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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. yeah this is probably my favorite of the series. The characters in this one definitely helped with that. Corey Feldman as Tommy really worked and the last scene of him hacking Jason to death and then staring into the camera at the end was incredible. A
  2. This takes place 5 years after the original and they again are trying to reopen the camp. During the opening, to wrap up the loose end from the first movie, Jason kills Alice, the only survivor from part 1, at her home. Thus proving she was right that the "boy" was still out there. The problem is, Jason is no longer a child, but a fully grown adult now driven by the sight of seeing his mother killed. Among the murders, in what can be called one of the most un-PC kills at the time, they did kill a guy in a wheelchair with a machete and send him down a flight of stairs. A decent sequel that sets up the same formula for a lot of the following ones. B
  3. The first Friday. As most people know, now due to Scream for the younger generation, Jason wasn't the killer in this movie. You follow the camp counselors to Camp Crystal Lake where they are trying to fix it up to reopen it for business. The facts of the camp come out that it was closed due to many murders and the death of a child. The child drowned due to the counselors at the time not paying attention. Yes, this child was Jason Voorhees. As the movie goes on and they are repairing the place, one by one you can see them getting stalked by an unknown person and then murdered, usually pretty brutally. When only one counselor remains, Alice, we meet up with an "older" lady, Pamela Voorhees, who tells the tale that it is her child that drowned so she is the one that is making sure the camp never opens again. During the last struggle after Pamela stalks her victim for a while, she gets decapitated. Alice relaxes in a canoe at the end in a very serine scene with the happy music playing, the cops are there, and the camera fades back to show the credits...but, it's all a trick and we see a rotting child jump out of the lake and pull her in. After Alice wakes up in a hospital bed, she asks the police about the boy that pulled her in and the cops state there was no boy. So Jason is still down there. Due to the stranded nature of the location, the intimacy you get is what helps drive the suspense. The music works well to help with the scariness. You know there is no one around to help and with the forest setting, you never know where the killer could be. Plus, looking back it is funny to see Kevin Bacon in the flick and getting killed off. A-
  4. Not much to say about this one, other than it was pretty bad and they threw this movie together to keep the rights to Friday the 13th, while they were working through all the mess to get Freddy vs. Jason going. The story is the capture Jason and they use cryogenics to freeze him and the girl that helped capture him. yeah it was an accident with Jason trying to escape. Now it leaps way into the future where they come to earth and find the location and pick up Jason and the girl. They get dethawed, Jason kills people in space, he gets rebuilt as a machine basically, etc, etc. For complete dumb fun, it is worth a watch, but otherwise, it is just terrible. D
  5. I wasn't crazy about this part. I do like how they kept Tommy in the series, but the ending idea was a bit off for me. Tommy after his experience with Jason and hacking him to death is obviously troubled and is now at a mental "hospital" which is more like a farm. He has visions of Jason and is trying to get past the trauma. Killings start to happen after one of the "inmates" kills another inmate. I won't give away the entire story, but it isn't Jason going around killing everyone. As a hint, if you pay attention when "Jason" is on the screen either as a person or as a vision, you can tell. Basically the idea is at the end, Tommy embraces his "evil" side and at dons the mask and is shown about to kill a nurse. In turn, this would make Tommy become the new Jason. I am assuming this was the original idea. But kind of like the Halloween series, when Michael Myers wasn't the focal point, I think they realized that wasn't the best idea and went back to Jason in part 6. I have to give this one a C
  6. Ah, the start of zombie Jason. It actually is one of the better Fridays. I like the earlier ones a bit more due to Jason just being a mentally slow person that is killing in revenge for his mother. No supernatural parts or anything like that. However, this is the first one where Jason becomes the undead, invincible killing machine most people remember him for. Tommy after his stint at the mental hospital decides he needs closure from his ordeal in part 4. (For those wondering, yes I said 4 and this is 6. There is no actual Jason in part 5, but that is another review.) In a massive thunderstorm, Tommy and a friend goes to the cemetery and digs up Jason's grave. He opens the casket. He then breaks off a metal fence post and begins to stab Jason's corpse over and over until he gets tired. He leaves the post in Jason's body and in a Frankenstein moment, it is struck by lightning bring Jason back to life and the fun begins. For those that want to see Jason in his zombie form where he is a lot stronger and makes more graphic kills, this is the start of that. Overall, not a bad way to "reboot" the series and bring Jason back to the forefront. B+
  7. 1. The Dark Knight Rises2. The Phantom Menace in 3D3. Titanic 3D4. Amazing Spiderman5. The Avengers6. The Hobbit7. Prometheus8. Skyfall9. Dark Shadowns10. The Expendables 2
  8. Still the same meh to me as all the other footage. I am sure the movie will be fine and I will most likely enjoy them, but nothing has excited about the movie yet.
