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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. yep, he is in a bunch of the tv spots...and maybe one of the trailers, if I remember correctly
  2. yeah other than this one idiot which didn't ruin the movie thank goodness, it was pretty quiet. I don't think it is the most shocking ending ever, but it could be considered shocking to some yes
  3. i'll just say I am older than 20 I didn't hate IF at all, I hated the experience I had so I couldn't enjoy it like I should have
  4. you must be like 16 then I think people are liking TW but I don't think it has enough appeal to hit a larger audience
  5. so you sit around thinking this is me? lol but anyway, yeah go see that movie and let us know how it is
  6. I'm not 75 years old no idea when I am seeing The Boy
  7. now I'm rich? I wish I knew that so I could pay off my house
  8. yep, it's all me because I haven't seen it either
  9. Yeah for those that weren't around for it, they may not get how awesome the marketing was. I know you were around It was the first one to use the Internet to get people interested by making people think the movie was real. Fake articles, missing persons posters, everything was just on point and incredible
  10. I can definitely see where you and Tele are coming from. I told a friend about the movie who was not interested at all, then I told him they marketed it wrong and the movie actually has a subtitle of the old New England Folk tale and he perked right up saying he would see that kind of movie about "salem", etc and how they felt at the time. But I think they knew that wouldn't sell completely to a wide audience. but yeah one of my "gripes" was it was a bit uneven with where it wanted to go, but I just went along with it all
  11. great work tree. and very good list people. Number one is hard to argue with
  12. While I agree that the marketing was great, I wouldn't say the best, I still say Blair Witch has that honor, but Deadpool is up there too so it's not a shot at all. I loved what Deadpool did the entire way so I am in with you on how great the marketing was.
  13. Agreed. But I guess it has me a little intrigued too.
  14. Yeah I was about to say, I have seen a tv spot for this at least 3 times a day for a while now.
  15. So basically everything Cloverfield wasn't but yeah I agree with your point, even though I am not really excited for this film, I am sure I will catch it at some point so i hope it is good.
  16. 1. Star Wars: Ep. VII; The Force Awakens - A 2. The Revenant - B+ 3. Deadpool - A- 4. The Witch - B+
  17. well I am not saying it is the same as If Follows but I think it is more atmospheric like that and another film I want to say, but I can't It's definitely not going to be a universally liked film so there's still a 50/50 shot you may brutality hate it
  18. ELITE EIGHT (Deadline February 27) Raiders of the Lost Ark vs. Back to the Future Star Wars IV: A New Hope vs. The Godfather The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King vs. The Lion King Jaws vs. Star Wars V: The Empire Strikes Back man this was the toughest round so far for me
  19. I guess I'll be the opposing view I liked it, but I can definitely see why people won't It is literally a re-telling of old time witch stories from early US history. It is even based on some of those stories that used to be told. So in a way, it really isn't current horror, just more of a study of how people were back then and how they saw the world. Of course, they do add in some supernatural stuff that is "real" as opposed to say The Village where it was just all made up. So taht part is partially still in the horror genre. The story is a complete build up and a lot like Blair Witch where you are following a family basically going through hell and them breaking down and not trusting each other. In the end, there really are witches and the devil that tortures this family all the way to the point that the only remaining surviving member takes the devil's offer and becomes a witch herself So overall, it's more atmospheric and creepy as opposed to jump scares and gore. I give in probably a B+, or at least no lower than a B
  20. Ok I just got back and yeah I think a lot of people are going to be disappointed due to the marketing and such. I actually do like it, but it's not at all what they are trying to sell. I can't say too much because it maybe too close to spoiling stuff but it is definitely more psychological, as already said by others, and it is more creepy and thought provoking. It's not gory, no jump scares really, well maybe one Someone asked if it was hard to hear people or something like that, and no, it's very clear, but for some, getting used to the olde time English may take a few minutes. But I do get why it has the low Cinema score, as this is definitely not for everyone, as it will be slow for some people. So yeah, if you are looking for some jump scare, gory kills and all that, this is not the movie for you I wrote up more in the review forum
  21. Sitting in the theater now waiting the 20 minutes for this to start
  22. I think because usually critics don't get why most horror fans like horror films so when one comes out that is nothing like those movies, critics like it. But the horror base won't because it's not what they want. or at least that is my take on the whole thing
  23. lol you are going to keep that false running joke going forever aren't you? I'll let you know after I see it
  24. Decent number for the Witch, bad Cinema score but I don't go by that anyway. I will bee seeing it in about an hour so hopefully I like it enough Good number for Deadpool, I guess X keeps on giving it to us
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