sure many people liked the trailer, it's my 2nd favourite trailer I've seen today.
  4. It had what the 2nd highest trailer view count of all time? And you think that's all down to people who just loved "Far from Home" right? Nothing to do with the casting rumours at all? It's obvious to most of us
  5. The trailer has been viewed alot because people were expecting the old Spidermen to make an appearance. It's not got a lot of views because "people love the trailer". I thought this was obvious
  6. I don't think anyone is trying to convince themselves otherwise. Just sharing what we think and hear that's all. Don't get upset
  7. It's the first I've seen from the film. It's looks alright to me, my only complaint is how they basically caused their own drama for the movie. A bit like how Stark creates Ultron which sets up the entire movie, here it seem Dr Strange does something he shouldn't, then blames Spidey for the shit it's caused. Something about it just seems silly but I guess we are only on trailer 1
  8. Every person I've showed this trailer to thinks it looks shit. That being said, I still think it's crossing a billion. The 2nd trailer will blow away the internet if they put Tobey Maquire in it
  9. I do think the last movie may have alread hampered what this could have been making. A bit like how Suicide Squad ruined it for TSS
  10. I don't really care about hate on YouTube comments or social media, I mean most people are hateful in comment sections as it is lol. The fact is it was a complete misfire, regardless of the toxicity around the film. No-one deserves abuse over a bad movie but it's still safe to say the gender swap was a stupid idea financially. It wasn't in line with my taste or most of the publics and I'd say that's very relevant when you're spending 144m on a movie before advertising.
  11. The movie was a flop, it had a huge cast, was based on a popular IP and only made 229m off a 144m budget. People didn't dislike it because they were sexist, they disliked it because it was shit and unfunny. It was a poor decision to gender swap. Go to any marketing campaign and they will tell you that action comedies are primarily targeted towards males (obviously there are a few exceptions) so there was no surprise that it flopped. The gender swapping Hollywood have been doing lately has led to box office failures with films like What Men Want, Bad Neighbours 2, Bumblebee and this, when will they learn? Who makes a film about transforming cars that blow shit up and tries targeting females? Know your audience. The reviews may have been strong at the time but that was probably due to all the controversy surrounding it's release. The general consensus from the general public didn't seem to be positive at all and I don't think it's fair to blame people for that, it was just a shit movie
  12. He lived a sheltered life questioning his own existence and chose to literally transform his body rather than conform to a fake society. I see some relevance, though I doubt it was a major theme running through the plot as Reeves himself said it was never mentioned to him. It's just when you look back in hindisght it makes sense that a trans person blended their thoughts and experiences into the film
  13. I'd rather them not bother putting a pointless female character in just for brownie points if the story doesn't call for it.
  14. I remember being a teenager and Spiderman being huge event movies. I wonder if this new film makes the character as big of a deal as he used to be.
  15. Even if jet fuel can't melt steal beams, I'm sure it makes them weak enough to give way to thousands of tonnes of weight. This guy lost all my respect when he went on a rant at the Oscars a few years back when his film was beaten by a better film.
  16. I'll give the 2nd half a watch later And even though successful, they haven't matched the success from their earlier movies with the exception of Inside Out and sequels from their golden years. Pixar's brand has grown to the point where they can take the risks and make the movies they want to make. They went from laugh a minute witty comedies about toys, monsters and superheros to movies about Jazz. I won't deny the craft on display in their films, I just feel the older movies had biggers impacts on kids back then whilst these days you'll find a higher percentage of adults in a Pixar screening
  17. I find Pixar favours arty products over entertainingly funny ones lately. In my opinion their best years are behind them. I don't think they see children as their target audience as much as they used to
  18. This post convinced me to watch this with the Mrs last night as we couldn't find anything. We got 40 minutes in before realising it was shit. It's literally a pointless movie that I've only heard spoken about on this site. This cultural impact must only be in America. I preferred Pixar when they were fun and less pretentious Trust me stay clear from it, it's time of your life your won't get back.
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