  9. Yeah it could be. I went online and did the check for stores in my area and none are available. So unless they sold out really quickly, it may just be the online thing.
  10. Ah, still talking about the big Transformers trilogy box set.
  11. Sadly, this doesn't appear to be in any store near me, or store at all, possibly.
  12. Yeah, I knew about it and it is for all 3 movies, but didn't know if it was one of those for other countries thing. Then yesterday I found out it was coming out today. I will probably got to Best Buy and check it out and most likely, buy it.
  13. 2nd non best of the series only above AOTC. While it had some good elements (Qui Gon, Darth Maul, the podracing scene,more planets, etc), it got a little too "kiddie". Before anyone says, they all are, I completely agree. However, they even resorted to poop jokes in this one which puts it a tad over the top. The idea of Anakin as a child is fine, but Jake Lloyd really didn't work. With all that being said, it is still better than a lot of other movies and is not a bad start to the prequels. B
  14. Anyone pick up the special Transformers 7 disc set yet? I am tempted to get it just to have it. :-p
  15. I never read the book, but I do enjoy the movie for what it was. I enjoyed it a bit more when they played it on regular tv once and added a scene or 2 back into the film that made the ending make a bit more sense. I have to admit, even if it is nostalgia, I still enjoy it. B+
  16. Love this movie. Technically, Michael Douglas is the "bad guy", but you can't help but to cheer for him. We get to live out our frustrations and anger about the world through him. I am sure most people agree with his "rants" during the film. I give it an A
  17. As you can tell from my signature, I really enjoy this film. I grew up with John Hughes' movies and they were pretty much dead on with how us as kids felt. He found a way to show that he "got it". Ferris Bueller is basically the person we all wanted to be in school. He was popular with everyone, he could get away with everything and just enjoy life even with the tedious nature of school. Who didn't want to ditch school and just have a fun, memorable day? He did it to the extreme of course, but the idea is the same. From the Porsche, to Abe Froman, the museum, etc all the way up to the parade, we watched and took it in because we desired to be with him that day. Classic teen movie that reminds us that things can still be fun at that time of our lives. A+
  18. 1. The Dark Knight Rises2. The Phantom Menace in 3D3. Titanic 3D4. Amazing Spiderman5. The Avengers6. The Hobbit7. Prometheus8. Skyfall9. Dark Shadowns10. The Expendables 2
  19. Greatest freak out scene in movies. Steve Martin at the rental desk. I laugh just thinking about it and literally can't breathe while that scene is on. Great comedic chemistry with Martin and Candy. Heck even Kevin Bacon is in this film A
  20. Yeah I would go with release order as well.
  21. Yeah I hope they do as well. I may even get Real Steel since I can get it for cheaper now.
  22. Yep It goes until tomorrow. And actually I was wrong about the Super 8. It was normally $30 and I got it for $15 after everything
  23. Super 8 (was on sale at Best Buy and with the $5 upgrade, It was only $15 instead of the normal $25)Fast Five
  24. This is also one of my favorite movies. I really never saw that ending coming until pretty much when it was revealed. That pretty much never happens to me so I was completely shocked. I liked everyone in it. Like Angel said previously, watching this a second time does make you appreciate some of the scenes more. Now when Kevin Spacey is just sitting in the room alone looking around, you know he is making up his story right there instead of just randomly staring. A
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