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Everything posted by Chicago

  1. I used to track films many years ago when making 300m was considered the 'massive blockbuster' territory. Lately it seemed like 600m became that new 300m but maybe the old ways are coming back.
  2. They shouldn't be ignored, but TFA was bigger than any Potter movie overseas but you won't hear anyone say the SW franchise is bigger than Potter overseas as a whole. Yeah Endgame was huge, and IW likely sold a similar amount of tickets to F7 overseas given 3D but no fast and furious movie has made less than 550m overseas in the past decade. Just this year alone F9 has dwarfed everything OS. I think you have to give it to the franchise for it's consistency. Before then pandemic no solo MCU movies were putting up them kind of numbers, it took the end of an epic 24 movie saga without putting a foot wrong to achieve that height yet Dom and fam was doing it just by simply driving cars into submarines.
  3. I disagree, their overseas grosses started to consistently hit 1b and it looks like F9 likely would have too. The only 2 films to in the MCU to achieve that was IW and Endgame, averagly they were lucky to hit 700k. And we can't forget the fast franchise never had the 3d subcharge to inflate it's grosses.Even the Hobbs and Shaw spin off made more than most of the MCU overseas.
  4. Bond numbers will give us an idea of how bad cinemas are effected. I'd love to see a surprise 20m opening
  5. I love them all though and tbf, my opinion on greatest directors is irrelevant because I'm only 31 and wasn't around for the previous greats to truly compare. Scorsese gave me two of my top 10 favourites, Wolf of wall Street is probably my favourite movie, Its the only movie I can never turn over if it's on TV. It that rare 3 hour movie that doesn't have a wasted minute. Though I'll be more excited for a Tarintino, Cameron or Nolan project if announced than Speilberg or Scorsese. James Cameron is arguably the most commited out of the lot, the fact it's been 12 years since Avatar and IMO there hasn't been anything close that matches it's imagery. It seems most movies these days don't have the time to take extra care with every single shot, the MCU I find is very guilty of this given their strict release schedule.
  6. Catch me if you can Is one of my all time favourites too. Spielberg seems to have chilled out lately, we don't really have anyone on his level at the moment. I'd argue Nolan is probably the smartest director right now but no way is he the best
  7. Spielberg is the greatest director of all time. Only he can make 2 movies in 1 year, 1 going on to win best picture whilst the other becomes the highest grossing movie of all time. The diversity in his films is what sets him apart from everyone else I remember my film studies teacher try telling me speilberg was overrated, kind of made me lose faith in teachers more than I already had. Those that can't, teach
  8. Comparatively speaking, I think Bond will open bigger in the UK than any film has opened in the US so far this year. Im hoping it alteast cracks £10m
  9. I was actually going to go to the cinema to see this but If this is gonna be another HBO max release then looks like another Kodi stream for me. When will they learn
  10. Does Biggie Smalls make an appearance in this?
  11. I'm actually surprised at the success F9 had. Unpopular opinion but everyone saw it as Vins franchise, I always thought Paul was the main draw.
  12. I don't think it was ever expected to open over F9, flood or no flood. Or was it?
  13. You literally typed his name 4 posts ago 🤣
  14. Diversity in movies is so important these days yet we all gloss over having great looking people play not so great looking people. We have good looking actors like Taron Edgerton playing Eddie the Eagle and Elton John, one of the ugliest celebrities alive. Charlize Theron, one of the most beautiful actors in the world has to put on weight and make herself ugly for a role AND GETS AN AWARD FOR IT. She was ugly for a few months, try being ugly 24/7. All these roles could have gone to other fellow ugly/overweight people but no the specimens even have to take them roles too The biggest diversity issue in Hollywood isn't about race or gender, it's all about attractiveness.
  15. Why not though? It seems to be treated like a comedy and is getting similar legs to a comedy. Only difference in gross I see in a non covid world is a higher opening with similar legs. Covid hasn't helped any movie
  16. Casino Royale is the best Bond movie of all time, and it's not even close
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