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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. Guess I'm one of the odd people out as from that list, I am only going to save half of them in the theater and have seen many other movies besides Disney. Didn't know I would be rare in that aspect 😛
  2. @MOVIEGUY you may want to remove your post. No spoilers in here and figured I'd save you from someone having to report you but to quickly answer, yes
  3. Would it make you feel better that there actually isn't a twist? Or is that now a spoiler too? . 😛 But either way, yes I wish people would stop posting spoilers or even near spoilers too
  4. Just cast a trans person as Black Widow for this movie. Problem solved
  5. Conspiracy theory, they're using this as a smoke screen in case the movie does poorly so they can blame the misogynists. It's an built in excuse
  6. 1. Captain Marvel - C+ 2. Spider-man into the Spiderverse - A- 3. Hellboy - C 4. Shazam - B 5. Avengers: Endgame - A- 6. John Wick 3 - B+ 7. Brightburn - B 8. Aladdin (2019) - B 9. Godzilla: King of the Monsters - A- 10. Midsommar - B- 11. Crawl - B
  7. This movie was hilarious. Love these goofy, non scary animal/monster flicks. All the same beats and tropes as usual but. I never get enough of these turn your brain off and just have fun movies. We don't get enough of them
  8. Saw the Apollo 11 documentary/movie today. I really enjoyed it
  9. I may catch this since nothing else is coming out this weekend. While it does look like a very high budget SyFy channel movie, it may be fun to watch
  10. i'm still out of likes so using this again
  11. out of likes unfortunately so here's the emoticon i wanted to use
  12. it's actually fine and pretty tame considering how threads usually go with RT score reveals.
  13. yep, really annoying too. Guess I may have to put out the old Ignore feature on this one 😛
  14. Wish I felt the same. I'm not saying I don't like it but besides being beautifully shot I don't think it was scary, creepy, unsettling, or really anything. I get where it was going and I think he did a good job of it but overall, it was kind of just there for me
  15. 1. Captain Marvel - C+ 2. Spider-man into the Spiderverse - A- 3. Hellboy - C 4. Shazam - B 5. Avengers: Endgame - A- 6. John Wick 3 - B+ 7. Brightburn - B 8. Aladdin (2019) - B 9. Godzilla: King of the Monsters - A- 10. Midsommar - B-
  16. I love the Shield. One of the best series finales ever too And no Vic is not a good guy at all
  17. I think I'm going to break down and see Midsommar since nothing else is really out for me
  18. I just saw that people sent death threats to an 8 y.o. for the AOC parody account so it closed down. And people wonder why other people hate politics.
  19. Oh I've had tons and tons of horrible experiences at movie theaters ,including people answering their phones during the movie and having an actual long conversation, . literally maybe one bas time was technical issues. But even with all that and the dumb, horrible people that watch movies nowadays don't stop me from going. I get why it does for some but that's never been my main issue. I do agree with @TServo2049 about that it's not really a spur-of-the-moment to see movies anymore. I get why people like reserved seating, and I do to a certain extent, but yes now going to the movies is more of a planned out thing as opposed to just, hey do you want to go see a movie? Because the fact is it's hard to have walk-ups nowadays because you don't know if any seats that you want to use are available. Not saying I want to go back to the long lines concept but at least then you knew you had a shot. Nowadays you can walk up have no lines go to the counter and oh look there only two seats are all the way in the front corner so you're obviously not going to see the movie.
  20. I agree with a lot of the settlements in here. I for one used to go almost every week to the movie theater. It did not really matter what kind of film it was, just as long as something interested me, that I would go watch it. I don't know if it's me getting older or anything like that, however a lot of movies lately have not been interesting to me. I know people like to go with the we need to support original films but if they don't look good, for me personally, I don't care if they are original or not. So yes maybe I am more picky than I ever have been and when I actually go to a theater. Yes some big spectacle films need to be seen on the big screen, I have no argue with that whatsoever. As somewhat of a solution to this problem, not sure it can actually work, however I wonder if they can do what some of the sports leagues have started to do? They have a tier pricing system. Basically when a big rival comes in, the prices are higher than say if a team that nobody cares about comes into town. For those games the tickets are much cheaper I get movie studios won't go for this, but to me if you buy two tickets at a cheaper price it still makes up for the one ticket that they won't sell anyway So yes I think the combination of more ways of watching movies than ever, the no need to see a non spectacle film on a screen anymore, money issues, less free time, and other things really hurt the non-franchise films I even think the lack of bankable movie stars have caused this to happen too. Before you could just say let me see an Arnold film, or Tom Cruise film, or Will Smith film and that's all you would need. Nowadays though that's not enough to get people to go to a theater
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