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Everything posted by 75Live

  1. I just saw this again last night and as much as I really like, it is still is sad that it is easily the best movie released this year. Nothing even comes close. While the 3D did nothing, this movie still gets an easy A
  2. Yeah I felt the same way about the movie. I agree with you as well. The book sold the movie. The movie isn't selling itself. That's a scary thought
  3. This is now my most anticipated movie ever
  4. I would hit the like button...if there was one
  5. Ah, so that's the problem. If you are from another country, it makes sense
  6. I knew it!! :PYou are too consistent and unemotional to just be a normal member here
  7. So far nothing. I hope that changes as the year goes on
  8. ^ For me, there wasn't any great acting. Nothing really stood out in the film. It basically was a quick intro to a son, a quick explanation of the plot then it just went from scene to scene. Ok, well maybe the Bill Nighy appearance was decent.
  9. The Artist - A Red Tails - B- Haywire - C+ TPM 3D - B Safe House - B+ Chronicle - B John Carter - C+ 21 Jump Street - B The Hunger Games - C+ Wrath of the Titans - C
  10. Saw this last night/this morning. The 3D is better but that is not saying much. The story is worse than the first movie, but it did have a few good CGI money shots. Overall, I would say it is worst than the previous one. Though I am sure some will find it just fun to watch. C+
  11. Yeah this drop fell in line with expectations so it's still a decent number.
  12. at least the important movies are already in the thread
  13. ^ Pretty much sums up how I feel as well.
  14. Yeah, it's not really good or bad. It's an ok number.
  15. Agreed. No shock of it being frontloaded and no shock of the big drop for Monday.
  16. That is my criteria as well. I have to be able to look through my movies and have no problem in seeing it for the 117th time
  17. Yeah that review is pretty much how I felt as well, as can be seen in my quick review early in this thread. I liked it enough and will most likely see the next one, but overall, the movie was just there and nothing stood out to me. I think Bearfighter called it exactly right
  18. The Artist - ARed Tails - B-Haywire - CTPM 3D - BSafe House - B+Chronicle - BJohn Carter - C+21 Jump Street - BThe Hunger Games - C
  19. I couldn't get into the movie. It was pretty generic with nothing sticking out. No emotion and no attachment to any characters. Some bad CGI, but decent acting from the main people so that was a plus. The no name kids acting wasn't great though. It dragged once the games started. I did like how she never ran out of arrows like in most action films with guns.I am probably not the demographic anyway.C
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